This shift is about all of you being the highest frequency conduits of energy you can possibly be.

You Are High Frequency Conduits ∞The 9thDimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are placing a great deal of our attention on how humanity is going to handle the influx of energies that you are receiving at this time. The reason why it is important for us to notice how you are handling the energies is because we need to constantly monitor how much transformation you are ready for.

Now, some of you are ready to become your higher selves completely and ascend to the fifth dimension, but most of you are not. Most of humanity needs to experience much more of that fourth dimensional energy before they are ready to transform completely.

Sometimes when you add high frequency energy to an equation it doesn’t always give you the results you might expect. So most of humanity is being slowly coaxed into the hot bath of the fifth dimensional energies. But when those of you who are awakened are able to handle more, you sort of filter the energies for the rest of the collective.

The energies move through you, they transform you, and then they are made available to the rest of humanity in that filtered form, which is a bit watered down. The trees and the animals do this as well, and you have joined them in their mission to help humanity, to ready all of you, for those very high frequency energies that are coming at the time of the shift.

Now, when you perform an energy healing on someone, you send them the highest frequency energies they are ready for. When you send someone a transmission of love, you are literally sending that love at the highest frequency they are capable of handling. We are watching. We are monitoring, and we are working with you.

So you can relax and know that you are doing enough just by being there and by being open to receive. This shift is not about doing, and it’s not about defeating any dark forces. This shift is about all of you being the highest frequency conduits of energy you can possibly be.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here

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Happy 2019 To All!

May this year bring to all and each one of you the accomplishment of each and every one of your desires and wishes and manifestations with ease and grace in peace and bliss, love and joy.May all Humanity and Gaia Ascend in 5D in the eternal Now and May All realise with real eyes all lies so the Truth of our oneness may come forward for all to be seen and felt for ever and ever.There is no separation.All Is One.All is Love.And May all come to this realisation by feeling the Love of the One within, may we all be inspired and blessed to connect with our Higher Self-God within and truly feel this truth deep in the core of our beings so we can move forward united as one in this stage of our evolution as humanity from carbon based bodies to crystalline based bodies, from Human To Galactic reaching out to the Cosmos and connect with all Star brothers and sisters that are of the unlimited unconditional love of Mother Father God.May all Live Long and Prosper in Your new lives on New Earth Cities and Light Cities with Free Energy and Advanced Healing Technologies that respect the energies of our electromagnetic bodies.May 2019 be the happiest year ever for each one of you and all humanity and Gaia and The Cosmos.

Feel More Than Fine Always!Amen and Hallelujah!So Be it,So it is.