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Allow fear to shift into your background for a time so you can fully experience and yes, trust that joy is now your key component.
Dear Ones,
Many of you are questioning the validity of our assertion a few days ago that you merely need to walk through the door when you are ready, and you will be in joy. Such is so for your life has not yet expressed itself in sparkling joy. In truth, your life may feel cumbersome, even painful.
Let go.
If you feel as described, you are hanging onto your 3D comforts or knowingness with your fingernails – afraid to let go and yet not able to climb back into 3D. You are in a void of beingness. Let go.
You will not harm yourself. You will not fail. Let go.
Many of you are proclaiming that you have let go. We beg to differ. If you feel fear, anger, pain or any emotion other than joyful anticipation, you continue your 3D efforts.
You protest that last statement by reminding us that fear, pain, and anger remain part of your paint palette – true. But this is not the time to explore those elements. In 3D, you were almost uncomfortable with sparkling joy. Even though you felt joy perhaps even bliss, your overriding 3D emotion was fear.
You have transitioned beyond overriding fear to minimal fear. Your fear now is as joy once was.
We have attempted numerous techniques to expedite your joy emotions from sending joyful love energies to reminding you of your true being. All of which have encouraged you to ALMOST let go of your 3D being.
Let go. For as we stated just a few days ago, millions are awakening. It is time to start your role, so those awakening have something or someone to guide them.
Perhaps you believe you completed your transition with minimal help and those following can do the same. Ah. That is where we disagree. You are the Olympic stars who exposed your hidden agenda when you began your transition. The same is not necessarily true for those following. Even though some are second level Olympic champions, the majority are novices without prior preparation or knowledge.
They know they feel different. They know they want to experience love and joy because they are tired of fear, but they are not necessarily driven or tuned-in as was true for you.
So it is they are wondering in the desert waiting for someone to tap their new needs not knowing how to do so on their own. Your role is to lead them to the light. Not by commanding or insisting, but just by being of the light.
Once you fully let go and fall into joy, your sparkle, your radiance will encourage others to do the same. This encouragement is much different from what is true of some of your 3D salespersons. It is not about sales, but instead, display. Similar to someone walking past a display window and realizing they want what is displayed in that window.
Your role is not sales, it is being in joy and love.
Of course, such appears difficult or maybe even uncomfortable now for you continue to hold on by your fingernails to what was. It is past time to let go and display your true being.
How many friends, relatives, or acquaintances do you know currently displaying their true joy without fear or anger? So it is that you are not alone in holding on as long as you can to that 3D ledge.
But you and your star travel buddies are not of the earth to continue 3D fear. Your role is to fully display 5D or beyond joy and love. Such cannot happen as long as you feel the need to be of 3D in even the most minimal way.
You will know if you are one of those holding on if you felt even a twinge of anger the past few days. Anger is not terrible or bad just not where you wish to be now.
Let go. You will not fail or fall to your destruction. Instead, you will blossom into your role.
Many of you are waiting for a bolt of lightning or a Universal message telling you who you should be. You decided who you wanted to be in this lifetime eons ago and have been practicing since. Once you let go, you will merely fall onto your cloud, your mattress, your star of joy. You will guide yourself to your role after you do for it is so deeply ingrained within you that no one but you can determine who you are now – not yesterday, nor tomorrow – now.
Perhaps you question that thought for you have no idea who you are. You know that love and joy are paramount, but not how those emotions will play out in your life. Neither do we. Are you a gardener expressing love in natural beauty or a creator of new forms of government? Only you know and will display once you let go.
You will not break or be ostracized. You will not negate or leave your current life unless you now have an overriding need to do so. You will merely claim true you in love and joy. Allow fear to shift into your background for a time so you can fully experience and yes, trust that joy is now your key component. And once you do others will follow gladly.
Given the choice of sparkly joy or deep fear, which would you choose? So do so. Let go and let yourself be. Others will follow for earth beings, as a whole, are tired of fear. They merely need displays of joy to jump on the joy bandwagon. You are that display. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2018, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.
Remain Sovereign At All Costs
The universe is you.

“One of you is enough. Two of you increases the power exponentially. When you have a desire for something, and there is another in your immediate experience who has the same desire, and you come together with one another to amplify each other’s desire, you have such power. And the power that you have is not a fraction of what it could be if everyone in your world, or in your Universe, shared the same desire. There is no need for everyone to be on board with your desires. They can all have what they want, and you can have what you want because you do not have to experience the same world or the same universe.
You can all experience whatever universe you want to experience because you are the universe. The universe is you. But when you come together with another, and you share that similar desire to have an experience together or to have an experience of the world, there is electricity that moves between you that grounds your desire. You create a trinity with Source, with All That Is, when the two of you hold the same desire. It is like creating a base in a three-sided shape. A foundation. There is simply more power. So even though you do not need anyone else to experience the world you want to experience, it is fun to have that experience of the electricity moving through you and between you and to share that experience of power and influence.
Now, imagine a third person enters the equation. Now you have a three-dimensional pyramid shape running electricity between all three of you, and to Source at the same time, from each of you. Now imagine the power in that, holding the energy at the base of the structure, between the three of you. This is a very a real thing we are talking about. This is not a metaphor or a faery tale. We are giving you the mechanics of creation and of power structures. That is why you have your pyramids on the planet, because that shape is a very powerful shape.
So, we tell you this because we want you to use the tools that you have to create what you want and to play together, to have fun with your abilities. And we look forward to seeing what it is you create.”
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Your work to build up the new Earth has now started.
I am Judas Iscariot and I have come to today to calm you all. It might seem as if nothing is happening, but much is happening behind the scene. The world is on fire dear friends. The world is on fire with light. It is a beautiful fire that sweeps over Earth today. It is a fire that unstoppably penetrates everywhere and loosens up even the worst of blockages. There is nowhere to hide now, my dear friends. Follow the light or remain in the darkness. The choice is yours, you have your free will and it can never be taken away from you. My advice is to follow the light. All of you who are tired of the dark seek the light in your heart. You can find it there and it has always been there. It has waited and waited for you to one day open the door so that it could come out and begin to shine inside you. It is your helper and companion and leads you home – Home to the beautiful abode of light and love from where you once came. So, hurry up now dear children on Earth, the door is open, you just have to step in.
Your work to build up the new Earth has now started. The work has started. It is now that you will assume your part of the responsibility to restore Earth to an organically sustainable society with all the resources and technologies that are available. The time is now, dear children on Earth. The light will not be kept waiting. It shines extra strong now and forces changes in both the Earth and in the minds. It is a large upheaval that is on the way. It is a large change on the way and it will not be like where you have lived. Neither can it be that way, as you all have been included in a fair and above all loving way on Earth today. This is true for all that live here as you have not even included the whole of humanity you have not included other life forms on Earth either. This is what the largest change is. The whole of humanity will be included as well as all other life forms on Mother Earth.
These are fantastic and wonderful times that are here now and we are very proud and happy for this great fantastic work that you have already done. We rejoice with you dear Earthlings, as you are now moving towards the land of your dreams. You are building up your new reality with true beauty and love for all life. Today the forests hold their breath. The animals smell expectantly a new dawn in the wind. The wind comes with new messages and the air is being cleansed from all toxins it has been exposed to. Earth will again be cultivated in an organic and considerate way. This has already started in many places on our Earth. The sun shines brighter than before. It is not encumbered as before. Things happen at all levels my dears. It happens in both the macro and the micro. What happens in the macro also happens in the micro… in your bodies, yes all the bodies that now are on Earth. It is going faster and faster, but do not be afraid, the body works at its own pace and you follow behind at your own pace. You are One, you are synchronized, you will get the time you need. It is your own choice as to which path you follow.
One of our jobs on Earth can be to develop yourselves and that is quite enough, my friends, quite enough. It gives us all the light we need to move on now. Many lights, many hearts give much a great push forward with changing our reality to a lighter reality. That is how it is. The more light the faster we can change the reality we live in to one of light and love for all and everyone. You can start dear children on Earth. You are on your way and nothing can change this.
God bless you!
Much love,
Objective News Channel.
What is so special about America?
Royals and Chinese Family are releasing funds for Humanity.
Jerzy: This is a wonderful time for Humanity
Machinery of Global Reset is moving forward at 100 miles now.
Currency changes are going on.
It is all beginning.
Banks received final docs and has issued a clearance which allows paymaster to get funds within the next 24 hours and then we will receive their first funds for the infrastructure.
Royals and Chinese Family are releasing funds for Humanity.
The System we are in will be changing. Common Law will come in and fair tax system for the people. It is to be done as quickly as possible.
Made in the USA label will be sought after .
Amazing time for the people of the USA.
Royals and Chinese family are both saying the same thing about the GCR.
Will: Rumor mill is in high gear. Loads of misinformation.
Doug: The USA will be restored to the organic Constitution.. and then we will see other countries following and doing the same thing.
Won’t see the news in Cabal controlled media.. Look for information in Chinese papers, Vietnam papers.. etc.
Will: We are going to see Abundance on the planet like we have never seen before.
Is Marijuana Good For Spiritual Growth?
-When you engage in any substance your susceptible on taking on the programs of this substance ,each substance has its own frequency,its own vibration.Each substance has an origin and you engage with this origin and you are feeding it with your own energy.
-Earth reaching 288 Hz beginning of March.
This and More In This Video by Suzie Beiler.