Category Archives: Sandra Walter

Zero Point provides instant manifestation, and that frequency is being used across the realms to provide new experiences. Focus on becoming the true Creator being you are, and SO IT IS.

Blessings Beloveds ~

Sending you integration LoveLight for the reality-shifting waves flowing through Gaia in this Now.

Magnetic shifts are DNA shifts. DNA fields are reconnecting, strands are rebundling to provide a new experience. Many have noted stronger visions, dreams, lightbody expansion and thinning of the veils right now.

Magnetic shifts open us to cosmic forces, objects, and stargate energies. Intentions manifest faster, as well as revealing what impedes your desires. Magnetic Field Shifts are shutting down draining programs and amplifying the Crystalline grid. In the linear, it shows up as Schumann waves, Solar activity and geomagnetic storms.

Bliss, Freedom and Crystalline DNA codes are amplifying. Be acute about where you put your focus. If you focus on problems or negative narratives, you receive stronger problems. Time to shed the energetic support for what you do not desire to experience.

The Crystalline field is getting stronger, which provides a faster feedback loop; a shorter gap between thought – and – experience. Zero Point provides instant manifestation, and that frequency is being used across the realms to provide new experiences. Focus on becoming the true Creator being you are, and SO IT IS.

All focus on the true light and creating the New. Personal and collective discrepancies are resolved through Divine Neutrality and broadcasting the pure Crystalline frequency of the Unified Source-thru-Self.

Kindwhile, a new energy aimed at reality-shifting is coming next month.

Full Moon Saturday February 27 at 12:19AM PST

With deep shifts in progress, be acute in your ceremonies if you have them. As always, Gatekeepers use the global moon focus to bring in Freedom codes and compassionately override manipulations in the field, simply by bringing in the Christed Light frequencies as the autonomous force of Source. This creates balance, then overriding by the higher vibration, migrating the collective to the New Earth realms. Full support for the positive New Earth Crystalline Moon expression. Crystals may want to stay inside for this one.

Embracing a new reality requires releasing the old one.


Celebrating 5 years of SUNday Unity Meditation.

Join our tribe.

Blessings Beloveds ~

Our Revelation Wave delivered a massive plasma influx this week with geomagnetic storms, Schumann spikes and reality-shaking energies.

Gratitude to all staying as balanced, harmonious and compassionate as possible in this Now. The Revelation Wave peaks next week (January 22) and sets a new energy in motion. I spoke with Todd Medina on Soulogy last Wednesday about the current state of consciousness. Video link lower in this update.
SUNday Unity Meditation Changes

Our start times are now at 5AM, 8AM and 11AM Pacific Standard Time (UTC – 8), just 11 minutes earlier. We meditate for 30 minutes.

As a collective dedicated to Peace and Unity – in a period where disharmony can be challenging – I AM inviting everyone to share the meditation announcements, or reach out to a group, or comment/share the posts on social media.

We are stepping into a unique revelation of Unity Consciousness. The ability to tap into the field and co-create balance, healing and Ascension simply by opening as ONE with our Divine Hearts during these sessions will be powerful.

Details, new graphics for sharing and moreHERE

The Revelation Waves are consistent Source-encoded plasma waves which push the higher agendas to reveal, free and empower HUmanity. -Sandra Walter Ascension Energies Update-

Blessings Beloveds ~
I AM sending everyone Divine LoveLight and strength as we hold the balance during some rapid-fire changes in this Now. Embodiment of these higher frequencies changes everything; this is our Divine Service in this Now. The BEcoming.

The Revelation Waves are consistent Source-encoded plasma waves which push the higher agendas to reveal, free and empower HUmanity. They will be strong over the next two weeks as we complete this Gateway. Revelation is a theme throughout 2021.

Choice of reality becomes clearer and more refined as we enter the seven realms of New Earth.

I AM grateful to work with the siSTARhoods and Brotherhoods of the organic Ascension during this passage. Obviously, there is a lot unfolding on a cosmic scale. Dismantling, revelation and sleight-of-hand indeed. A true test of Faith in each other as well as Source. Trust Divine Love.

Resist the Distractions: More time with Gaia, more time in the Creator State, less time in the fray of online assumptions about what is and is not true.

Dismantling of distortions affects all realms. Let the revelations go deep. Deeper than any disclosure, deeper than any belief. This is a passage for core change. Realities will crumble this year. Stay flexible, clear, pliable in all expressions – physical and nonphysical.

This transformational passage includes simultaneous creation of the New. All choices amplified, let’s use that energy. As always, Don’t watch the old burn, get on with creating the New.

As we embrace our empowered Creator HUman State, we reflect what is happening on a cosmic scale. We cleanse and clear distortions, and redesign our journeys to reflect our highest trajectory, highest level of service. We simultaneously shift the inner, and express it in the outer.

One of my first steps was a new logo and renaming the High Vibe Tribe. Feel into the Light codes and intentions of leveling up to the Crystalline Collective.

I will give you a sneak peek preview of my new services and upgrades next week.

SUNday Unity Meditations

We celebrate our 5 year Anniversary of Global Mass Meditations this year.

NOW MORE THAN EVER, our Unity is needed and truly affects the collective outcomes.

We have had a dramatic increase in the presence of Higher BEingness during our meditations. Whomever you resonate with – Angelics, Masters, Galactics, Divine Mother, Heavenly Father, Paradise SUNs and Daughters – call them in to co-create an infusion of Divine LoveLight into all willing hearts and DNA during our sessions.

Please invite anyone who needs support, heart activation or a light quotient boost to join us.

We unite every SUNday. We have a small change to our SUNday Unity Meditation sessions. Our start times for synchronization are now at 5AM, 8AM and 11AM Pacific Standard Time (UTC – 8), just 11 minutes earlier. We meditate for 30 minutes.

Offline, to activate the organic unified HUman heart connection.Β  Details HERE

The Revelation Wave Ebook

Receive or share this free ebook full of guidance for this reality-shifting phase of our Ascension HERE

I AM eternally grateful and honored to share this journey with you.

From the Divine field of Love and Unity Consciousness, let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!
In Love, Light and Service,

It’s Raining Crystalline Plasma :: Happy Now Year!

Blessings Beloveds ~
It is raining Crystalline plasma on this lovely Solar System of ours! Stargates are wide open and streaming pure, refined light. Gaia may request your Presence outside on the land to serve as a conduit, and integrate these frequencies into the collective DNA. Notice how your lightbody, heart and pineal respond to this plasma.

The new Freedom codes increase in intensity as the revelation Wave continues. We are midway through the initial energies which create deep shifts in perception.

Plasma, a form of water, holds codes for restructuring realities. Crystalline frequencies hold multidimensional information. Crystalline Plasma is delivering veil-thinning in this Now, with ever-increasing intensity. Combine Crystalline plasma with magnetic shifts and we have a formula for deep collective change. Permanent change. As always, it begins within.

This is a year for Self-Realization. The internal Creator State overwhelms the outer consciousness, leading to embodiment of pure Source-encoded light. The True Self, walking as the open door; the stargate of Source.

This passage causes deep peace in the Ascending collective. The zero-point, full-stop sensation rewrites your fields, awareness, creations and perception. It can be subtle and frequent, or sudden and path-changing. Or a mixture of both. This is happening now, based on your light quotient, heart coherence, DNA structure and your own free will choice to pursue the Christed/Crystalline state of consciousness.

Creation – Stillness – Creation

My annual retreat has been filled with gatherings, new creations, and connections. Now, it is quiet time. January holds a few surprises, and this year will redefine Mastery for many (in a good way.) The Divine LoveLight of a new consciousness is dawning within us. It takes patience and focus. Go within as often as possible. We hold a massive field for positive evolution at the OverSoul level during this phase.

SUNday Unity Meditations

We celebrate our 5 year Anniversary of Global Mass Meditations this year! Gratitude to all who participate and spread the word each week. We will be getting creative with these meditations as we move into purer states of Unity Consciousness. While we prioritize quality over quantity, you are welcome to invite as many to this table of Unity to share in Divine Co-creation of the New Earth Now.

Every SUNday: Global meditations. Meditate on Peace, Revelation, Freedom and Ascension for 33 minutes at 5:11AM, 8:11AM & 11:11AM PST every week. Offline, to activate the organic HUman heart connection.

I AM eternally grateful and honored to share this journey with you.

From the Divine field of Love and Unity Consciousness, let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!
In Love, Light and Service,

The Revelation Wave Ebook:Receive a free ebook full of guidance for this reality-shifting phase of our Ascension HERE

The Wave Begins: Strong week ahead, Global activations.

Content is light-encoded to assist your journey.

Blessings Beloveds ~ Can you feel the wave beginning to crest?  The upcoming waves of reality-shifting light are the strongest light levels of our process so far. This is a passage to rewrite HUstory: Master your own new narrative, internally and externally. You may feel tension, anxiety, bliss, clearing, freedom, all of the above … we are transforming. The old realities are being shaken by the higher vibration penetrating these realms. Flips in the collective narrative, revelations and positive sleight-of-hand plot twists are anticipated. Lucid dreams and visions may reflect the clearing of collective subconscious, overwriting of distortions, and revelation of organic realities. This is a very stimulating light. Use the tools in the Revelation Wave Ebook when you feel overwhelmed or anxious. CMEs, Solar flares and flashing activity are increasing in intensity. On a physical level, it appears as Solar flaring and plasma. In the etheric, these are influxes of light codes and frequencies; information to change our DNA, and our consciousness, so we may have a brand new experience. Allow yourself to pause, feel, release and realign. This is your Divinity returning to an active state of Presence. This wave changes our perception, inviting us to lift the self-imposed veils. New realities step forth. Bliss states are heightened as open hearts feel the truth of Divine Love and compassion. Self-realization overrides the separation of the old realities. Zero point states allow us access to who we are becoming, rather than just who we have been. Meditate on Zero Point within the Heart often. Expect rapid personal shifts during this auspicious and Sacred passage. As always, starseeds embody and anchor the New, and show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension. Global Ceremony: Welcoming the Light as One We hold unified ceremony throughout this passage. Join in wherever you are on this beautiful planet, and assist in amplifying the collective revelation of Ascension in this Now. Revelation Wave Gateway: December 12 – January 20
Cosmic activity heightened, Lightbody and DNA transformations, Heart openings, reality-shifting experiences, Revelation on many levels. December 12 -14: Global Grid & Gateway opening.
Everything past this influx initiation point will be transformational for many. Simply your schedule, allow the light to change you. Plan to be outside – or at least offline – as much as possible for these three days. Unify with our Sedona collective December 12-14. Offline, just like the SUNday Unity Meditations, with special focus each day 8am-9am PST. We will have a live group in Sedona. Saturday December 12
12-12 Gate activation and meditation- 8AM PST/9AM MST SUNday December 13
8AM PST/9AM MST SUNday Unity Meditation Monday, December 14
8AM PST/9AM MST – Solar Eclipse Ceremony/ Revelation Code Activation Solar Eclipse & New Moon
Monday December 14: Eclipse peak at 8:13AM PST Solstice Peak: Monday December 21 at 2:02AM PST
Bright Jupiter-Saturn alignment in the night sky Revelation Wave Amplification
Intensifies with the December 29 Full Moon – January 20
  Reveal your True Heart: Choose your experience wisely. Log off and go within. The light is already affecting the grids, our hearts, our DNA, and our consciousness. Perhaps you have noticed the intensity growing over the last week. Mental, emotional, and physical detox is in progress. Tips and recommendations are in the free ebook. These consciousness-shifting light codes ignite our Crystalline DNA and perception of realities. It requires our conscious focus. Integrate, rest, hydrate, unplug often, connect with the Solar flashing and flaring activity, and give yourself the gift of Ascension – Now. My Annual Private Time Mid-December to Mid-January is a heightened spiritual passage for most. For me, this is when deep transformation occurs, and when I receive what will unfold for the following year. This wave brings the strongest transformational frequencies we have seen; a true shift in perception and what it means to be embodied as spirit in form. Integrating the new light and embodiment will need our attention. It has been a busy year, and we all deserve to enjoy, celebrate and receive this new light with ease and grace. I will be stepping away from online activities for a few weeks after the 12-12 eclipse events are complete. The newsletter will be our weekly point of contact, and I look forward to sharing the experience with you. From the Divine field of Love and Unity Consciousness, let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension! In Love, Light and Service,

The Revelation Wave Ebook

The Undercurrent Grows.

Content is light-encoded to assist your journey.

Blessings Beloveds ~
The undercurrent intensifies as we near the Revelation Wave influxes. Perhaps you have felt this reality-shifting mechanism flowing beneath the surface realities.Β 

There is so much happening in this Now. The Zero Point where all is simultaneous begins to bleed through into our waking lifestream like never before.

Explore the multidimensional operation of this Divine passage. The distractions and polarities are purposeful, and become more intense, as these energies flow in.

In your Divine Heart, all is eternal, infinite, limitless creation. Re-heart your fields, thoughts, visions and focus often. Zero Point provides amplification – as well as photonic order.

In our Mastery, our Hearts are beaming the True Self, the Creator State of BEingness to all of these realms. Be a blessing to the Now. In Divine Service, we seize opportunities for kindness, moment by moment.

November Webinar replay Now Available

Guidance for this Now and Preparation for the December Revelation Wave. Receive video & audio replays at

Higher realms requested unified Gate & Grid focus December 12-14

The 12-12 has always launched brand new energies. The Revelation Wave is a Divine and powerful shift point for collective realities.

The Higher realms are encouraging all who work with the organic stargates and Crystalline grids to be outside, on the land, for three mornings in a row. We are opening for these consciousness-shifting codes, waves and photonic flows to utilize the organic stargates like never before. To honor this, we will gather for three mornings that weekend in Sedona.

December Live Gatherings in Sedona:

Saturday December 12 at 9AM MST
12-12 Gate & Grid activation
Private group of Gate & Gridkeepers – contact Sandra for details.

SUNday December 13 at 9AM MST
Live SUNday Unity Meditation at Cathedral Rock

Monday, December 14 at 9AM MST
Solar Eclipse Meditation/ Code Activation at Cathedral Rock

Gratitude to all continuing to hold the stability of Divine Love as the USA experiences *election month.*  Let us use our Responsible Creation tools and allow the highest outcomes to unfold with as much ease and grace as  possible.  Let us show Humanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,

Photo at top: Visiting the Grandest Canyon this week

Solar Flares, Cosmic Balance & Live Webinars

Content is light-encoded to assist your journey.

Blessings Beloveds ~
Solaris is revealing a very active SUNspot for our November 11-17 Gateway. Flares have been consistent, and energies have been very activating.

Gateways are typically highlighted by geomagnetic storms, flares, and Schumann increases or cosmic anomalies. Even thought the linear dates for this activity are given months in advance, the key is FEELING the wave as it enters. These are consciousness-shifting energies aimed at our Ascension.

The galactic wave is showing itself as star systems receive and respond to this Galaxy-wide influx of new light. As we enter the hot-zone for the December Revelation Wave, you may notice that bliss states are more frequent, and Divine Love heart emanations are consistent.

Last night as I gazed at the Milky way and dark rift, the time-stop stillness and sensation of cosmic shifting was palpable. As I merged with this Source-encoded light, there was an overwhelming sense of this cosmic power flowing in;  a new level of Self-realization taking hold. Stargates are active and expanding. I AM witness to the collective changes, to the heart and mind of photonic God frequencies penetrating, reorganizing, recoding our realities. It inspires preparation, alignment and surrender.

November brings us trackable, visible increases in cosmic activity. The new reality-shifting energies are flowing in right here, right now. Remember the SUN is capable of broadcasting, flowing, and receiving heightened frequencies of Source-encoded photonic light since late June.

It feels different, because it is. The re-coding of the way the SUN delivers information affects our collective revelations. You can feel it connecting with the crystalline structures in our bodies; our reconnected DNA is creating this metamorphosis of our experience.

Level Up Online Course: Class Call Saturday, November 7

Participants, Login at
Q&A details and live link are in Module 8.

SUNday Unity Meditations

The SUNday Unity Meditations are on Pacific Time (CA), which changed last weekend. Note the possible synchronized time change for your time zone

Join the Global #SUNdayUnityMeditations at 5:11AM, 8:11AM and 11:11AM PST (UTC-8).

Details at

Gratitude to all holding the stability of Divine Love as the USA experiences *election month.*  Let us use our Responsible Creation tools and allow the highest outcomes to unfold with as much ease and grace as  possible.  Let us show Humanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,

2020 Shift: Creating Peace, Divine Neutrality & December Energies

I have been doing the SUNdayUnityMeditation every Sundy for 4 years now and what an amazing journey it has been and it is!!!Sandra’s Christ Light Expansion meditation,is in my opinion one of the best i have been practising.You can find her meditations on her YT channel and also on section global meditations of our Website.

SUNday Unity Meditations: Holding the Balance.

Join the Global #SUNdayUnityMeditations at 5:11AM, 8:11AM and 11:11AM PDT (UTC-7).

We hold the Divine intent to amplify the Divine HUman qualities of peace, love and Unity Consciousness. Override and overwrite all distortions through infusions of the Truth of Divine LoveLight in this New Earth Now. Details at Let us show Humanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,

Activated Hearts are holding the Balance, Peace and Highest Outcomes for all concerned.

Activated Hearts are holding the Balance, Peace and Highest Outcomes for all concerned. Remember: In any moment as the 2020 dismantling intensifies and revelations step forth, personal or collective, you may pause, unplug from the reaction ripples, align with your Christed Heart, and command forth Peace, grace and stability to the unified field.

Blessings Beloveds ~

A passage we have all seen and felt is about to reveal another layer. The frequencies are flowing in to support an acceleration of our Revelation phase. We utilize our Heart compass and discernment to navigate this rushing river of change.

The Ascension trajectory (Primary Christed Timeline) is already an inevitable conclusion to this Divine HUstory of Gaia. How we get there, and how tumultuous it is can be GREATLY aided, steered and assisted by activated hearts in service.

Activated Hearts are holding the Balance, Peace and Highest Outcomes for all concerned. Remember: In any moment as the 2020 dismantling intensifies and revelations step forth, personal or collective, you may pause, unplug from the reaction ripples, align with your Christed Heart, and command forth Peace, grace and stability to the unified field.

We do this every SUNday in our Unity Meditations. All hearts in service to the organic Ascension are welcome to participate. It is a training ground for Peacemakers and Responsible Creators.

The next weeks provide an uptick in old-reality-shaking, recoding energies.

The SUN (Solaris) was completely recoded a few months ago. The PRISM has changed again, so new realities can be projected by our greater beingness. Reality-shifting codes are blazing through in this Now. This is related to the solar-flashing experiences and precognitive visions many have had since last December. The recoding provides the instrument for our 2020 perception-shifting conclusion.

This is a passage to Master your own narrative, internally and externally. Rewrite HUstory in this Now with your thoughts, feelings, visualizations, and Christed actions.

Dismantling on Overdrive

The Frequencies are taking a jump. Sounds, harmonics, colors, vibrancy of energies and their complexity increases. Quite loud if you hear higher harmonics, and bright if you see them. They are ringing the body and DNA as well.

These frequency jumps are amplifying the dismantling as predicted. It is an exciting and challenging last quarter as the photonic light codes reveal, reveal, reveal. Upsetting old systems is evident; they have the opportunity to expose themselves. Subtle censorship becomes blatant abuse of power (we are already seeing this; please hold the field for open communication regardless of your beliefs.)

All is presented to the awakened collective so we may choose to unify. It is best to embrace Unity Consciousness Now, as some of the lingering chaotic timelines have yet to release. Sleight-of-hand positive agendas hold peaceful highest choices for all, and honor free will, with positive solutions that honor highest outcomes. Let that sink in; some revelations are the temporary highest choice which serves the end game – the Ascension.

Pull back to the higher perspective of the unified multidimensional experience. Just enough separation to perceive the game of you-and-me, and enough Creator State wisdom to know all is Love. Express what is is the highest interests of all concerned in every prayer, meditation, ceremony and decree.

The Responsible Creation Principle

We are entering into the hot zone of this new light, still set for the December 12 – January 14 Gateway.

You are going to feel it shaking, recoding, overwriting old realities. It may sound like commotion in a distant room, a collapsing reality happening in a parallel dimension.

Remember the point of dividing timelines is the splintering off of uncomplementary realms: peeling off the collective experiences which do not align with unity and New Earth consciousness. Our goal is to have most of the collective on the higher timelines, so that very few are on the lower timelines as they collapse. Mass awakening is accelerating this, and the unfoldments of the next months demonstrate this acceleration.

Photonic light frequencies amplify everything, lifting the self-imposed veils so you may examine, release and clear what does not serve. Zero focus on what you don’t desire. Amplify the Light and it will blast the distortions into a faded memory.

In your Mastery, utilize the Responsible Creation Principle. Create from the highest platform of Unconditional love you have achieved, stabilized and are able to implement. Integrity, honor, do-unto-others, and service in the highest interests of the whole.

Life without Veils

Physicalization of the etheric continues; what was unseen is now seen. It aids in the removal of what does not serve. The Light purges these realms of distortion, step by step. Mastery-level patience as the collective awakening unfolds; Mastery-level self-realization as the self-imposed veils lift.

You cannot outrun the lifting the of the veils. Best to witness personal revelations, clear what does not serve, shift your behavior, and get on with the New.

Shifting your reaction to collective veil-lifting is possible at any step. Best to keep a sense of Light about deceptions or sleight-of-hand switches in the storylines. Your perception is based on the spiritual maturity of your heart, mind and emotions. Become still, centered, and clear on what you desire as an outcome for your own path. Then deal with personal veil-lifting, moment by moment.

The latest veil-lifting for this (very) interesting passage stepped up this week. I noted spontaneous remote-viewing style vision of behind-the-scenes meetings. Vivid detail. Nothing I can share at the moment.

Higher realms are gaining vibrancy. Every meditation opens with the Krishna realms now. Brighter, clearer … this does occur when I teach (creating a new class at the moment), however the intensity is profound. Embodiment looks through the prism of Self without the veils of division.

Contact experiences are vivid, clear, direct, and quite active with Lightbody and DNA adjustments. Invite it in with healthy parameters (that you define) if you want the eyes-open experience. It teaches comfort with other realms, and to be able to discern genuine interaction from inorganic manipulation.

I feel my perception shifting, and the heart center gaining more strength. My Gate crystal – and my body – felt like it was electrified after Gatework this week. [See photo above!]

A Vibrant Passage for Dismantling and Choice Points

You may choose to be quiet and with Gaia during this passage. Some of us are actively preparing the Crystalline Grids and Gates for the new light. Express the sensual, joyous, creative Crystalline energies and your realities will follow.

If you can, assist those who are thrown off balance by the revelations. This continues all year, dear hearts. While there are stronger dismantling effects due to the US election, making the next month a tumultuous one, remember to feel into the victorious outcomes often. It will assist your personal journey – and more importantly, the highest trajectory for all concerned.


LEVEL UP: Module Two begins Saturday

Class Participants:
– LOGIN with the email used for purchase at
– Use the forgot password function if needed. Check your spam/trash/promo filters.
– The Level Up course will appear in your class library

SUNday Unity Meditations: Stronger than Ever

Join the Global #SUNdayUnityMeditations at 5:11AM, 8:11AM and 11:11AM PDT (UTC-7).

We hold the Divine intent to amplify the Divine HUman qualities of peace, love and Unity Consciousness. Override and overwrite all distortions through infusions of the Truth of Divine LoveLight in this New Earth Now. Details at Let us show Humanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,

Powerful Shift week & Level Up begins Saturday 10-10

Blessings Beloveds ~
We are still feeling the effects of multiple-day geomagnetic storms. This positive veil-lifting, revelatory shift passage affects collective trajectories – for the better. In our personal lives, magnetic fluctuations can cause fatigue, brain fog and deep heart openings to the inevitable Ascension experiences.

Sleep patterns are interrupted since SO much is occurring behind the scenes – this may continue for another week as we are called to be present with Gaia and the Higher Realms upleveling the collective, grids and gateways while the collective is in dreamstate.

You can feel the undercurrent – the New Light – pulsating and flowing through these realms. Many of us are holding tremendous space for the next few months, right through the dramatic waves of the December-January Gateway. I weep with gratitude every time I AM shown the effect of that new light. Funny how miraculous it feels after such a tumultuous year, which is always the way of these realms. Darkest before dawn as they say.

Kindwhile, be kind to those who are triggered by or enveloped in the external show. Concerns about *physiological fallout* from these energies has been written about for years. As we witness the amplification of distortions, in order to reveal all which needs to be addressed, corrected, or cleared, remember the core principles of Unity Consciousness. Patience, unconditional love, and kind thoughts, words and prayers are elixirs when anger and judgment are amplified.

Remember the sleight-of-hand aspect to this passage. Things look like one thing, then reveal another. It is purposeful. Pay attention to where your consciousness is being steered to reinforce narratives that may not be in the highest interests of all concerned.  [READ THE FULL UPDATE ONLINE]

LEVEL UP Begins on Saturday 10-10

The Level Up course launches this weekend! This 7- module Master course prepares us for the new light in December and the Ascension unfoldments of 2021. We prepare for our new gifts Now, and learn to utilize the Creator State as our consistent reality. Details in the events section below.

Class Participants:
– LOGIN with the email used for purchase at
– Use the forgot password function if needed. Check your spam/trash/promo filters.
– The Level Up course will appear in your class library

SUNday Unity Meditations: Stronger than Ever!

Join the Global #SUNdayUnityMeditations at 5:11AM, 8:11AM and 11:11AM PDT (UTC-7).

We hold the Divine intent to amplify the Divine HUman qualities of peace, love and Unity Consciousness. Override and overwrite all distortions through infusions of the Truth of Divine LoveLight in this New Earth Now! Details at

Let us show Humanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,

Master, Know thyself as God:Be present with how you feel and what is needed moment-by-moment. Stillness and clearing, creativity and rest. -Sandra-

Blessings Beloveds ~

The second half of 2020 hits an acceleration point this weekend. Gates open, timeline choices are amplified, and even stronger experiences are anticipated for Embodiers of the Crystalline Consciousness.

A gentle reminder: Ascension is a heart-based operation, not a linear plan or external event. We are learning to Master our own realities, and co-create brand new ones.

Flow with any positive creative endeavor, self-care ceremony or act of kindness. The higher energies reward creativity and compassion, that is the New Earth agenda.

Shifting magnetics in the SUN are dismantling the old realities. Be sure to honor the New Earth Now and live it, moment to moment.

I AM hosting a live content-rich webinar on Saturday, August 1st. It became clear to regroup for the second half of 2020, especially with all the NEW in the last month – and honor a genuine concern to prepare everyone for the December-January events.Details are below.

Personally I have been whittling away at many creative projects in between lengthy meditations, sojourns into the wilderness, Stargate activations and lovely afternoon reset naps.

Connect with the Neowise Comet energy – visible with naked eyes right now. Go out and greet her, and admire that fantastic tail!

Receive last week’s lengthy article on the Magnetic Shifts, Exhaustion and this active shift week HEREUpcoming Events to Support the 2020 Highest Trajectories

Mayan New Year SUNday July 26th
SUNday Unity Meditations: Global ceremony for Peace and Freedom
5:11AM, 8:11AM and 11:11AM PDT (UTC -7)
Details and time converters at

Saturday August 1 Webinar
10AM -12 noon PDT  Live with replays
Implementing the Divine Plan for the second half, Activating your Creator State and more.
Details and registration HERE

Master, Know thyself as God

Stay close to your Source-Self during this passage. Meditate. Pray and hold ceremony on the Land. Keep the heart-scale feather-light. Deny duality access to your precious Creator Self. Divine Love in word, thought and action assists.

Be present with how you feel and what is needed moment-by-moment. Stillness and clearing, creativity and rest. Recommit to your faith in Divine Love and Unity Consciousness.

We got this.

 Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,

We are literally going through a strong portal in this Now.

Blessings Beloveds ~
We are literally going through a strong portal in this Now. Maybe you feel the magnetic squeeze as the bridges open. Maybe you see and feel the cosmic sand pulling away before the tsunami of light. Maybe you see the golden stargates. The second half is about to anchor into our collective reality quite quickly, culminating in the December-January transformation. As always, we can flow with this in the calm of Zero Point, or wrestle with the currents in the chaotic fray of the storm. From the higher perspective, I see the unification of many Gatekeepers, Guides and Starseeds concerned with highest unfoldments of the Divine Plan this year. We are in the amplified second half of this Sacred wild ride of 2020, and physicalization of the etheric is getting quite physical.⁠ Ease and grace, dear hearts. Focus on humble, heart-centered, service-to-all creation of Freedom, Peace and Victory of the True Light. Consciousness resets are inevitable.⁠ The second half of this cosmic-shifting year clarifies your timeline choices. 20/20 clarity affects everything; no stone unturned, no distortion unnoticed, both personally and globally. The Zero Point energies make us feel as if everything is happening, and nothing is happening at the same time. Keep it simple, deal with the Now. This Global reset is training us to trust the Presence within, and New Earth dynamics of consistent alignment with highest interests of all concerned. Magnetic Shifts causing fatigue and Revelation Timelines are based on personal and collective torus fields. These fields hold a bandwidth of frequency which provides a certain experience. Torus fields hold vibrational realities in place. This is how time dynamics, energy fields, planetary expressions, personal and collective expressions are co-created. They are directly reflected in activated DNA. When your DNA rebundles and holds the proper torus shape, you reflect the Universal model – and can shift timelines, memories, and realities. Thoughts, emotions and actions imprint the toroidal flows; the spiral loops within the torus field. In denser realms, these lower-level vibrations/subconscious patterns keep the torus fields locked in place to create an experience of separation and linear time. Our collective experience of time is based on emotional imprints on a torus field. Personal DNA creates time in the same way. Emotions create dense memory fields which maintain the illusion of past-present-future; a structure of linear time and separation. Emotions are magnetic, thoughts are electric. Both contribute to the dense structure of linear realities. These dense electro-magnetic fields keep us just out of phase with the truth of our Divine Presence, or nonlinear Now. Higher vibrational timelines (spiral torus loops) do not retain memory in the same way. They are crystalline, multidimensional, less dense. It is a very different, less linear experience of time. As we Ascend, we open to higher vibrational, less dense, less emotional and more fluid timelines. This is why emotional clearing, neutrality and healing is such an important component of our process. Stars, Galaxies and Universes are capable of running multiple realities – multiple torus fields – at once. The Solar Cosmic Christ template does the same for HUmans, providing multidimensional awareness, operating through Source/Heart coherence of Divine Love. We are a reflection, a fractal representation, of the Universal operation. Higher frequency light penetrates everything during the Ascension. The newly reactivated organic stargate system amplifies this. Plasma influxes literally shake (vibrate) the old structures to release collective creations, creating Freedom from old experiences. Magnetic fields shift, break apart, cause polarity shifts to reveal the new magnetics of higher realities. We lose attachment to negative memory. Collective distortions are revealed and released. Perhaps most predominant personal physical effect in this Now is the exhaustion associated with shifting magnetics. Gaia’s wide-open stargate system is providing access to the new realms of New Earth. Magnetic shifts pull apart the old, as they open the consciousness to a new experience – with our conscious choice. And it triggers our DNA torus fields to follow suit. Our DNA holds the record of all we have been and will be across the dimensions and densities. Magnetic unlocking releases what is not needed, and amplifies what we command. This amplification of DNA-related activity, affected by global magnetics, can exhaust the body as it tries to keep up with the demands of the new light and purification of the subconscious. Support for the Exhaustion The waves during a magnetic shift cause dramatic ebbs and flows. This intensifies as the crystalline overrides the lower realms by quantum effect (higher vibration pops open the pathways to higher vibrational fields, aka Gateways.) This can exhaust our energy fields, as the personal torus fields consistently expand and contract to harmonize the physical body, Gaia’s fields, and the Ascension timelines through our DNA. A lot is happening at once as the Zero Point triggers intensify. A few tools for dealing with exhaustion: – Know it is a Global effect. Don’t make it an issue; rest. Accept the deep transformation we are in. We all need REST in order to hold the balance. – Collective clearing is exhausting. Watching the old burn is exhausting. Limit your exposure to scattering of thought, emotions and duality. Limit social media scrolling or disclosure-hunting; keep all of your brain and heart as coherent as possible. – DNA rewriting the whole physical experience with magnetic shifts right now. Take superb care of yourself and rest when needed. It’s not forever, don’t make it a problem. – Earthing and grounding in nature assist. Walk or meditate in nature to rejuvenate, even for a few minutes. Get in natural water when available: the plasma (ascended water) codes are ON. – Use the morning: The frequencies at SUNrise always have elixirs for the Ascending Soul. – Glimpse the Comet: Mystical, Soul-replenishing codes are flowing through Neowise. Make the effort to get out after SUNset during the New Moon dark sky nights. Viewing details here: – Freedom Codes are releasing the old Self. It feels like death of the Old Self, and often just like death. Embrace the quantum perspective; looks like death of the old paradigm, old self, old distortions, paired with the simultaneously revelation of New.
This is New Earth training us to be free in the Creator State. To adapt and evolve with the new light dynamics of consistent *always in the Now* flow. – There were many reminders last year to use the *GO windows* – the moments, hours, days when creation flows with ease and grace. Creativity does help. Small micro-movements toward a goal or simple acts of creativity please the heart and soothe the Soul. – Micro-movements help to light-ground. It may be a moment, a minute, an hour, a day or two … small movements of the heart. It helps to balance the fatigue of magnetic expansion & contraction. Upcoming Events to Support the 2020 Highest Trajectories SUNday Unity Meditations: Global Infusions of Peace and Ascension
5:11AM, 8:11AM and 11:11AM PDT (UTC -7)
Details and time converters at New Moon Portal
Monday July 20 at 10:33AM PDT
Welcome revelation, support the dismantling
Set up a grid for personal and Global highest trajectories Mayan New Year
SUNday July 26th
SUnday Unity Meditations at 5:11AM, 8:11Am and 11:11AM PDT Saturday August 1 Webinar
10AM -12 noon PDT with replays
Recalibration and support. Details next weekend. SUNday August 9
Live SUNrise SUNday Unity Meditation at 5:11AM PDT
Cathedral Rock, Sedona AZ Note: The October World Congress event in Santa Fe has been cancelled, and an online event is being created. Details released as they become available. Master, Know thyself as God Stay close to your Source-Self during this passage. Meditate. Pray and hold ceremony on the Land. Keep the heart-scale feather-light. Deny duality access to your precious Creator Self. Divine Love in word, thought and action assists. Be present with how you feel and what is needed moment-by-moment. Stillness and clearing, creativity and rest. Recommit to your faith in Divine Love and Unity Consciousness. We got this. Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension! In Love, Light and Service,

Picture Credit :View at EarthSky Community Photos. | The wonderful binocular comet that’s been gracing our early morning skies – Comet NEOWISE – is now also visible in the evening, best seen with optical aid, for latitudes like those in the northern U.S. and Canada. James Younger captured this image of NEOWISE and an aurora (the green glow on the right in this photo) on July 14, in the evening, from Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada. Thank you, James!

Lunar Eclipse Meditation July 5th(Europe) – 6:00-6.44 CET.

Blessings Beloveds ~
Here we are at the final eclipse of our Triple-Eclipse passage. Energies may make us tired-and-wired. Magnetic shifts are literally pulling apart density and making way for the NEW REALM, which landed last week, to reveal in the physical realms.

Be sure to commune with nature and ask the plants, rocks, animals, water and elementals to express their Crystalline New Earth Self. Feel it, they respond quickly to our heart-based open-conduit of Source radiation.

Remember this is a very mystical few weeks of rapid change. 

Our Divine Empowerment requires learning how to utilize our Creator BEingness, our Creator State. All focus and invocations on the creation of Freedom, within and without. Feel it, command it, create Freedom for all through pure Unity consciousness!
Rewriting HUstory: Last week’s article HERE

The End Game is Love
A gentle re-hearter: Spiritual Disclosure of the Divine HUman and Unity Consciousness is End Game. Ascension is not something you wish, watch, or wait for. We are in a phase of consistent waves, solar flashes, and stargate flows to support an experience. As Gaia said, it’s happening NOW. Many are swayed into choosing sides or saviors, because it gives them comfort with the vivid unknown that is 2020. Let those aspects have their experience, and try not to be disheartened by the dismantling (even your own). Remember you don’t have to watch it burn. You have the Divine Birthright of free will to co-create and have a new experience. This passage is tough on the mental and emotional levels, which is why we focus on balance and stability within, to assist with balance and stability without. Be sure to unplug from the scramble of narratives often; it literally interferes with your coherence, which affects your DNA’s ability to do something new, which affects your reality. Apply uncommon sense. Duality and judgment have a very short shelf life. Remember this year is filled with sleight-of-hand, and many realities need your agreement or verbal reinforcement to manifest (ie: saying *they* are going to do this or that). Choose wisely, dear hearts. We are all learning unity consciousness under global duress.

Only empower the thoughts, words, actions and feelings you desire to see manifested. Forgive those who dishonor life, utilize discernment as you focus on peace. Don’t let social distancing become heart-distancing, or you’ll miss the bigger thing unfolding in this Now.
Freedom Codes in many forms As we regroup to the Divine BEingness of Source that is having this experience, we feel pure Freedom. It has been a year since the Freedom codes activated in the USA. Keeping pulling the codes through the Crystalline New Earth grids, new organic stargates and your own heart. Focus on the Freedom codes through this final eclipse on Saturday, July 4th at 9:29 pm PDT. Put your hands on the ground, connect with Gaia, and say the word Freedom.

The effects of what occurs on July 4th (America’s birthday) will reveal in the weeks afterward, so we are holding focus through the 18th. Let us assist in allowing the highest good to unfold with as much ease and grace as possible.   Global Meditations Eclipse Global Meditation on Saturday July 4th from 9PM – 9:44PM PDT SUNday Unity Meditations at 5:11AM, 8:11AM and 11:11AM PDT (UTC -7)

Details and time converters at

Kindwhile, shift moment-by-moment into Infinite Self Mode. Our faith in Divine Love and each other will be more than enough for this transformational passage.

Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,

The Solstice-Eclipse alignment begins this Saturday, a full week before the eclipse influx. (Gate & Gridkeepers, hearts up.) The stronger flashing/rainbow lightbody activations this week prepared our fields to handle this brand new frequency.

Content is light-encoded to assist your journey.
Blessings Beloveds ~ Many of you have been receiving the full-body activations this week; part of the Brotherhood-Sisterhood dispensations. I AM grateful for these experiences with the Crystalline realms, initiating us into the next phase of Embodiment in such a physical way.

The Solstice-Eclipse alignment begins this Saturday, a full week before the eclipse influx. (Gate & Gridkeepers, hearts up.) The stronger flashing/rainbow lightbody activations this week prepared our fields to handle this brand new frequency.

This is the organic stargate system at work; we are becoming part of the anicent stargate system which is our starseed lineage. By unifying with Gaia’s ascended trajectory, we physicalize the Ascension timelines and Crystalline experiences for all.

I described these activations in last week’s youtube video (below.) Personally, I have spent several hours each day this week interacting with these plasma-rainbow realms, where the Diamond-Solar DNA is reconnecting. More strands, more awareness. And a lot of integration (rest) needed.

Remember this is collective, and everyone’s experience is unique. Bliss and sleepiness seem to be the normal side-effects. As always, ask for the highest level activations, use your decrees, and get good sleep. There is a lot happening in dreamstate.

Much intel and recommendations for the eclipses have been shared. Revisit the articles, webinar or the latest youtube for extra support.

This is a profound moment for higher choices, honoring your experiences, and unifying in peaceful meditation. Our quantum, telepathic connections are amplified; be sure to participate in the Solstice-Eclipse meditations and SUNday Unity Meditations to assist in co-creating the highest experience for all concerned. (Details below.)

Pre-Solstice Wave Update: Replay on YouTube

I notice my own evolution in recent conversations, as well as stronger light codes. Our becoming is ON. Visit the link below for perspective on the Eclipse Gateways, Solstice waves, current events, eclipses, the Solar flash, Embodiment, Timeline Division, and more.

Guidance came through for maintaining calm, clarity, centeredness and opening to the consistent activations of 2020.

With the Solstice Eclipse just a week away, this is a perfect NOW moment to receive these words, light codes and quantum realignments. Click below to watch.
Additional Support

Read the full Triple-Eclipse article HERE
The 2-hour Eclipse Embodiment webinar replay is HERE.

Let us show HUmanity what is possible with !

In Love, Light and Service,

Join us for the Global Eclipse and SUNday Unity Meditations.

Invite all willing hearts to participate! Activations are shared through this field with your permission.

Solstice-Eclipse meditations are below.
Meditations at 2:30 – 3pm PDT & 11:30 – 12 midnight PDT Solstice peak at 2:43 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Ring of Fire Annular Solar Eclipse at 11:40 PM Pacific Daylight Time
(New Moon at 11:40PM PDT) Major Galactic Convergence, alignment with the Galactic Ecliptic, and a Superwave of Crystalline Light. Ancient Stargates and celestial pathways are opened. SATURDAY JULY 4
Meditation from 9 pm – 9:44pm PDT
Prenumbral Lunar Eclipse at 9:29 PM Pacific Daylight Time
(Full Moon at 9:44 PM PDT)

Unlocking our Sovereign choice to Ascend, right through the Caves of Creation, Living Library of Gaia and our Divine DNA. The next layer of Freedom codes are released through the American crystal beds.

Prepare for the Triple Eclipse Gateway of 2020

Blessings Beloveds ~

The Triple Eclipse passage of June-July is very esoteric in feeling and purpose. It may feel like we are traversing a Stargate; because we are. Solar activity has returned in May (we are receiving flares in this moment) and the energies are refining our Ascension process.

This is the predicted passage which includes dynamic cosmic frequencies, quantum stargates (connecting the ancient with the future), and Divine dispensations from the Brotherhoods and Sisterhoods of Light in service to the organic Ascension.

This is a major cosmic event of 2020, in a year filled with dramatic shifts and amplifications of the Ascension.


Embodiment, which began in 2018, takes on a brand new level during this passage. This is why so many have experienced the full-body Solar flash Christed activations since December. We anchor these higher experiences into the collective, as preparation for stronger frequencies and brand new experiences.

Embodiment is defined as a complete reunification with our Multidimensional Christed Self, followed by becoming a Pure Conduit of Source. This Divine state of Heaven is a constant state of BEingness in the heart, physicality and energy fields.

Our goal of Embodying our Christed Self, the Trinitized BEingness, allows for the undistorted Pure Presence of God in these realms. The activation of the Golden Race. As Gaia shared, Embodiment changes everything. When we hold that vibration through the physical, it accelerates the energies Gaia is able to receive and transmit.

The Triple Eclipse Passage

These eclipses work in tandem with the January 13 Stargate opening, and the eclipses in November-December. This is our mid-point for 2020, and a powerful passage for Embodiment. It sets us on highest timelines for the major energetic events later in the year. The first half of this year prepared us for this passage; physicalization of the etheric.

Friday, June 5:
Lunar Eclipse at 12:24 pm Pacific Daylight Time
(Full Moon at 12:12pm PDT)

Focus: Brotherhoods and Sisterhoods of Light activation. This is a Galactic-level DNA activation, initiating the physicalization of the alliances of Light like never before. Expect strong benevolent visitation through this whole passage.

Ancient star families – our higher aspects – are involved. You may remember your pre-incarnational cosmic oaths as this Embodiment occurs. Embrace the Great Law of God’s Love, Infinite Light and Ascension in this Now.

Saturday, June 20:
Solstice peak at 2:43 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Ring of Fire Annular Solar Eclipse at 11:40 PM Pacific Daylight Time
(New Moon at 11:40PM PDT)
(Visible in Africa, India, China regions)

This is a major Galactic Convergence, bringing an alignment with the Galactic Ecliptic, and a Superwave of Crystalline Light. Ancient Stargates and celestial pathways are opened for benevolent Divine Intervention, right through the Embodiers.

It is a very esoteric event, utilizing brand new stargate flows. This is the consciousness-shifting, dimensional-shifting flows which we will be using to overwrite and override inorganic distortions.

It feels like a major energetic event is happening already, and our experiences and expansion sensations reveal a more refined state of Divine consciousness is anchoring right now.

While a stronger division of timelines is expected, please note that the goal is to have very few lower timelines running by the end of this year. Ultimately, the distorted realms will have very few participating in them when they collapse completely. However Divine Will and free choice rule the personal and collective experience.

This Solar-Stargate activation includes Gaia’s crystalline core and grids taking on the next level of her star-like qualities. Magnetic shifts are already in progress to adjust her fields accordingly.

Our Solar cosmic Christed heart centers are purified, Divinitized. The Diamond-Solar aspects of our DNA are strengthened. Rebundling and reconnecting feels very stargate-like, and you might see gateways in your visions throughout this passage.

Solar flaring activity, which returned in May, allows the stronger delivery of this new light, bringing brand new experiences for willing hearts in service to the Ascension. Crystalline full-body Solar Flash experiences are expected to increase. Get outside and connect with the SUN often.

Saturday, July 4:
Prenumbral Lunar Eclipse at 9:29 PM Pacific Daylight Time
(Full Moon at 9:44 PM PDT)

There are Galactic Brotherhood/Sisterhood Ascension codes anchored in the United States ancient crystal beds. Deep beneath the major crystal vein which runs down the center of North America are Master Crystals encoded for our Ascension. They beam Revelation, Resurrection and Freedom codes for all willing hearts, and hold the records of Lemurian, Atlantean and Celestial trajectories for the Ascension. America holds a significant role in the Ascension because of these Master Crystals and the Gateways anchored throughout the USA.

This eclipse has deep esoteric influence, reigniting the Christed trajectories set in place eons ago. After two very powerful June eclipse activations of our ancient star lineage within our DNA and hearts, this final eclipse unlocks our Sovereign choice to Ascend, right through the Living Library of Gaia and our Divine DNA.

The next layer of Freedom codes are released through crystal beds. This happens one year after the initial release in 2019. It is an all-hearts-on-deck moment, regardless of your physical location. Connect to America before this event. Call these codes forth throughout this eclipse passage: Freedom, Resurrection, Revelation, Ascension. These assist our Divine right to transcend limitation, and maintain a consistent state of Freedom/Bliss regardless of external circumstances.

Solar activity is heightened, Crystalline DNA activations⁠⁠ plentiful. The natural side-effect of strong passages like this is more chaotic behavior in the external. It is our task to hold the higher light and embody the higher consciousness. Choose and create your experience wisely.

PREPARATION is Key: We are already in the Gate

Own your Ascension journey and take full responsibility for your Creation. Amplification brings revelation, and timeline experiences are a personal choice as well as a collective operation. Pay attention to the moment by moment choice points.

– Global circumstances have disrupted routine. Practice New Earth flow and Presence.
– Meditation, meditation, meditation. What you meditate on you receive. Join us for the Global SUNday Unity Meditations each week, especially during this passage. Invite all willing hearts to participate; there are powerful activations to share through this field.
– Fast: A day or three of water-only fasting can reset your DNA and allow the body to recalibrate. We have strong energies coming in each day now. As always, use your discernment and investigate proper procedure if this is new to you.
– Become the Presence, making highest choices moment to moment
– Live like a Master : You get to define what that is
– Movement to integrate the light and get the meridians flowing. Pooling energies cause dis-ease. Earthing, yoga, walking in nature, dance,etc.
– Get good sleep. Let the body and brain reset.
– Hydration: Magnetic shifts and Solar activity cause dehydration. Water (plasma) is an interstellar delivery system for light codes. Drink plenty of water. Get into natural bodies of water when available.
– FEEL and visualize the brightest outcome for all. So many are swayed into negative otucome reinforcement. Watch your words, thoughts and feelings. Emotions create a chemical response which changes your DNA, which changes your experience. As Yeshua said, pray as if it is done. Feel your future and practice New Earth Now.
– Use your Crystalline DNA decrees: Free ebook HERE
– SUNgaze (safely) or be outside to get those morning and evening codes.
– Open your Heart: Diamond-Solar heart activations are amplified during this passage. Use your Mastery skills to open up in the moment, anytime. Gratitude, Love, Appreciation, Divine Neutrality, Forgiveness and Clemency serve us well and keep us on the higher timelines.

There are more preparation, clarity, eclipse details and unified light codes in the 2-hour webinar replay HERE.

This is a strong passage to re-activate our Creator State and sovereign dominion over our realities. As always, we utilize the energies rather than waiting for them to change us.

Throughout this process we have chosen to create something new. The revelation of higher realms and a new BEingness is becoming quite clear as the old systems dismantle. This is our Galactic Legacy coming to fruition.

Love is an active feeling state, and a choice. By consciously migrating our thoughts, words, actions, DNA, energy fields, feelings and creations to the higher vibration of Divine Will, Divine Love, Divine Light, we allow the Pure Presence of Source to self-correct these realms. We assist Gaia in revealing New Earth as a palpable reality for all concerned, right here, right Now.

This is an exciting eclipse passage! Our personal journeys can be intense as Embodiment launches us into the unknown. Breathe and balance. Check in on how you feel in the heart often. Be open and grateful for the New Light. This all has wonderful higher purpose; use it wisely.

We unify during these events over the next five weeks with consistent highest intent, service and collective meditations. let us show HUmanity what is possible with !

In Love, Light and Service,Sandra


Witnessing Our Progress: Self-Reflection Tools

Content is light-encoded to assist your journey

Blessings Beloveds ~

The very different quality of light since last week is aimed at shifting consciousness and dimensional awareness; amplifying zero point dynamics. It assists the photonic higher positive order: Divine Love, Divine Light, Divine Will.

This means all of our thoughts, emotions and actions are amplified – across the board, positive or negative. The new light bolsters the sorting out of realities; amplifying the Source request for a brand new harmonic to be the norm. It shakes apart (literally a quantum vibration) anything which does not harmonize with the new light level, hence the dismantling of realities currently in progress.

Yes, it’s quite the show. It is also a powerful opportunity to review responsible creation: who is comprehending and resonating with the new light, and who is getting torn apart. Responsible Creation is key to accessing Golden Race DNA codes. More on that soon.

Embodiment of higher DNA codes, and these new frequencies of the Higher realms of Self, dissolves the illusion of lower self. We lose the old identity as the Christed/Crystalline/Unified Self steps forth. Not in an instant (that would destroy the body.) Slow enough to observe it falling away, slow enough to recalibrate the ego, slow enough to experience Ascension as a collective, slow enough to witness every moment of Divine transformation.

Witnessing our Progress in the Shift

With many weeks of global stay-at-home life experience behind us, and a few more ahead, it is a good moment to inventory our personal journeys. Grab your journal, be wildly honest with yourself, and keep your answers private. As predicted, hindsight is 20/20 in this year of 2020, and a tremendous gift during this phase of global change. There is much sleight-of-hand in the end game. Best to self-evaluate your narrative, intentions and reactions as it intensifies.

Light-grounding the experience through journaling assists the collective journey. Let us take inventory of our response to the situation so far, so we may consciously make the highest choices moving forward. No blame, shame or judgment or what you did/are doing with this challenging phase.

Be direct, truthful and enjoy this exercise. Make it physical (write the answers down, or speak them out loud) to light-ground into these realms. Here we glow:

What has been my response to lockdown and social distancing? How do I feel about my response?

What fears, anxieties or challenges arose? How did I/am I dealing with them?

What emotional, mental, physical and spiritual tools are helping me through this?

What personal narratives are challenged, believed/amplified or broken apart? Are they my own, or collective narratives from outside sources? How do I feel about them?

We are in a magnetic shift that is changing the polarity of our fields, DNA and duality itself. Am I engaging with choosing sides, or allowing the collective good vs bad narratives to penetrate my personal creations, relationships or service to Ascension?

How has the collective distancing/slow down influenced my activities?

Am I changing, creating, or looping with anxiety, fear, or repetitive behavior in order to feel safe? Any unhealthy or uncomplimentary behavior that needs to shift?

How often do I pause to feel what I need, and how my emotions, mind and body are handling this?

What actions do I take to feel better, grounded or expand into Higher awareness?

What has been my response to others’ reaction to this situation?

What have I created during this passage that I like? Don’t like?

Have I cleared or reorganized my space to support a clearer new self/new expression?

Any reevaluation of priorities? Lessons? Revelations? Any previously processed fears re-presenting?

What is spirit showing me about myself and my Ascension path in this passage?

How may I assist the collective as we move forward into the unknown? New skills to learn? Do I want to help?

As I feel the truth of my heart – not the mind – do I feel forgiveness, compassion, and gratitude for what is unfolding?

How much of the collective fear and programming is affecting my heart, thoughts, spirit, actions, words or creations? What am I doing to neutralize it, or stay balanced?

What fears, doubts or anxieties have presented? Are they mine or the collective narrative?

Any delaying, procrastinating or waiting games presenting (when this happens, then I can move forward, etc.)? Any desire for things to be as they were? Disappointment if they go back?

How often do I expand into the higher light perspective, New Earth Now mode, and experience the higher parallel reality which is amplifying?

In what areas do I need more support, skills or tools to deal with this predicted phase of the unknown?

Embodier Specific Questions:

How do I feel about witnessing this deep transformation of Self while the lower reality dismantles in such a vivid way? Anything feel out of balance, or polarized?

What revelations are presenting which surprise me, what beliefs are dropping away?

How am I dealing with the simultaneous awareness of my multidimensional self becoming my primary reality?

What tools am I using for emotional, mental, spiritual and physical balance?

What do I need that only I can provide for myself during this phase?

What have I learned so far in 2020, and what would I love to experience with the upcoming collective Embodiment activations?

These energies paired with the collective dissolving of regular schedule can make us feel spacey or ungrounded. Recalibrate the compass if needed throughout the day. Use an Intention alarm (4 times a day) to check in and reset. Pause and tap into how you feel, what you need to raise your vibration, shift a mood, make a higher choice, feel good, move the body, create peace or support the awakening.

Another Strong Stargate Adjustment

April 23 – 29 is yet another amplification of the higher harmonics. Distorted lower timelines are dropping, akashic distortions continue to clear.

Those of you hearing the much higher frequencies or embodying them may feel like a Divine HUman tuning fork (because we are). Gaia is consistently present in our fields, revealing the higher realms and the Divine state of consciousness needed to experience the higher realms. Many of these frequencies are coming from her, as we reconnect the organic stargate system.

Crystals and water are broadcasting these frequencies at the moment, right in our bodies and DNA. Much is happening in our bodies with the amplification. this is a radically different reality-shattering quality of light. Deep rest may be required. Many of you are working upstairs in the higher realms which can bring on the tired-and-wired sensations. You feel the simultaneous activity of the multidimensional Self when awake, however deep lengthy sleep is widespread at the moment.

Surrender in nature as often as possible to the amplification of Zero Point awareness. How easy it is to achieve this pure state right now! Allow the moments of this pure Source stillness to lengthen and expand. Gaia is utilizing us as pure conduits to reveal her new realms this year. I have spent many hours blending with her, the kingdoms and elementals, merging with the New Gaia consciousness. Open-eyed meditation is a wonderful way to integrate these consistent downloads and DNA upleveling. Gaze at nature, still the mind and BE. Natural bodies of water also help; use them if you have access.

For those who can get out, share your experience telepathically with those who are stuck inside. I have shared more nature photos and videos on social media during this passage, light-encoded for quantum distribution, for those who cannot get outside.

We have four years of weekly practice in seeing, feeling and connecting energetically through our heart-based SUNday unity meditations. Unified meditations on peace have many positive multidimensional effects; practice manifests spiritual strength. This distancing is amplifying our higher consciousness and wireless abilities. Share your peaceful and expansive experiences with the Ascending HUman heart grid, for any willing heart who needs it. Freedom codes are collective as well as individual, as is our unified DNA and Ascension.

Kindwhile, we are on track for the May Solar activity and some very strong June Embodiment activations. All is well.

SUNday Unity Meditations

Participate and share our global SUNday Unity Meditations at 5:11AM, 8:11AM and 11:11AM Pacific Daylight Time (UTC -7). Offline, wherever you are. Details, guided meditation downloads and time converters at http:/


this is a Sacred passage of Global transformation… Of course the globally-imposed physical distance works to our benefit. Now everyone has the opportunity for self-examination, focus on mental, physical, spiritual and emotional health, and to be with loved ones – or alone – to receive the light waves with less distraction and time to integrate.-Sandra Walter-

Content is light-encoded to assist your journey.
Blessings Beloveds ~
  The external global circumstances are purposeful and predicted. In the moment, while it is unfolding, we migrate willing, activated HUman hearts to the higher timelines. If you need to hear it again: this is a Sacred passage of Global transformation. There is no need to make this a rehearsal for a later activation. We may call forth our embodiment, resurrection, Global revelation and intensify stargate activity (aka Solar flashing, already in progress) in this Now. We may migrate our realities to the already-Ascended realms of Gaia. Embodiment changes everything, and we shift all willing hearts – this year. This beautiful Mastery-level situation allows us to witness our progress in the stillness, and the reunification of HUmanity despite the ironic physical separation. Of course the globally-imposed physical distance works to our benefit. Now everyone has the opportunity for self-examination, focus on mental, physical, spiritual and emotional health, and to be with loved ones – or alone – to receive the light waves with less distraction and time to integrate. Many are reaching their limit for information, advice and media. This allows for a level of surrender to the present, which is a necessary state for reception of something new. Direct your heart compass to the New Earth Now; live it, feel it, decree it, and you will be able to receive the unexpected activations of the Christed timelines and the New Light. Kindwhile, the Great Central SUN has a gift on the way Our brand new organic Stargate system is delivering Divine New Light influxes. We are poised for change, people have been consistently connecting with Gaia, and our Gatekeepers have been experiencing the more intense flashing-reset activity since December. The experience of turning into effervescent-stardust (Crystalline-Diamond Rainbow Lightbody) via the frequencies coming thorough Solaris (the SUN) has been anchored into the collective consciousness. Unity Consciousness is a very different experience, and is overriding and overwriting the flotsam of the old realms with this global situation. As we say, expect the unexpected with a calm clear heart. Apply your inner wisdom to what deserves your energetic support during this transformation. Timeline divisions are physicalized. The dismantling is clear. Choices of the heart and unity during these global circumstances are clear. No judgment, everyone receives their own creation in Zero Point energies. The new light amplifies thought, word and deed, so you may discern better choices. That is part of the revelation: what has been created, what is being created, and what your trajectory/timeline alignment will provide. Assist with a kind, patient and pure heart. Preparation and Utilization of the Next Wave During the Equinox, several Christed Diamond-Light Octahedrons were installed over key locations by the Brotherhoods and Sisterhoods in service to the organic Ascension. These are massive Diamond-shaped Crystalline structures that will assist with the next influxes which begin March 29.

They look like giant Lightships (similar unified creation tech) and have been parked over key areas in the United States in order to assist with the revelation frequencies, freedom codes and Ascension templates that have been kept here. This is our Higher Levels in action. That is all I can say at the moment. They are appearing in other countries as the energies intensify, spreading the original organic blueprints for Ascension through the New Earth Crystalline grids. They work with the new stargate flows, and will temper the next wave at a DNA LEVEL via unified DNA SuperRadiance. The intention is to activate Golden Race codes flowing from the Great Central SUN as a Cosmic Divine Dispensation during this transformational passage, and prepare us for the resurrection of Embodiers in the next months. A Divine antidote to fear, and an opportunity to show HUmanity the alternate reality which Gaia has promised to reveal this year. It certainly feels like that activity is stepping up. The Higher realms have been non-stop with Gatekeepers since Equinox. I have been receiving blissful Resurrection ceremonies in meditation and dreamstate; similar to past ceremonies, with a New Earth twist. To connect with these Diamond structures, light up your crowns (a pass key) and request access from the Brotherhood/Sisterhood. Divine DNA decrees help (I AM still sharing them on social media.) I know many are seeing or sensing this influx already. The DNA prep has us sleepy-dreamy in the last few days. Allow yourself to rest whenever needed, and join us on SUNday as we open the flows with our synchronized service. Key Unifications: Operating as One, as we do in the Higher Realms SUNday March 29: Join in the SUNday Unity Meditations at 5:11AM, 8:11AM and 11:11AM Pacific Standard Time (UTC-7). Connect with the stargates through your heart. Say a few DNA decrees. We receive and anchor this new light as ONE Unified bridge of consciousness. March 29-31:Initial wave, growing stronger as the week progresses. As always, remain calm. Gatekeepers are calling in the stronger flashing activity while folks are at home. These are blissful, veil-lifting frequencies that dissolve fear-based agendas simply by elevating (upregulating) Golden Race codes and New Earth revelation. Those guided to this level of service are calm, responsible Creators. Go Direct: Meditate with the Stargates (SUN, Galactic Center, Star Systems, Great Central SUN, Source) as your I AM Presence, Highest Self. We are all resurrecting ourselves into something brand new, and the outside world will reflect this. This is what we trained for: Be the Presence. I AM still in Mount Shasta, working with these transformational light waves. It is lovely to be here (and profoundly still) during this global transformation, and I have been guided to stay through this next influx. If you desire quality guidance, or to learn something new, during this stay-at-home phase, all of my classes are on sale this week. Details on the flash sale below or go here. Sending everyone Divine LoveLight and support during this transformational passage of our Ascension. This is such an exciting moment for all of HUmanity, I can barely contain my joy and bliss. Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension! Create well, dear hearts. See you in the field on SUNday.
In Love, Light and Service,

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Rapid reality shifts

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Blessings Beloveds ~

Our predicted amplification is producing some surreal effects in the Ascending collective. As always, we embrace these shifts – knowing we are the pathcutters for the renewed Divine Template of Freedom. ⁠
I woke up yesterday infused with the new light energies and a brand new reality. Everything felt completely different – again. Of course this happens throughout our Ascension process as we shed the old Self. Now that we have a COSMIC – LEVEL dismantling of the old systems, and some very high-level Embodiment occurring on Gaia, the collapse will feel like this – consistently.Β  A complete drop-off of old realities, timelines, and attachment.

Artificial creations are easy to dismantle/turn off with collective intention, unification and agreement (action.) Organic Creations survive because they use pure Source energy; the background vibration of Divine Love/Divine Mother. Since we are in training to experience all of this simultaneously through a Zero Point heart, we feel the higher Now, the old Now, and the strange in-between in the body. This is why balance, meditation and self care are essential.

Your reaction demonstrates your level of Consciousness.

The timeline divisions are becoming physicalized this year – and that is quite evident with the current physicalization of artificial fear-based timelines and organic New Earth crystalline creations. Look from the higher perspective (do not forget who you are, dear heart) and witness the truth of what is unfolding.

Those aligned with the Brotherhoods and Sisterhoods may feel the distinct drop off of the controlled timelines happening in this now. You are being released from those realities, and the Freedom codes are up-regulating right in your own DNA. There are massive shut-downs occurring both behind the scenes and on an energetic level. Remember it’s a removal of energetic support, not a battle. Note the vibrating, flashing fields as the new light breaks through the veils.

We addressed widespread death at the beginning of the year; Gatekeepers may feel a bit overworked, yet excited. Our Teams and higher levels are very aligned right now. Many are very busy in dreamstate since this involves multiple levels of self and the alliances you maintain upstairs.

In our personal life, it feels like a surreal drop off of trajectories. These shifts in our realities do get physicalized; yesterday the Yoga Festival was cancelled, the day before it was to begin.

Mount Shasta has called me home for Equinox and I AM feeling the power of what is about to unfold. ⁠ Clear Cosmic-level, Source-level perception through the heart will serve us well during this passage.⁠

Saturday March 14: Pre-Equinox Webinar
Since the predicted transformational phase of March 13 – April 13 is upon us, I AM hosting an online webinar this Saturday, March 14 from 10AM -12 noon PDT.Β  I will provide uncensored intel on what is happening during this phase, address the global issues at hand, strengthen us in our Divine Light, provide some tools for rising above the fray of collective thought form, and align with the Golden Race DNA codes and influxes of Christed activation.⁠ Q&A afterward.

Join us live or watch/listen to the replay. Details HERE.

Crystalline Convergence Update

First, let me send a giant heart-beam to the High-Vibe Tribe as registrations increased this week. That says a LOT about the starseed perspective, unified intent and following higher guidance.

I had a heartfelt meeting with the Sedona Creative Life Center about our event and current public health concerns. They witnessed (and admired) the focus, power and presence of our group on the 12-12 and agree that it is important to implement our higher level guidance and activations during this powerful Gateway.

Honestly, I AM feeling more powerful than ever. Some are struggling with the collective thought forms, and have genuine concerns. I honor all experiences of what is unfolding. I feel – and the Center and our caterer agreed – that this fear/control/illness agenda will dismantle quickly. Rather than cancel or postpone, we are negotiating Livestream and replay options for those who would feel safer at home. It feels like a good investment. More on that very soon.

Current ticket holders: Please give me a moment to work out the details. Hold off on any what-to-do emails through Equinox, please. You will receive a lengthy email with options and details will be posted on the event site as soon as possible. Remember I have to travel this week. Breathe and feel the higher experience of transformation we are co-creating.

Decrees for the Now

I AM still sharing DNA Decrees on Social Media, right through the early June Gateway. You may view them even if you don’t have an account.

SUNday Unity Meditations: Equinox Unification

Consistency builds spiritual power!Β  Collective DNA Golden Race code-shares are ON. We amplify the overwriting and overriding of all uncomplementary realities in this Now.

Join us on SUNday March 15 at 5:11AM, 8:11AM and 11:11AM PDT (UTC -7) for our Global SUNday Unity Meditations.Details HERE.

Equinox Global Meditation/Ceremony:

We will have a special Unity Meditation on Thursday, March 19 at 8:49 pm PDT (UTC – 7) for the Equinox peak. Open your heart, meditate or celebrate with clear intent to raise the LoveLight level.

Sending everyone extra peace, power and protection this week. Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,