Starlink Will Be The New System
We are in the old system now. Once Starlink is up and running in everyone’s homes, this will be the new system, linked to the QFS.
Ashtar: I am Ashtar Sheran with a message for the people of earth. Yes, this statement is correct: Starlink will be the link for the new Quantum system.
It is already functioning, now we must have the goods produced to link you to Starlink. Those who do not buy the new technology can remain on the old FIAT system, which will run as well. The more people that are persuaded to go quantum, the better for the people of earth, this will indicate which timeline you are on.
Yes, it’s about timelines. There are two predominant timelines right now: a quantum timeline run by universal law, and your artificial timeline which is also subject to universal law, but you have been taught to reverse your polarity while upon it.
You are all wondering what’s happening with the new system, and this is what’s happening to it. The overtake of the DS has been primarily financial, that’s the way to take them down at first because they created the system to enslave the people of earth. Your liberation can be found in going quantum.
Watch key players in this system, which is a military based system although it may not appear to be. Yes, the Alliance is your earth’s secret government, and it is a military government still as there is still evil on your world to be dealt with.
By joining the quantum system, which is encrypted at a quantum level and gold backed, funding will become available to those with project monies, subsidies will become available to those who require it, and debts will be reversed. But you must join the system and create a login for yourself. Everything will be encrypted so your banking information and your money will finally be secure. It will not necessarily require that you move your bank account, however it must be with a bank that is part of the QFS system. Not all banks are right now. Some banks are being taken down, such as Deutsche Bank will be for money laundering practises.
The new world is being made known to you first by talk, and then you will be instructed on how to link in to the new system. Keep your eyes open.
Your media is changing as well to honour free speech. Tweeting will become the method of communication it once was for so many of you.
Me: I got kicked off of there. Same as Vimeo, they just cancelled my account one day. Facebook cut me off of 98% of my followers in one day. All because I’m talking jibberish as so many people believe. As if.
Ashtar: It’s not been easy to get the message out, and Starlink has been under attack, but we repair the damage easily and arrest the culprits.
When the TV stations begin to go quantum, you will be hearing more from Sharon, Ivo and I. You will have to buy quantum televisions. This is part of the technology that we have yet to produce for you.
Me: Produce, or are they in warehouses waiting to be sold?
Ashtar: Production is underway but it won’t take long now, Sharon.
Me: Great! How exciting. A world free of greedy little tentacles of the DS and all our detractors can stay in the lower timelines as well because they’re not ready to believe in a quantum reality.
Ashtar: At this point, you still have a choice which you want to be a part of. Many will not upgrade their TV’s, cell phones and computers and this will keep them on the old system of taxation, paying debt and drowning in charges. If their bank changes to the QFS system, they will either have to comply or change banks.
Me: Will there be options for people who want to stay on the old system? Why would they but hey, someone won’t trust things because they’re new of course.
Ashtar: There will be. New banks will spring up. You’ll start to see online banks with names like “Q-Bank,” and “Quantum Savings Bank,” things like that.
Me: Oh my God! I just googled that and there is a Q-Bank! Even in Canada. Copyright Advanced Practice Education Associates. So far it seems to be associated with Queensland Banks, and then something about medical practise.
Ashtar: Just wait. You need the quantum computers to find them. They’re not on Google, Sharon.
Me: True. Very censored.
This is interesting. Okay, anything else, Ashtar?
Ashtar: Not censorship, Sharon, it has to do with fields. The quantum system is run on different fields than the artificial system.
There will be a lot more, Sharon, but for now this will suffice.
I am Ashtar at your service.
YouTube: SharonandIvoofVega
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