A message from Commander Ashtar I am Ashtar Sheran and again, I have a message for those of the Light.
In these trying times of change, there is more afoot than you may realize.
You hear of changes being made at the political level, and you see the power shifting away from the Cabal to that of the White Hats.
With such a leader as Trump, who steadfastly holds his course despite many threats to his well being and that of his family, yes, he receives them even from the general public. Despite these threats, he stays his course.
We of the Light have sworn to protect his family from harm in return for his work to set your world straight. Many of you know it was end game as the New world order was to implement its final stages in order to enslave you.
You see the power struggle being played out in front of you. Dr Faucci has gone into hiding now that his connection between Covid 19 and Bill Gates has been made public. What prompted his disappearance was the release of the Wikileaks papers which will implicate him to the public and expose his diabolical plot to innoculate all humans with controlling technology.
The cabal are well aware that the public sentiment towards them will change, and they fear it.
This is about power for your world, and particularly for North America as the power holders shift from dark to Light. This is being carried out in front of you, the public, in order that your power too may swing and it has.
Many more are awakening to the truth and they realize that all was not as it was professed to be.
In other parts of the world, world leaders are subjected to change as well. Kim Jong has been proclaimed to be dead but this is not the truth. In fact he is alive, however that it was indicated in the press that he was dead is a threat to him and you must realize that this is what is going on in your media – threats are being printed in American newspapers, knowing that they will be seen by the ones who the threat is directed towards. And the threateners were indeed the Rockefeller faction of the Illuminati.
A few years ago, a missile was launched appearing to be from North Korea, aimed at Hawaii in an attempt to break off friendship between the White Hats and Kim Jong. It was not successful. Now this threat is another attempt at threatening Jong-un off. They don’t want to see Korea re-united as their prototype society would then be released to freedom. In the same way that Germany was re-united in 1990, fascism would take another hit. But it is due to happen.
As for CoVid 19, hardest hit areas are quarantined and measures are sufficient now to isolate them. The spread is minimal at this point. New measures are being sought and spoken of for the first time by the president. Why? To shift the power away from the pharmaceutical industry towards healing modalities that actually work. With the lockdown being so severe, people are now willing to embrace new ideas. They are seeing the old didn’t work and new measures are being embraced as they are being introduced by your leaders.
This will be one win at a time. We would love to see a grand wave of new awareness sweep over your planet but it won’t be like this. It will be one issue with new solutions, over and over until finally the cabal are powerless and the world has turned away from the old regime. This will take time and patience.
Relief funding is being issued to those who are not working and have lost income. This same network will be used in issuing the St Germaine funds when the time is ready. Were so much money to be issued to your people now, they would not understand. So it is being introduced slowly as relief money at a time when they are in need of it. It is about getting your people to accept and embrace the changes.
With more payments comes also the ensuing upset to your society as people no longer need to work. Again, this is a large change and needs to be introduced slowly. There is also the suspicion that the government is attempting to control, and so these funds have to be introduced at a palatable rate when the timing indicates otherwise.
We are attempting to quell any rioting or revolt against measures to liberate your planet.
People on the planet are ready to rebel to the imposed control over their lives, not understanding that working for a living is more controlling of their lives than requiring them to stay home and relax.
To change the status quo that has been in place for so long takes small steps, and then observation of the result. Correction may be required. Your people will be asked to tolerate frequent small changes rather than fewer larger changes. We believe this is the way to acclimate them to the new GESARA based system that is coming in.
Again, We Are Here With You, Always.
Daily Archives: July 9, 2020
Creating Financial Freedom And All Other Forms of Abundance.
I AM a being of violet fire I AM the purity of God’s desires I AM a being of violet fire I AM the fulfillment of the Mother’s desires-Saint Germain-
Linda Dillon: St. Germaine – Sign Your Declaration of Freedom
Write across the sky, the oceans, and on each person’s heart that you encounter, write the word LOVE …
Linda: How we’re going to start this morning, or this afternoon, wherever you are, is to go into our hearts. And I have chosen… I was guided, actually, to choose a piece of music that I haven’t listened to for a while that actually came to us via Liz Chandler.
What I want you to do to get started is to close your eyes and go into your heart, and the vision I want you to hold is that you’re coming with me and yes, St. Germaine, to the south of France and that we’re in the middle of the miles and miles of lavender fields.
The guidance from St. Germaine and from the Council today is to open our hearts bigger and broader than we ever have. So, how you do that… open your crown to allow this energy to enter you, the beautiful blue-violet flame, the scent of lilac, of lavender, the color of Siberian iris, and just sink into your heart as we begin…
“Open Your Heart” by Jessica Noe from the album Calling in the Angels
(Available in the Spirit Store on the COL website… www.counciloflove.com )
And now, feel yourself repeating to yourself, or out loud… out loud is good… the sweet little mantra of St. Germaine:
I AM a being of violet fire
I AM the purity of God’s desires
And he added this this morning:
I AM a being of violet fire
I AM the fulfillment of the Mother’s desires
So, say it and go deeper into your heart:
I AM a being of violet fire
I AM the purity of God’s desires
I AM a being of violet fire
I AM the fulfillment of the Mother’s desires
It’s so important during these times of change that we fully remember, and anchor, and embody, and feel empowered, that in fact, we are the Mother’s boots on the ground. That we are the ones, in form, on planet, as ascended beings, that we’re bringing forth the Dream… and we know that if the Mother has a Dream that it’s already fait accompli, it’s a done deal.
And so, here we are at a time of such monumental, phenomenal, incredible… how many adjectives shall we use?… we’re on the edge of this shift. One of the things that the Council said in a reading, I think this week, was that we didn’t have to look at this as jumping the Grand Canyon. That instead we could be in the middle of the prairies, we could be driving across Kansas, and there’s just a slight dip in the road, a little hill, and we’re on the brow of the hill. Now we’re going down, and now we’re going up. And as we’ve been told by the Mother so many times, we’re not just looking to what’s on the horizon, we’re looking past the horizon. That’s what the collective is counting on us for… not to just see what’s there on the horizon but to really hold the vision, and be the vision, and the fulfillment of the vision of what lies beyond the horizon. And we know this; we know it in our hearts and in the very core of our being, that’s why we’re here.
So, with that, I’m going to move aside for St. Germaine… St. Germaine is reminding me of this song from when I was a kid called “The Purple People Eater”… so, I guess he wants to be humorous today…
Greetings, I AM St. Germaine. You can call me whatever you want, for I have gone by many names, as you know, and lived in many centuries… yes, including the times of birth of this country called the United States of America. And I wish to speak of this today, not to ignore the rest of the beloved planet, because what I say that is applicable to this country is applicable to all nations everywhere… here and far beyond.
The channel has reminded you, and I have nudged her to remind you, that when the Mother dreams that is Her Creation. It is the intention, and the manifestation, and the stillpoint all at once, in the infinite, perfect moment of Creation. And my beloved friends, that is where you are at this moment. And yes, of course, I give you, I offer you, and I stand by you with my Violet Flame, with this I AM Presence.
I want to remind you of some things… you do not fight for freedom, you do not struggle for independence, it is your divine birthright, it is the essence of your divine authority. When this country of the United States has come to this time of declaration of independence, that was what was required… a declaration, a declaration that tyranny, oppression, was not acceptable. The dream for this country and for this entire planet is that it is a place of freedom, it is the living, the manifestation, the clarity, of divine authority, of creativity, of liberty, in the deepest meaning of that word, of that term, this small term that encompasses so much and that is a direct reflection of the Divine.
Now, has this plan gone awry? Oh yes, most certainly, because there has been a clinging… oh, I could give you the list… lack, limitation, death, disease – especially disease, – abuse of authority. But it is the paradigm and it is the dream in every person’s heart… that is what defines you as Nova Gaian, it is the reawakening of the dream. And you dream, and you insist, and you live in the freedom of your being, in your divine right authority to choose, not in domination, or interference with one another, or over one another. That will never work, it never has. You have plenty of history to demonstrate that!
Cruelty has never been an expression of the I AM, and neither is complacency. You cannot declare yourself as an ascending, ascended, being, and step back and say, “Oh, I don’t want to be involved.” I would say to you, “Then why are you here?” There are about a handful of beings that have literally been sent as intergalactic observers… a handful out of billions. Everybody else shared in the dream. Yes, even those that you discern went way off track… they are like the lost sheep, the lost lamb that Yeshua has always gone back and claimed.
Even in my life as Count, there were many of you that were near and dear heart friends. And to tell you the truth, we agreed on most things, but what I often found most stimulating was what I would call the straddlers, those who would sit on the fence, those who sometimes just liked a good argument or discussion. They were not recalcitrant in their opinions, but they wanted to have the mental, emotional discussion on why I would suggest proceeding in liberty and in equality.
Equality has been one of the greatest challenges of this planet, of the collective, since the beginning, since the fall of the Creator Race, since Atlantis, even Lemuria. And you see it in the arrogance and the lack of empathy, that those who wish to rule who consider themselves ‘above’ or superior. And you see it in those that have actually embodied and bought that they are less than. Now, all of you have had moments, situations, often with your family, when you have felt less than… and I thank the Mother/Father/One that you have let that go. But you recall that sense of desolation in that emotional, spiritual, physical moment. And you do not wish that for any who walk upon sweet Gianna, who do not smell the blossoms, that do not smell the lavender because they are feeling so fearful, that they are hungry, and they are cold, they do not have shelter or food. That is not of love.
You are at the point in the Mother’s Pause… which comes in waves… of deciding, not only beloveds what you value for you, for your beloveds, for your family, for your community, but what do you value for Nova Earth? It cannot work if some are cold and hungry. It cannot work if there are those that feel entitled to more. That is why I used to manifest precious gems, to share them, to throw them, to give them away. Because it is not meaningful to own what cannot be shared graciously and with the deepest gratitude of knowing there is more. The Mother is not a stingy Quartermaster. Gaia is not reservedly hoarding her precious supplies. All are meant as angels, and humans, and star-seed, and earth-keepers, are meant to come to express and experience love. And that cannot fully happen if there is not divine authority freedom.
You, my beloveds, as we sit together throwing open your heart, not merely to walk in the lavender fields with me but to walk on the oceans, and the deserts, and the ridge of the highest mountain. You are here to love. Think of it in this way… if there is any impediment to love, you have the tools! Yes, think of it… recalcitrant emotions – and this belongs in every sector – fight fire with fire. Use my Violet Flame, I have given it to you time and time and time again, and I give it to you again today. Take it and write across the sky, the oceans, and on each person’s heart that you encounter, write the LOVE and allow it to ignite, not abuse of authority but equality, and freedom, and justice, and fairness, and kindness, and compassion.
This is the world that you are creating. This is the world that we, as masters, come to walk with you upon again. This is the world your star brothers are co-creating with you through the delegations… even as we speak. It is not some distant future, it is not even next week, it is right now.
So, come and join me. Sign your Declaration of Freedom and celebrate, celebrate with me. Celebrate your divine authority and your divine right to choose. And having made that choice, do not sit at home… no, I do not mean go out and share germs, for it is real… but do not sit at home and whither away. Claim your planet, claim your life, and we are here to assist in greatest joy, in frivolous and monumental excitement. I will meet you just beyond the horizon.
Go with my love. Farewell.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2020 Council of Love, Inc.
This channeled material is protected by copyright. We invite you to share it on condition that it is used in its entirety, that no alteration is made, that it is free of charge, and that the copyright notice, channel credit, website link, and this statement are posted. [Full terms of copyright at https://counciloflove.com/copyright-notice/]
The shift into conscious creation will come when you begin to acknowledge and celebrate your dream’s true existence from that moment of discovery and enjoy it all the way into form.-AA Gabriel-
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young for July 8, 2020
trinityesoterics.com: https://tinyurl.com/yc57szga
If you have an awareness of something you desire, whether it has come to you in a dream or through meditation, the human reaction is to start to wonder when it will show up. You see it as being something the future will bring.
What we wish for you to understand is that if you have connected with it, it already exists. You are already in relationship with it. And that change of perspective is how you grow and anchor that experience into your physical reality – by honouring its presence in your life now, rather than seeing it as something outside of yourself that will come to you at some future, unknown point.
Your acceptance of the fact that it already exists, even if it is in energetic form, is what aligns you into a deepening of the experience and grows it into tangible, physical form. This is what keeps you in the joy of its unfoldment into creation rather than the frustration of seeing it as perpetually coming and never quite arriving.
All great manifestations are born as energy first (as above, so below) and your relationship with any creation starts with your very first idea of it. The shift into conscious creation will come when you begin to acknowledge and celebrate your dream’s true existence from that moment of discovery and enjoy it all the way into form.
I can tell you with no hesitation and with great joy, that this time, “good” is going to win…and win big!-JFK-
July 7, 2020
Channeled Message from John F. Kennedy via email
My most beloved patriots – I am so very happy to be able to speak with you at this time. I have been waiting for this moment of time to happen…where we are so very close to changing the world.
I have been watching events from afar but I was waiting for the right time to come back and provide a series of messages from the perspective that I currently have and also from the experiences which I had while I was on earth many years ago.
As my muse has felt many times lately, part of the reason that I want to leave these messages is because I have experienced various lessons learned from the past and I would like to pass that along at this time so others may also learn from them.
There is so much going on right now in the world and most especially in the United States. My heart breaks to see so much chaos, confusion and destitution. There are so very many people who are confused, depressed and feeling very disappointed with how the world is appearing to be. They would like to feel hopeful instead of hopeless.
They would like to feel pride in whatever they are doing in the moment and they want to show others that there are many things about which to be prideful. In these days there are so many different factions and opinions that are bandied about and people will wonder what they can do to right things in this world.
My suggestion right now is, for those who have faith, and believe in a hopeful future, to use that faith steadfastly, right now, and to invest their time and thoughts toward a better future…a more positive future. I would suggest that many of you tune out, as they say, much of the rhetoric and disparaging newscasts that are just trying to instill fear and not hope.
This is one way that one can determine who to listen to…and that is who provides hope for the future. Sometimes that hope may not initially be obvious in the messages you read from some of your beloved patriots and others, but you can discern from what they are saying that there is still hope, embedded in their thoughts and actions.
There are other media factions where there is no hope embedded in their thoughts and actions whatsoever. It disturbs me greatly to see that even after all these years since I have been absent, so much of the media is still the same…if not worse even, at this time.
There are times from when I was president where my own thoughts and actions did not embed hope for the future as much as I would have liked. I was not as cognizant as I should have been as to what my actions and thoughts were conveying to my constituents…to those who believed in me.
I have been watching throughout these many years, the various politicians and what they are saying and doing, and truth be told…I am sorry to be blunt…but they have not been saying much, or doing much, for the people…for you, the patriots. It bothers me to no end that we have had so many years to learn our lessons from our somewhat sordid history, and yet, here we are…with very few lessons learned.
However, I will say that we are in the most wonderful of times right now, even though it surely does not appear to be the case at the moment. Those of you who are patriots however, and believe in America’s hopeful future…you do know in your heart of hearts that it is truly happening, and it is happening now.
This hopeful future is what we all must believe in and discuss amongst each other so that we might build our numbers to become a mighty force in this literal fight of good versus evil…and it may sound cliche to say but I can tell you with no hesitation and with great joy, that this time, “good” is going to win…and win big!
I think I will leave this particular message with that joyful thought so that all of you patriots may also feel the joy that is coming, and coming soon. Please persist in your individual callings regarding America and the world’s hopeful future because each and every one of you has a very important part to play in it.
I believe in all of you…each and every one of you, so very much…and I just have to say at this time…Where We Go One, We Go All.
Your ever-devoted, Jack.
Channeled by Losha
if you want to create that beautiful, new, fifth-dimensional Earth, then you must go within. You find that light, that joy, that laughter, and that love, because those are the colors that you want to paint your portrait of the new Earth with. You have the ability to do this right now, and no one and nothing can hold you back.-The Arcturians via Daniel Scranton-
![how you will get to the new 5D earth - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael](https://ci5.googleusercontent.com/proxy/YPyrwVwI9Fsdp2mfH-XhaSHUl8zCC5cFgO9HHbzfe0mr8n-Cf1i-H1s4q58ll_lpWBT5D7HA1VyfameZwpt22fpk1TuHTm_GuruiXAf3G-wbTrV82xvtyC9iDC8tIoMNPvvQoEelxUewHPXSakPoqIEIXVmo3lva4VTBVBZp0jpeJarCaGb2ZfcevcsH3BdHCgjrw1oXO-ZKgVVTrQ6TqgNoDMejonLtFF7vwy2w8E_JN8ROZhbICSfnmlDF=s0-d-e1-ft#https://danielscranton.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/how-you-will-get-to-the-new-5D-earth-the-9th-dimensional-arcturian-council-channeled-by-daniel-scranton-400x250.jpg)
How You Will Get to the New 5D Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very encouraged by the signs that we see of improvement there on your world. We are noticing how many of you are letting go of layers upon layers of distortion and illusion and finally getting to the core of who you are as beings of magic, beings of love, beings of joy, light, and laughter. You are creating the fifth-dimensional Earth with what is inside of you.
When you strip away another layer of that which has no longer served you for quite some time, you get to that core, you get to the heart center, the aspect of you that is so ready to put all of the pieces together and to have that whole self reflected back to you as the world you are living on. We know that it is easier to look outside of yourself and play the blame game. We know that you have done this, and we know that you are getting tired from pointing those fingers and shaking those fists.
We can feel that there are enough of you there on Earth who are willing to do what you know you need to do in order to create and inhabit the fifth-dimensional Earth experience. You will get to that plane of existence because of your willingness to recognize that anything and anyone that is outside of you is also inside of you. And when you can make peace with all of the various energies that are out there and also within you, then you can start to recognize the signs that a new day is upon you.
You are a part of a movement, and that movement is about co-creating a new age, an age of enlightenment, and you are going to get there by focusing inside of yourselves, on that which you know is at your core, that which is beyond all of the illusions. Some people on your world refer to the illusion as ‘The Matrix,’ and we understand why they do so. But we are not talking about science fiction when we talk to you about the mechanics of your universe. There are no villains in your story. There is you as a Source Energy Being, creating experiences for yourselves.
And if you want to create that beautiful, new, fifth-dimensional Earth, then you must go within. You find that light, that joy, that laughter, and that love, because those are the colors that you want to paint your portrait of the new Earth with. You have the ability to do this right now, and no one and nothing can hold you back.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”