On behalf of all Angelic Kingdoms: “We greet you with this message of unity and cooperation, so to release you from the stress, worry, fear, and overwhelm you may be carrying in your field. At this time, many light workers are experiencing a depth of angst and existential fatigue. This is due to the ego adopting a spiritual persona, attempting to do the work of an entire Universe, instead of surrender to a greater Divine plan. All too often, when nothing you do seems to work, it is the Universe helping you acknowledge that you may be attempting to do more than your fair share. In the 5th dimension, more effort doesn’t equate to better results.Instead, the Universe works to help you align with your highest calling by asking you to open up space for the totality of your angelic support and spirit guides to work through you for the evolution of your being. This means, it is your job to simply put one foot in front of the other, while invoking your guides, angels, and animal totems to work through you and bringing to life the outcomes of your highest alignment. When expressed in this exact way, you are asking the Universe for help in creating outcomes and realities greater than what any one person can conjure, while leaving it open-ended for the Universe to bring you what is in your highest will, whether it matches the outcomes of your desire or not. Just as if you hired a cleaning company to cleanse your home, you might have to wait a few days from the moment the cleaning service is booked to when they actually show up. If you were to get impatient and clean your house before the appointed time, how would they be able to serve you upon arrival? In the same way, it is understandable to put out requests to the Universe and if not getting immediate results, it is likely you will continue employing methods until your desired outcome appears. And yet, the simple request from the Universe to help bring to you the outcomes, circumstances, and synchronicities of your highest will is like setting an appointment for your cosmic cleaning crew to arrive. All you have to do is have faith in their arrival, even if it seems to be taking longer than expected. Also know: the Universe is always creating realities to help you uncover and release outdated self-defeating beliefs. Therefore, if you carry a healthy amount of doubt or unworthiness, the Universe can seem surprisingly unresponsive, just to show you the limiting belief such evidence supports. Without doubt in the Divine Plan, and with open-ended intentions to allow your higher self to work through you in a space of surrendered joy, you won’t have to carry the burden of your life or even the weight of the world on your shoulders. Instead, the aspects of your Higher Self, manifested into form as angels and spirit guides, work through the doorway of an open heart to create on your behalf what no amount of effort or control can coerce. The Angelic Kingdoms welcome your communication. They see your circumstances. They hear your prayers, and feel your pain. All the while assuring you, each and every dream, desire, wish, and prayer you’ve sent out will be fulfilled by the Earth Angel you’re becoming with divine help throughout each moment of your life. The Angelic Kingdoms can make things easier, more enjoyable, and more miraculous. Call on their light, presence, clarity, intervention, and assistance from an authentic space of surrender to watch the guidance that always surrounds you to step forward and make their presence known. The Angels are your ‘tour guides’ of Ascension. You are reading their message and feeling their light, not because you will be ascending, but to confirm your ascension into 5D consciousness is already under way.” Please enjoy this love-filled newsletter containing a brand-new video with my most recent teaching called All For Love, Matt Kahn |