That is the process you are now in the midst of at this time: through your conscious awareness and by aligning your will with the Will of your Higher Self and our Mother/Father God, all that is not in harmony with the frequencies of the higher Fourth Dimension are roiling up within to be healed and returned to the harmonics of peaceful coexistence, joy and loving intention.-AA Michael-

Archangel Michael via Ronna Herman: The Empowering Gift of Forgiveness

Beloved masters, as the higher frequencies of Light and Creator wisdom permeate the Earth and humanity, a radical shift in consciousness is taking place. More and more precious Souls are questioning their basic beliefs and examining their life patterns, the many structures they have built, both physical and mental, which make up their personal reality.

Fear and uncertainty are rampant, and a great majority of people fear that the best times are past, and the future looks bleak and uncertain.

It is normal to resist or be uncomfortable with dramatic changes, especially when people feel they are not in charge and in control of their future. That is why it is so important to tap into the wisdom of your Higher Self, and to connect with your wonderful angelic guides and teachers.

Know that the pathway home has always been in place and your return to the higher realms of illumination is assured. However, be aware that the secret of how this is accomplished comes from within, not from your outer world.  The internal transformation process can be accomplished with ease and grace when you once again gain access to the wisdom of your Sacred Heart and Mind.

We encourage you to take advantage of all the wonderful information that is coming forth from the Realms of Light via the many messengers and teachers who have dedicated their lives to bringing forth advanced universal wisdom.

Beloved ones, you are deep in the process of healing past transgressions, and releasing the painful memories of your many past lives on the earthly plane – as well as those from throughout your solar system and galaxy as well.

We have said before, you will not be punished or cast into hell. Will you please heed our words? You are not judged – you never have been judged by anyone or any Being from the unseen or higher realms – YOU ONLY JUDGE YOURSELF! 

Under the Universal Laws of cause and effect, all your thoughts, intentions and deeds are stored within your auric field and your chakra system, and you radiate the vibrational patterns created thereby, which go forth from you in an infinity pattern and return to you in like frequencies and measure.

In the past it often took many lifetimes to reap the rewards for positive, loving actions, or to experience the penalties for negative or hurtful actions. Therefore, most often, it was not obvious that the righteous are indeed rewarded, and the unrighteous also receive their just rewards in kind. Again, no great or small Being is doling out rewards or punishment.

The Universal Laws are firmly in place, and your own Higher Self monitors your progress or lack thereof; either clearing the way ahead, and blessing you with miracles large and small − or by placing more obstacles before you in hopes you will awaken and step onto the spiral of Ascension.

Dear hearts, too many of you are carrying great burdens from the past, mistakes you have made in this lifetime, and also many from past conditioning and buried memories of painful events or actions from all your previous lifetimes. Holding onto these memories or carrying the burdens of inequity no longer serves you.

It is time for you to allow us to help you heal the painful memories stored within your physical vessel and auric field, just as we are clearing the distortions of the Third- and Fourth-Dimensional collective consciousness belief patterns and bringing those dimensions back into their originally designed spectrum of duality.

As you descended into the restricted, limiting realms of consciousness, the veil of forgetfulness was placed over your memory so that, most often, you could not remember your past lives, for it would be too much of a burden to remember all your past mistakes and imperfections. It was an act of mercy, for it has proven difficult enough for you to forgive yourselves for your errors and misjudgments in this lifetime, much less all your past aberrations.

These restrictive membranes of Light are slowly dissolving as you return to balance and harmony and advance on the spiral of ascension and reunification. An important fact to remember is that even though you no longer recall your past errors and the thoughts and deeds that threw you off balance, those energies are still present within your cellular structure waiting to be rectified and returned to harmony within.

That is the process you are now in the midst of at this time: through your conscious awareness and by aligning your will with the Will of your Higher Self and our Mother/Father God, all that is not in harmony with the frequencies of the higher Fourth Dimension are roiling up within to be healed and returned to the harmonics of peaceful coexistence, joy and loving intention.

Imagine a great orchestra playing a symphony; however, each instrument is a little off-key. Now imagine how uncomfortable that would make you. And then, picture some of the most powerful negative vibrational patterns you have sent forth in the past − instead of beautiful, melodic frequencies which lift and inspire − it is as if you have been sending forth discordant frequencies, which clash and create chaos instead of balance and harmony.

Can you bring to mind some of the positive vibrational patterns you have radiated forth recently, which have been as powerful as your negative thought forms?

Your Soul Song has gradually lost some of its pure and harmonious frequency patterns, and therefore, both your inner and outer worlds have become off-balance and discordant.

We have stressed over and over again, one of the greatest challenges, yet the most important thing to be accomplished in order to step onto the spiral of ascension, is to return to center within your Solar Power Center. This facilitates the opening of the Sacred Heart, and thereby, allows the Creator Light to flow freely to and from you. This, in turn, assists you to reclaim your uniquely beautiful and harmonious Soul signature.

We have explained how a membrane of Light was placed over the portal at the back of your Sacred Heart Center until it was time for you to begin your journey back into the higher dimensions and the realms of Light. However, you and you alone placed a membrane of protection over the front portal to your Sacred Heart Center because you have been hurt, disappointed and disillusioned so often.

Slowly but surely, through the techniques we have given you, you have dissolved those restrictive membranes so that the Love/Light can flow freely to and from you in the way it was intended.

In order to access and radiate the ever-increasing frequencies of Light, you must be able to integrate and permeate your Being with these advanced vibrational patterns. Then, you must be prepared to radiate them down into the core of the Earth, and project them out into the world at large, via your Sacred Heart Center portals – both front and back.

Envision how you looked when you first came to Earth: you were a shining crystalline Pillar of Light, filled with a full allotment of the virtues, qualities and talents of your God Ray consciousness. Slowly as you sank into the density, you began to build a cross of matter, which became more and more unwieldy as your spectrum of Light and shadow increased.

You are now in the process of loving those Fragments you have created back into balance and harmony as you seek and tap into higher and higher frequencies of Light. You are in the process of becoming a cross of Light, beloveds, as your spinal chakra system becomes ignited and you radiate Love/Light from the front and back portals of your Sacred Heart Center.

Why not move into the center of the spiral of ascending consciousness – into the eye of duality and polarity where all is calm and peaceful, and filled with pure cosmic life force substance called Adamantine Particles – waiting to be molded into your vision of the future?

This very moment, as you move into your Sacred Heart Center, you can experience the profound love and compassion of our Father/Mother God and the Supreme Creator, knowing that you are a treasured son/daughter on an important mission and that nothing you can say or do can diminish that love.


Stand in front of a mirror and gaze into your own eyes or go into your Pyramid of Light and lie on the crystal table.

Say to yourself,I forgive myself for any action, thought or deed – past, present or future – in this or any other reality, which has not been composed of the frequencies of Sacred Love. I forgive everyone with whom I have shared conflicting, discordant energies during my present or past lives – in this or any other reality – and I return to them, wrapped in a bubble of love, all negative memories, impacted energies and probable futures that we have created together. 

“I ask the angels of forgiveness to permeate all Facets of my Being with the frequencies of Love/Light so that I may become Soul-focused and heart-centered as a Bearer of Light and a Self-master.

Breathe deeply as you move into your Sacred Heart Center. Allow the pure Love/Light to pour down through you via your Higher Self. Feel the expansion in your heart center as this Divine Elixir of Love permeates the very depths of your Being.

Sacred Love is what frees you from the shackles you have woven around yourselves, binding, restricting and entangling you in karmic interactions. When you deny this love, you are denying your heritage and your Divine birthright. Perform this exercise as often as necessary until you feel you have accepted the truth that you are worthy of forgiveness.

Forgiveness is a very personal act, and it must come from the heart. It does not matter if others forgive you or not. When you forgive from the heart, it changes the energy dynamics between you and others. As we have said before, you can only change yourself, and you must allow others to change in their own time and way. You are only responsible for your own spiritual growth. However, remember, dear hearts, your loving energy speaks for itself and it creates miracles.

Forgiveness of Self, which facilitates a forgiveness of all others, is an integral step in the process of opening the portal to your Sacred Heart Center. Your heart portal must be open in order to successfully connect with the many Facets of your Divine Self and your universal consciousness.

You must make a concerted effort to return to harmony and balance within your own Being in order to be ready to connect with your Divine counterparts. Your painful, unsatisfying earthly relationships are a result of inner feelings of unworthiness, guilt, fear of failure and rejection.

The battle of the sexes is really an internal battle with Self, as you project your needs, wants and desires outward to someone else in hopes they can supply what is missing within. Your relationships will surely reflect to you the negative energies you need to overcome as well as some of the positive attributes you desire for yourself. Either can be painful or fulfilling, depending on the way you wish to apply the game of relationships.

Negative frequency physical relationships are fear-based, rigid, self-absorbed and limiting. Sacred relationships are love-based and Spirit-inspired, and allow each party to integrate and express the positive attributes of their intrinsic masculine and feminine nature. They focus on wholeness and unity, and yet they are flexible and allow freedom of expression.

As you lift your consciousness and return to harmony within, you radiate forth more refined frequency patterns, and therefore, you will attract to you those who are radiating and are comfortable with the same level of the Light spectrum.

The reunification process entails rejoining the multiple Facets and levels of your Soul family, which consists of your earthly Soul companions and the many Facets of your Higher-Self − your solar, galactic and Sub-Universal family.

Beloveds, won’t you begin the process of forgiveness NOW, and make a concerted effort to open the portal of your Sacred Heart Center so that these wondrous gifts can be showered down upon you?

Call on us and allow us to assist you. Remember, we are only a heartbeat and a thought away. We enfold you in the Sacred, unconditional love of our Father/Mother God.

I AM Archangel Michael.

Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael.  Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my Email and website address is included. It may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission from:

Read Messages Online

people living with peace, harmony and love in the world as well as within their families. These qualities are not too much to ask for in your prayers because they are the natural state of balance in God’s world. Your prayers you offer in order to attain them opens your mind and heart to fulfillment in your personal life.

AA Gabriel– All things in life are a part of the Universal Consciousness. This includes the desires of your heart. You have within you all that it takes to fulfill these desires and create the life you want to have. Know that each time you feel a deep longing, the seed of fulfillment is inherent within it.

There is a deep re-awakening within you, showing you a potential for all that you desire. This re-awakening results from your connection to God and the remembrance of the Angels who are guiding you always. As you commune more and more with this energy, your life will begin to take on the magical qualities you desire.

It begins with letting go. When you know in your heart that all your needs will be abundantly met, you can release the part of you that wants acquisition. You will now be free to discover the true desires in your heart. True desires have qualities that are fulfilled when the desires have been manifested. If the desire is for money, there is a quality that your heart seeks to have fulfilled — a sense of safety, an abundant lifestyle, or perhaps, simply freedom from worry.

Becoming aware of these qualities allows you to take action to gain these first, which will then allow the material form to manifest in a form which is in your highest good. The first step after discovering the qualities you seek, is always to ask for what you want, making sure you clearly state the qualities you are seeking to have. The Angelic Dimensions stand ready to assist you in the process of gaining all you desire in your life. Clarity is key.


It is truly God’s Plan to have all beings live in a state of abundant joy and freedom from fears: people living with peace, harmony and love in the world as well as within their families.  These qualities are not too much to ask for in your prayers because they are the natural state of balance in God’s world.  Your prayers you offer in order to attain them opens your mind and heart to fulfillment in your personal life.

It is also vital to be in the company of like-minded souls who believe that miracles are not only possible, they are also willing to have them manifest in their own lives. It is clear that in some situations in the world, only a miracle of divine proportions can create a solution. With enough people believing miracles are possible, there is no doubt that creative solutions, which are beyond the mind’s ability to understand at this time, will occur.

Begin now to allow miracles to manifest in your world. Be the first one to ask for Divine Intervention, and to share your belief with others, so that all may live in a new level of conscious awareness and abundant joy.

Those desires in your heart are there to remind you that miracles happen, and God provides you the ways to have all the good you desire in your life. Know that you are blessed and profoundly loved.

Call on the Divine Presence and the Angels, then allow the desires of your heart to be fulfilled.

Remember, you would not have the desire without the means to fulfill it.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel © 2019

SF Source Shanta GabrielJan 2019

It is important to learn how to study without emotional attachments of fear and to shift your frequency to neutrality or love in an empowered state to keep from reinforcing the control matrix while uncovering it.

Michelle Walling, CHLC– There is an irony I have struggled with in having a website that uncovers the nature of the control matrix that we exist in. Because we are powerful creators, we create every moment of this matrix by what we focus and intend, and we have been programmed to subconsciously create what we are studying by making it our truth.

It is important to learn how to study without emotional attachments of fear and to shift your frequency to neutrality or love in an empowered state to keep from reinforcing the control matrix while uncovering it.

Part of the black magic of controlling humanity and locking people into a perpetually negative matrix usually begins with school. We are taught subjects that we have to repeat over and over in order to memorize it, and then we are quizzed on how well we have programmed our brain to believe these facts.

The programming is usually reinforced by our parents because they were also brainwashed and mind controlled. Before our modern day schools, even horse and buggy people were brainwashed into divide and conquer by the idea of war, and society made sure to keep lots of people in the saloons and/or churches. Information was disseminated through snail mail and newspapers, and they had a very slim chance of getting information to empower themselves.

Information can be one of the most empowering things to break free of the control matrix. However, black magic programming can also apply to your studies of the dark forces as well. Some say that the dark are supposed to tell us what they are doing openly in compliance with Universal Law because we have free will and shouldn’t be programmed without our consent.

There is some really good information leaked by select cabal members, and there are tons of movies putting out disclosure. By placing the information out there for all to see, we are supposedly giving consent by continuing to live like slaves if we do nothing about it. Of course, most people don’t realize they are looking at the truth right in front of their faces. But even if we do recognize the truth, what if it is allowed to be seen in order to keep us perpetuating what they are doing? We never learned to say NO and shift the energy in order to break the subliminal programming while studying their methods of control and torture.

To truly understand my point is to understand how this inverted matrix copy is being created. Let’s say that half of the population on Earth are Source beings that are creating this inverted matrix reality (mostly subconsciously) through their thoughts, focus, and intentions. Most are riddled in fear and don’t even realize it. In the other half of the population is a small percentage of negative beings.

The rest of “people” NPC’s, or non-player characters, non souled beings, or what Dolores Cannon called backdrop people. They are being controlled by artificial intelligence in order to reinforce and perpetuate the creation of every moment from a lower vibration by programming the Source beings to keep the frequency low. The storyline continues in the matrix as the Source beings have forgotten who they are and that they are creating their own reality.

In every moment we flash in and out of existence several times. When we flash in, we have just re-created our body and our version of the earth matrix based on the last moment plus any new programming that influences us in the now moment. This is the biggest secret of all –  We are creating this matrix. The negative beings are not creating anything, they can only copy matrices and influence Source to create based upon negative influence and ignorance.

The system busters are Starseeds who are awakening to who they are as Source, and they came here to re-program the matrix from inside if it. In order to do so, it is important to learn how to be the observer and not focus too much on the dark forces so that you do not attract that into your reality.

There is a sequence of learning that can be followed that involves working on yourself in peaks and rests that allows you to process truth. First you stumble upon a big topic and do all of the research that you can, then you decide that you do not want that in your matrix and you make a declaration to the Universe that you do not consent. Then it is important to process and transmute all of that negative information by taking a break from the information and spending time raising your  vibration and focusing on what you do want to create in the New Earth.

In the past, I would get so bogged down in studying the negative control matrix that it lowered my vibration. The irony is that I just wanted people to know what was happening so I would write an article about it (reinforcing it unconsciously). If some would turn their head at the information, I accidentally judged those who were spiritual bypassing this information.

I have learned that if we didn’t have the spiritual bypassers holding the higher frequency for the matrix cleaners to go into the crap and clean it up, we would get stuck in the vibration of perpetuating the exact same matrix as we were studying. I have refrained from to writing about many other darker subjects because we haven’t all learned how to pull out of the vibration from which they were created. There are still so much more dark shenanigans that many Starseeds will never know about. A small percentage of us will be told and we will offset that part of the matrix with out transmutation abilities.

I noticed that when I took a break from my studies and read something I loved like Barbara Marciniak’s Bringers of the Dawn, I was again recharged and empowered. I also would get out in nature or treat myself to a special meal or dessert until I felt better. The shift of the energy is what allowed me to transmute what I had picked up by reading the bad things and then focusing on something empowering and doing something I enjoyed.

When I shifted the energy of what I had been studying by shifting the energy in my body, I did not perpetuate the creation of that topic in my matrix. It is important to create your own little escape while still being fully embodied.

I have also since been able to study the negative control matrix as an observer, which naturally happened after finding myself in and out of the “void”. Once I reached a state of balance in my own energy work, I was “in the world but not of it”. This kept me from taking on the programming of the negative matrix material I was “observing” as I dove in and out of my research.

I continued with the declarations of non consent to what was happening “out there”. Sometimes I do an “erase and rewrite” in my mind when I am thinking about something negative in order to understand it, and I replace it with positive repetitive affirmations of what I do want. I have also opened my heart so that I am recreating my matrix out of a love vibration rather than a fear vibration. The last part of the reprogramming of the matrix involves spending a lot of time now focusing on what I do want in my matrix, and that is how I am contributing to the creation of the New Earth.

Not everyone has a role in studying the matrix in depth, and perception has a lot to do with decoding the matrix. But for those who are curious and question everything, learning how to transmute what you are studying is key. By shifting your energy and taking a break, you do not get caught up in a negative spiral in your own local matrix as well as contribute to the overall matrix creation with all of the other Source creators here.

Sometimes it is even good to take a break of several months if that is what it takes to shift your frequency back into a higher state or dimension. Make sure you reading articles or listening to videos of truth frequency instead of fear based or low vibration. Pay attention to how you are feeling and make adjustments accordingly.

The matrix we see is a holographic illusion and it is as easy to un-create as it was to create it. We are remembering how to do just that, one Starseed at a time. It only takes a small percentage of empowered creator beings in a love vibration to override the majority.

SF Source How to exit the matrixJan 2019

If a wave dissolves into the ocean, you do not feel as if the ocean has disappeared. You simply see it rising again in a different form. So too with Divine love.

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

The universe loves you dear ones. The Divine loves you in so many diverse forms.You are loved when the sun shines upon you. You are loved by the grass beneath your feet. You are loved by the sound of the birds singing their prayers morning and evening, and you are loved by the food on your table. You are loved without condition, without measure. Can you fathom this?

In this, the month that so many of you celebrate love, try to go about your days, thinking to yourself with great satisfaction.“The creator of universes adores me! I am loved in so many forms! The greatest love of my life can never leave me because this love lives in all things in all beings. In every moment of every day, I am loved!”

If a wave dissolves into the ocean, you do not feel as if the ocean has disappeared. You simply see it rising again in a different form. So too with Divine love.

Begin to acknowledge this love as often as you can.Taste your food and see if you can perceive its flavor as love. Feel the warmth of the sun upon your skin and see if you can perceive its life giving energy as love. Look around the home that protects you from the elements and imagine you can feel its love. Feel the love in the water in your morning showers. Imagine it in the plants and essences that scent your lotions. Acknowledge it the workings of your car, for it loves you too, when you sit upon the seat and start its motor each morning.

See this love in the people that are wonderful to you, and even beneath those who are not, for in truth they just push you away from themselves and closer to you. 

Can you imagine? The entire universe is a living, breathing consciousness, animated by love itself! All that you see around you has a form of life and energy and light within it.If you seek to acknowledge that love you will feel it far more often. The greatest romance upon your earth is available at all times, for you are both the lover and the beloved. You are Divine Love in human form trying to love yourself in all forms.

We live in love dear ones.We see the light that gives us life in all things and all beings. We see your perfection even when you see your perceived flaws. We see your wholeness even when you feel broken. We see your vitality hiding behind the illusions of ill health.

When you begin to look for and acknowledge the love in all things, you too will notice the underlying perfection and love in all of life.This is your reason for being on earth – to remember and experience the Divine in all its glorious forms and… to look in the mirror to and see nothing less in your own.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
The Angels via Ann Albers

It is your job to desire because it is through your desires that you create, and it is through those creations that Source expands. We recommend that you do your jobs and that you let the rest of us do ours.

What Your Job Is ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have the ability to sense when you are asking for something, and we are able to detect exactly what you are asking for, even if you don’t verbalize it or think it consciously in your head. And we are just one council in one dimension, and we are only focused in this galaxy. So you can imagine how tuned in to all of you Source is.

Source is all that is, and yet Source still has the ability to sense and understand every single one of your desires. Now, we also want to point out that Source has many different ways of delivering that which you desire to you. There are many agents working on behalf of that very benevolent, loving, ubiquitous Energy that Source is.

We tell you this because we want you to know that your job is not to make it all happen. You are told from a very young age that you will have to work in order to not only survive, but also to get the things that you want for pure enjoyment purposes. And so you are regularly programmed into thinking that it is all up to you and that you will usually only be able to get something that you desire through hard work, blood, sweat, and tears.

The re-programming is underway now, and we are happy to be a part of that re-programming. We want you to have faith, to trust. We want you to relax and to know that you are also an agent of Source. It is your job to desire because it is through your desires that you create, and it is through those creations that Source expands. We recommend that you do your jobs and that you let the rest of us do ours.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here

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