The Mission of The Awakened Collective ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
are very happy to be able to share this journey with all of you and to
be able to give you these updates on your progress. We know that it has
been hard there on Earth, and we know that many of you are ready to
shift, to become your higher selves. You have enough awareness to do so,
but you are still there in the fourth dimension because you are there
to shepherd the rest of humanity. You are there to remind them of who
they really are as Source Energy Beings, and the best way to do that is
to show them what it means to be a Source Energy Being, to be an aspect
of Source.
good way for you all to practice living this truth is to not only think
of yourselves as aspects of Source, and then to think, speak, and act
accordingly, but you can also refer to others as aspects of Source when
you are thinking about them, in some cases, even when you are addressing
them. But when strong feelings come up for you about someone and what
they are doing or saying, a good way for you to think about that
situation, that event, that circumstance, is to say to yourself, ‘I
wonder why that aspect of Source is doing that or saying that.’
it is good to practice. It is good to put to practice that which you
know to be true. If you are receiving this transmission, and enjoying
it, then you must know that you and everyone else that you know, and
everyone else that you share your planet with, is an aspect of Source.
You are all pieces of the same one Being, and the same one Being exists
in all of the pieces. That is to us what being awake means, but it’s not
enough to know it. And if you want to put that truth into practice all
the time, then you have to start thinking about others as they truly
are, not as the egos that they are showing, not as the versions of
Source that have all that light and love turned way down.
are there to focus on those individuals in such a way that the light
and love gets turned back up, naturally, because you are holding them in
that space. You are holding them in that knowing that you have in you
of who they really are. That is what’s important. That is how you change
the world. That is how you elevate the consciousness on your world so
that no one wants to do the bad things that you see people doing and
hear about people doing. All of the things that are being done and that
are said that have the potential to throw you back into a place of
judgment, those are the moments when you have to ask yourself why that
aspect of Source might be doing or saying that.
We see this as the mission of the awakened collective, and we see it as something every single one of you can do right now.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
My dearest children, many of you are aware that the time of the Reval
is drawing closer. Enormous strides are currently being made and that
time is very near indeed.
Some of you are making great plans about what you will do with your
windfall; some of these plans reflect the highest vibrations of love and
light, some less so.
It is for this reason, to discuss the subject of money, of pure,
creative energy, that I wish to draw close to you today, my cherished
Many imagine that when you finally have money, significant amounts of
money, perhaps for the first time, you will finally feel able to
breathe, to be free, to choose, to rebalance and realign.
Some of you have thought of wonderful ways of sharing your bounty
with your loved ones. Even more commendable, some of you wish to share
with those that you have never met and will never meet, simply because
they are in need and, whether you know it deep in your bones or not,
they are You; every bit as much as you are Me.
Now, I wish to gently draw your attention to a few points, in the way
that a Mother does, when she knows the pitfalls ahead of her children.
It is widely known that money is not good or bad; it is the way you
use it that reflects the light and the shadow within you. It is to this
point I would like to draw your attention.
As much as you can, use your money so that it may reflect the light
within you, the divine within you, the qualities and virtues that you
have nourished throughout your lifetimes. Let it uplift you and others,
may it free you and others, rather than bind you.
When you consider how to create with this great good fortune,
consider how aligned your creation is with the best of who you are.
It can be tempting to wish to show off, or to teach others ‘a
lesson’; these are parts that require healing, love and nourishment.
They do not need to be condemned, nor do they need to be in the driving
seat when considering how to use your new financial energy.
This money will act like a magic wand; it will transform lives – not
least of all, your physical and spiritual life. Let that transformation
carry within it the quantum power of the light, of divine love, not the
binding, limiting power of darkness, for the time of darkness is fast
drawing to a close.
You are now being given a chance to act, to create as the divine
spark within you, to have the energy to manifest and birth your ideas
into life. EnJoy it! Create in ways that bring joy to you and others.
A topic that is in process of being developed further from where i stopped a while ago within me from having a polya-morous relation with 3 women at the same time , being totally honest about it that did not work in the past to becoming sexually abstinent to becoming more aware of how important this part of my(our) self is through many lucid dreams that drop in ever increasingly now.This conversation covers big part of what i am experiencing and most probably what it is to come in my own terms as in your own terms.Enjoy.
Charlie Ward was a good friend of the Chinese Elders, having worked
with them for 15 years. He was highly trusted globally and had moved
money around the world for many years. He had a number of private
clients, which ranged from the super-rich, to government officials, to
other officials and countries around the globe. He tended to work in the
Middle East, lived in Southern Spain and commuted between Spain and
A lot of Ward’s info came from what he called the Four Walls. He
never said anything unless he had thoroughly vetted it. Ward said,
“People who I work with on the inside in the American government and
other governments gave me an inside track as to what was happening. I
knew that this (GCR) was going to happen last year. I was pre-warned
about it six years ago.”
1:25 The virus, the vaccine, the 5G—all part of a smokescreen. This
has been very carefully planned out for many years by more than 1000
people. [By the Alliance.] This is not a mistake. This is a very, very
carefully well-thought out and well-executed plan.
1:53 And the basics of the plan were for a Global Financial Reset and for Draining the Swamp.
2:30 So the first distraction was obviously, Covid-19. Now, if you
take your eyes away from the mainstream media (MSM) and start
investigating properly instead of believing everything you hear and see
on the television…Start investigating and go to, as an example, The
British Government website, or the WHO website (World Health
Organization,) or the CDC website (Center for Disease Control,) and see
where all of them published, in March 2020, and this is where you need
your 20-20 vision, they all published that Covid-19 Coronavirus had been
downgraded to nothing more than Influenza.
3:21 That puts it below par of Man flu and Man flu is bad… Covid-19
is nothing more than influenza…The reality is less people died in 2020
from influenza, Covid-19 and respiratory problems than have done for the
last 5-years! But we’re in lockdown because it was the perfect
smokescreen, the perfect cover, and the MSM KNOW what’s going on but
they’ve all bought into this smokescreen… so if you only watch MSM
you’ll be in a completely different world to the real people and what’s
really going on.
5:15 So that was the virus. Then of course we go on to the vaccine…
these are all very emotional subjects… it gets you going. Is it going to
be mandatory? Track and trace? Let me stop you right there. Every
government around the world, when this started, was told to create chaos
and fear. That was their mandate. And if we look back, they’ve done a
bloody good job. The virus created chaos and fear. The vaccine created
chaos and fear. 5G created chaos and fear. Riots created chaos and fear.
All pre-planned, I can assure you. Very very well-planned.
6:28 So all of these things are to cover-up what? Draining the swamp.
So who’s in the swamp? For those of you who are a little older you will
have heard of the illuminati. That has been re-branded now to the ‘deep
state.’ These are the people behind-the-scenes who have been
controlling yours and my life for as long as we can remember.
7:00 The Federal Reserve is [was] owned by the Rockefellers, the
Rothschilds and their little group of lads. It’s one of the most corrupt
organizations the world has ever known. They print money. They give it
to us but we have to give it back with tax and interest and that’s
blatant fraud. Known as the Fiat Currency system, corrupt as you’ll ever
ever know. It’s not been backed by gold for many many years. It’s a
corrupt system. So this is part of the deep state.
7:36 Members of Royal families, members of government, powerful
people who are part of these people who control the world. It’s like a
little club.
7:50 So Donald Trump is doing an amazing job because he’s removing
them, but he’s not doing it by himself, oh no, it’s not just the
Americans doing this. Donald Trump is hand in hand with Vladimir Putin,
working very very closely, with Chairman Xi in China and [Prime
Minister] Modi in India. The 4 of them are working very hard to drain
the swamp of these disgusting horrible people who have been controlling
us and destroying our lives.
8:21 And as Donald Trump said, “He’s going to give you back your
Freedom,” which is a God given gift that has been stolen from us. I can
promise you, he’s doing a very good job of that.
8:35 Between when this started and now, just to put it into
perspective, for a few people who haven’t been aware of what’s going on,
he has executed 150,000 subpoenas against people all over the world
that have been involved in corruption.
9:05 The Vatican has been emptied. One of the most corrupt buildings
in the world inside, without you even knowing about it. This is why
Italy went into lockdown, one of the first. They had some serious
arrests to make in Italy, and then you’ve got your Mafia bosses in
Italy, they’ve all now been arrested. That’s only just hit the MSM,
about the Mafia bosses all being arrested.
9:31 There’s 150,000 arrests. Let that sink in how many people that
is. 150,000. That’s a lot of people who’ve been involved in corruption.
We’re going through nothing more than a deep cleansing. We’re going
through a massive period of cleansing. A draining the swamp. Getting rid
of evil.
9:58 It’s not easy. For a lot of people they’ve lost their jobs,
they’ve lost their houses, they’ve lost a lot of things. But I’ll tell
you now you’ll look back at this next year as a minor blip by comparison
to what we’re going to come into, the New World we’re going to come
into. A far cleaner, a far better, a far safer world than we’ve left
So the Deep State, they’ve infiltrated so many areas of our lives.
And then the cabal. Well, who’s the cabal? The deep state and the cabal
are very very closely linked.
10:44 What most of you don’t know, is the CIA is probably the most
corrupt organization the world has ever known, along with NATO. The
cabal… the CIA are in charge of the drug trade worldwide. Cocaine trade,
heroin trade. Everything. They’ve been in control of this for years.
They started it. The CIA. So you now know why we’ve got problems in this
world when you’ve got the CIA that are managing it, running it and
controlling it. Now you know why we’ve got problems.
11:30 This is why Donald Trump very simply never used the CIA or the
FBI to protect him, he’s got his own protection. Along with Vladimir
Putin’s boys, and Chairman Xi’s boys, and Modi’s boys, who are
protecting him [Trump.] It’s very hard to get to him, but they’d love to
get to him at the moment. Oh boy oh boy, he’s bringing down the most
corrupt period of our history you’ll ever know.
12:00 So the Cabal, the drug lords around the world. South America I
know factually there has been thousands of arrests. Italy, Spain, Europe
in general, thousands of arrests. They’re draining the swamp and you’ll
hear him say it. He’s cleaning up the mess.
12:15 But so as not to spook everybody, they’ve come up with this
unusual plan, let’s put it that way; the Coronavirus, the vaccine, 5G,
and the riots.
14:30 I did have an inside track because of people that I work with
on the inside in the American government and other governments, who gave
me an inside track as to what was happening. I knew that this was going
to happen last year. I was pre-warned about it 6-years ago. It’s been
in planning for a while. Then two years ago. Then last December last
year they told me they were ready to start… and everything they told me
has been rolled out to be very very true.
15:03 So the draining of the swamp, the Cabal, the Deep State, that’s
been happening and we’re nearly there. We are nearly there…And there’s a
very easy way for me to tell you that we’re nearly there because once
they lift the restrictions, such as travel, quarantine, once those are
restrictions are lifted, then we’ll know that they’re through the other
side, and suddenly the virus will disappear, not that it was there any
way, it was smoke and mirrors.
15:40 The vaccines… fascinating subject… go and do your own research
don’t take my word for it. Bill Gates has been testing vaccines in India
and in Africa and he’s killed more people than he’s healed and we’re
listening to this bloke. You know, you’re a computer geek, get back in
your box. It’s amazing after money comes power and power corrupts. Boy
hasn’t it corrupted you fella’ …
16:21 The most important thing right now is to stay calm. We’re
nearly there. We’re very nearly there. The Global Financial Reset is
virtually complete. There’s a TREMENDOUS AMOUNT going on behind the
scenes that we can’t see and can’t hear. And when we come out the other
side we’re coming out into a far better world. There’s so many wonderful
surprises on their way to you.
16:53 For those of you who haven’t been on this journey, just Google
NESARA and just have a read-through about NESARA / GESARA, this is the
way that we are moving. Check it out. Don’t take my word for it. Check
it out. That will enlighten you as to where we’re coming from.
18:11 I haven’t even touched this morning on the pedophile gangs,
which is some of the most shocking and disgusting… some of the stuff
I’ve learnt… oh, you just… there’s been so many children that have been
found, and I have hard evidence now of that. They’ve found these
children, and child-trafficking. The trafficking of children and human
beings is a disgusting horrible world that I didn’t want to venture
18:47 I don’t think normal people have any idea or any concept as to
how many children disappear every single year…And I’m going to sicken
you right now. People that we trusted, organizations that we trusted
during times of tragedy… such as, I’m going to name one, Hurricane
Katrina… where lots of people went missing… were basically stolen by
organizations that we trust to look after us in a time of trouble… and
they were trafficked.
19:33 That’s pretty damn disgusting… In times of war… the wars in
Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, the amount of children that were stolen from
those countries is unbelievable. So that the families think that they’ve
died and they haven’t. They’ve been stolen… and this is a world that,
don’t take my word for it, go and do some homework, because it’s
absolutely disgusting
And you’ll start to wake-up to what Donald Trump is actually doing
when he’s draining the swamp…I don’t think… a lot of people have any
idea how dirty that swamp is…how contaminated it is…and when you wake up
to what he’s actually doing…It doesn’t matter if he has funny hair, it
doesn’t matter if he does funny tweets…If he gets rid of one pedophile
gang, saves one woman and child from being trafficked he’s doing a good
job… but he hasn’t… he’s saved thousands, thousands and thousands of
children and families… and there’s NOTHING, NOTHING in the MSM… you
should be ashamed of yourselves, totally ashamed of yourselves. It’s
The 2 weeks period, that begun on August 21st, will include some decisive moments which will determine to a great degree how the battle between the positive and negative timelines will play out. Although the positive end result is secured, the way to there is not, and the Light Forces are asking everybody to do the Flower of Life meditation as often as they feel guided, in the two period weeks especially: They are also asking people to visualize the Flower of Life grid encompassing the planet and helping to harmonize the situation:
Visualizing planet Earth and especially the planetary surface completely immersed in pink Light is also helpful.
There will be two key moments where more massive participation in the Flower of Life meditation would be advised.
The first one is the moment of Mars Saturn square which occurs on Monday, August 24th at 6:19 pm GMT. Flower of Life meditation at that moment will help dissipating the violent energy in the planetary energy field which will reach its peak at that moment. The second one is the moment of heliocentric Eris Pluto square which happens on Monday, August 31st at 12PM (noon) GMT. Flower of Life meditation at that moment will help supporting the Light Force fleets which will be involved in critical operations in the Solar system and in sublunar space at that time.
If i have to give a name for my current work/job it is :To Remain High Vibrational 24/7.
Everything that i do goes through what i like to call FEEL-fulness filter:How does this feel if i do this and how can i feel better while doing this? Same way as mindfulness yet more centered in the way i feel as the way i feel creates magnetizes to me the things i want.
Thoughts have electric power,Feelings have magnetizing power.
And with the intention to Feel More Than Fine i magnetize to myself all circumstances,people,things that work for my highest good.Yes,there are still things,people,circumstances in my reality that i do not like and hence creating the contrast for what i am thankful because it gives me the impulse to create an ever better reality for myself and hence for all the people,things and circumstances i magnetize to myself.
And when i speak in singular,i am also speaking for you as in me as there is only YOU,IAM the ONE and WG1WGA (Where I Go One,We Go All)
So by becoming aware of my responsability in being a steward of the way i feel 24/7 and by intending to be in the higher emotional fields of joy,love,compassion and gratitude i am serving the whole.And all i need to do is entrain myself to stay here 24/7.From here everything comes to me with ease and grace and flow.How wonderful,amazing,awesome to be aware of this and keep on keeping on,being the observer of all that i am attracting and the overseer of how can i become even better in the ART of feeling more than fine at all times,everywhere with who ever i am with :
”I go out and look up the sky and all around me :Source/Universe/God i acknowledge that i am the object of your positive attention and today wherever i go,whatever i do and with who ever i do it with, i also know you will also be there uplifting me,supporting me,helping me,assisting me,loving me,manifesting with me,inspiring me,giving me clarity,protecting me,healing me,reminding me to be loving and forgiving…getting into this endless loop of throughts that feel good and entraining myself to keep the frequency high within as the way i feel shows clearly how aligned i am with source/higher self or not.” – Thank You Abraham Hicks!-