Way Shower

Just for fun here is a track i produced few years ago,the video is of low quality recorder on an old Olympus Camera that I still use instead of any android.

the message:

I choose not suffer to convince you of my truth,i am already a S.T.A.R. and  have nothing to prove.IAM a Way Shower.Now Follow my Groove.

IAM a Channel between parallel words guided by Higher Spirit to get you on the other side To Surrender Trust Allow and Receive (S.T.A.R.) what your deepest Desires are.

IAM a Wayshower now follow my Groove.

and here is another one:Believe in You.

When you have managed to ‘fly’ in the higher vibrations consistently, continuously no matter what is going on around you, then you will soon notice the gradual awakening of your Divine, innate, powerful spiritual abilities

Greetings my brothers and sisters,

It is now time to continue my last message by first sharing with you all a little bit of my real-life story as the famous Jesus of Nazareth. Unlike what had been previously said in Part 1, I will be sharing my true, authentic teachings from that lifetime here through Adele, one channeled message at a time in the future. This is due to the length of each channeled message, which I prefer to keep to the bare minimum.


So if you haven’t read Part 1 of my message, please do so first before continuing here.


It is important to read them all in order. All of our messages contain powerful Divine Light Codes that can help to ‘enlighten’ the minds, bodies and spirits of the people reading them; to help realign you back onto the path of Spiritual Mastery and Ascension.

It is very important that you all realize that this and all future messages are written withoutany intention to: criticize, or, put current religious teachings in a negative light. My purpose here is to enlighten only those who are ready, with higher dimensional wisdom, with higher truth; free from all restrictions coming from religious/political dogmas that were set hundreds of years ago.

For those of you here who have come from a Christian background, or if you are a practicing Catholic, and if you have made the choice to continue to read/listen to this message, please do so with an open heart and mind. A lot of the things revealed today and in my future messages through Adele, will be quite different to what you had been taught in traditional Christian teachings. You’ve had a lifetime of practice believing in what religious authorities had taught you, and then suddenly here I am appearing in these messages, informing you all that some of those teachings were not entirely accurate.

Confusion and disbelief are perfectly normal. This is why you are welcome to stop reading/listening to this and move on elsewhere, anytime you like. You are welcome to believe or not believe anything written here. Your free will is always respected. And that is why you should always give that same freedom to others; to believe in whatever they wish to believe. Please follow your hearts, your powerful inner GPS, in anything that you choose to focus on/do in life. Let us begin.

I know that some of you here had read the highly controversial book The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, or watched its movie adaptation (starring Tom Hanks). That book is a work of fiction, but some of the information revealed in there were truly divinely inspired. The most relevant one to my message today, is centred around a famous, real life historical event that created the foundation of today’s Christianity: the First Council of Nicaea (in AD 325); convened by the Roman Emperor Constantine I.

This assembly was attended by early Christian authorities; bishops who were representing many in Christendom. This council meeting aimed to attain consensus on church/canon law. These men discussed, debated and eventually came to an agreement/settlement on a variety of important issues such as: my Divinity, my relationship and claim of oneness with Father God, my teachings, the date of Easter, the creation of the Nicene Creed, and much more that were not publicly revealed.

In this first ecumenical council (along with many other council meetings afterwards), my teachings were very heavily scrutinized. During this time period approximately 3 centuries after my death, there were many Gospels (records of my life and teachings written by many disciples and eye-witnesses) that had been discovered by these early Christian leaders.

In time, those leaders decided that only gospels that made me sound like ‘the only’ Divine Son of God, the Father, were to be included in the book that is called the Bible today. Gospels that made me sound like a normal man, a normal person, just like the rest of humanity, were mostly not included in the Bible. There is a reason why religions foster the belief that God (and/or the Ascended Masters who are founders of these religions) needs to be worshiped and glorified.

By worshiping and glorifying God, He will ‘most likely’ answer your prayers by helping and giving you a few, some or all the things you have been asking for. So if you haven’t been getting what you are asking for, God is most likely to blame. You might even start thinking along the lines of being an ‘unworthy sinner’, or being so unloved by God and that is why your prayers have gone unanswered. This is really one of the greatest fallacy of all time.

The distinction/claim that Jesus was the onlyDivine Son of God and that was the only reason why I was able to perform so many amazing miracles during my physical incarnation, was the most effective way, to disempower believers. This fallacy has successfully managed to ‘disconnect’ a lot of believers over thousands of years, from their own natural, powerful Creation and Manifestation abilities. It has stripped many people of personal power.

God loves ALL OF YOU unconditionally, without any exceptions. The Universe/God will always support and give you what you want, 100% of the time, at the perfect Divine Timing: as long as what you want is always consistent with the Higher Good of all (i.e. never infringe on other people’s free will), AND as long as you are in perfect, complete alignment with your desires.

There are many ‘snippets’ of Higher Truth that can be found in the Bible and in other holy books, but in general, please use your inner wisdom when reading ANY informationthat comes from a source that is located ‘outside’ of you. You need to use your heart, your inner GPS to discern their truth. And this includes all of the channeled messages Adele had been writing on our behalf. Don’t just take our word for them; use your heart to discern its authenticity and truth.Higher Truth will always ‘feel’ true. It will resonate with your hearts and will always carry the vibrations of Light and Love for all reading them.

In Part 1 of this message, I had shared with you all that I was born to spiritually-awakened, biological parents. My parents knew of their true spiritual identities as Divine Souls; as son and daughter of our beloved Father/Mother God, long before I was born. Thus I was never trapped in the 3-D matrix that was Planet Earth back then.

Growing up as a boy, my parents also knew that I had a very important mission of Love to do. And with that in mind, they always followed their own intuition and guidance (given to them by God and by their own spirit team through visions, dreams or ‘inner knowings’) on how best to raise me; how best to educate me. We traveled a lot during my teenage years; to many distant countries in the East and West in search of wise and learned men who could best teach and show me the way to, one day, being able to reach my Highest Potential for that lifetime.

I stayed and learned from many spiritual gurus; teachers who not only possessed higher-dimensional, esoteric Wisdom and Knowledge but who had also consistently applied them successfully in their daily lives. They usually lived in some of the most remote places on the planet; preferring to stay within the communities of higher-dimensional, fully-awakened souls. Some of my teachers were living within ‘Inner Earth’ societies.

People living in these spiritually-advanced, inner earth societies always welcomed everyone who had the genuine intention to know, understand and apply advanced spiritual wisdom into their daily lives. Back then having visitors to their ‘hidden’ homes were rare; but when it happened, they knew that these visitors were divinely guided to find and learn from them the higher dimensional ways of living and of being.

And thus they welcomed me and my parents with loving, open arms, and gave us a temporary home away from home; in a wonderfully loving, supportive and secure environment for me to remember and master Divine abilities that are my birthright. These teachers were like the lampposts in my path to enlightenment. They ‘paved’ the way to my own remembrance; to my own Divine spiritual powers and to a full, complete awakening of my Godliness, my Oneness with God and with ALL THAT IS.

Our stay with them lasted until I became fully awakened and fully integrated with my Higher Self. By my early twenties I was already living my life as the physical embodiment of Christ consciousness (Unconditional Love & Unity consciousness) and had become my Higher Self in every way. I was finally ready for my ministry of Light, and we then began our long journey home, back towards the land where the last, but most important phase of my ‘life drama’ would eventually begin. Before the start of my ministry, I did choose to have a normal life for myself for a few short years. My twin flame (who was Mary Magdalene at the time) and I became a loving, married couple. And it was she who mostly gave me the strength and courage to continue with my divine mission.

I started my ministry by first locating the key players; people who would play a huge part in my life and in spreading my teachings after the death of my physical body. In time, the number of male and female disciples grew to thousands, and not just the special 12. We gathered together regularly in many different settings; we traveled from town to town following the inner guidance that Father God and my Higher Self had given me.

Towards the end of my ministry, my closest followers who had chosen to stay by my side through it all, had all successfully become their Higher Selves in every way. They followed and listened to my guidance very closely and became totally committed to my teachings; committed to the path of Light and Love.

You might be wondering how long would it take (for someone who totally dedicated his life to ascension and enlightenment) to go from initial spiritual awakening to full integration of Higher Self? The time taken is of course different from person to person.

However, during my time as Jesus, my disciples were with me almost all the time (with a few exceptions e.g. meditation times). They listened to me; they constantly asked questions; and they took the time to practice what they had learned. Their main daily focus was on spirituality. We relied on the kindness of strangers to feed ourselves and we slept wherever we would like. We helped when our assistance was needed and we were always surrounded by people who were more than happy to help us when needed.

Due to our main focus on spirituality, on average it took my disciples between 3 to 12 months to master my higher-dimensional teachings. By the time I died on the cross, my closest disciples had all: reached their goals of enlightenment and become Ascended Masters in their own right, with most of their Divine spiritual gifts and abilities awakened.

Towards the end, they understood why I had to take the path that led to such a gruesome and violent death, and even though we had grown very close (with a bond as strong as that of brothers/sisters), they completely respected my choice/free will and supported me in every way. My mission was too important for me to run away and escape from my supposed end, and things needed to happen exactly the way they were meant to happen.

It might come as a shock to many Christian believers, that Jesus was once a simple man living a simple life as a husband and father, and as a teacher of higher-dimensional wisdom. He was born to a highly spiritual family who loved God deeply and he had committed his life to a mission of spreading higher truth to all who would listen. He was Divine, just like all of you are Divine. He was God in a human body, just like all of you are Gods/Goddesses in a human body. With time and dedication, Jesus achieved spiritual mastery and became enlightened, just like any one of you can also do the same if you possess the courage, bravery, strength, trust and faith to surrender completely to God, and to your Higher Self/Purpose.

All of you who regularly read these channeled messages are serious about Ascension. You know and understand by now that you can grow and fly to greater heights, and leave behind all limiting aspects of your 3-D Self. You long to be, do and have more. You have longed for HOME for far too long. You long to be back home again, within the embrace of your powerful, loving God and Higher Self. You long to know yourself, once again, as the magnificent, OMNIPOTENT, OMNISCIENT and OMNIPRESENT Soul that you truly are, in the absolute reality that is your true home in Heaven.

And all that is needed, for you to truly become your Higher Self is every way (whilst still in physicality), is to make the full-time commitment to be the embodiment of God, in this lifetime.

Adele had written a blog a few years ago titled ‘Archangel Raphael: Supreme Healer in the Angelic Realm‘. In that blog she had specified the steps that you all need to take, in order to align yourself, your life and your entire way of being with any goals you may have in life, specifically with your goal of becoming God.

If you make a strong intention right now, to one day become your Higher Self for real, then please make the commitment TO DO WHATEVER IT TAKES to reach that goal. The road to spiritual mastery, to becoming an Ascended Master is not for the faint-hearted.

Before an athlete becomes the owner and master of a gold, silver or bronze medal in any sport played in the Olympics, he would need to commit every single day and many hours per day, to the cause. This athlete needs to endure endless hours of repetitive exercises in order to improve his game and be the best in that field. His commitment to his goal of one day becoming an Olympic medalist is constantly tested, in many different ways, and in many different competitions.

And just like this athlete, once you have started to walk this path to becoming ‘Master of Life’, you will discover challenges that will help you apply the higher-dimensional Wisdom you have thus far attained. Every day your commitment to this goal will be tested, by whatever is happening in your personal and work lives. However, unlike an athlete who competes with others to become the best in his sport, you will be only competing with yourself: your old, stubborn, fearful, sometimes egoistic and complacent, third-dimensional self.

Every day you should aim to be: the embodiment of Christ Consciousness (Love & Unity Consciousness) in every moment, and exude love wherever you go. Your thoughts, words, feelings and actions need to be that of Divine Love for the majority of the time. Imagine as if you are a pilot in control of a plane that is your life on Earth. Prior to your spiritual awakening, most of you had put the controls of your life on ‘automatic pilot mode’.

You flew back and forth from the higher altitudes (higher frequencies) to the lower altitudes (lower frequencies) many times prior to reaching your destination (your goal), in response to what was happening around you. In other words, your moods and states of being can be easily affected by the many worldly dramas happening around you and by the people who are constantly surrounding you.

The road to Spiritual Mastery and Enlightenment requires you to: take back control of your plane, i.e. your life, by turning the automatic pilot mode off, and by doing whatever it takes to ensure that you can constantly fly in the higher altitudes (in the higher vibrations where love, joy, calm and peace exists). In other words, you need to commit to always be staying in the higher frequencies, in whatever you choose to: do, have and focus on. Please read my earlier message through Adele titled ‘The Blueprint of Your New 5-D Life’ for more information on how to live a high-vibrational life.

When you have managed to ‘fly’ in the higher vibrations consistently, continuously no matter what is going on around you, then you will soon notice the gradual awakening of your Divine, innate, powerful spiritual abilities. These natural abilities are something that all of you have, when you are living in the higher dimensions, or back home in Heaven.

Divine Unconditional LOVE is the additional key needed for the awakening of your spiritual powers.

The 3 powerful affirmations that Father God had shared in his previous channeled message through Adele, titled ‘The Art of Letting Go‘ will only work if the people saying those potent declarations have truly realized their spiritual identity as ‘Divine Love’ incarnated. In other words, someone who has a low self-esteem, or someone who does not really love himself/hates himself will never be able to bridge the gap between ‘acting/faking’ and ‘truly becoming’ the God that he truly is. He can say these affirmations many times per day, over and over again, but his path of becoming his Higher Self will be powerfully blocked by his inability to love himself.

And without Love for oneself, for others and for the world around him, his powerful Divine powers and abilities can never be awakened. This person’s Higher Self will never burden him with spiritual powers beyond his current abilities to control. Your Higher Self and spirit team are always closely monitoring your motivational and readiness levels to embrace more of who you truly are.

You all had learned lessons in life when you manifested into your physical reality something you did not truly want. And when traced back to its origins, you could always find the ‘event’ or the day when you were thinking negative thoughts, or saying negative words that were the root cause of the unwanted outcome.

Once your level of spiritual awakening is in the latter phase (close to completion) you will find that the time lag between creation and manifestation keeps getting smaller and smaller until one day, there is zero time lag. What you think, say and feel become your reality instantly. Once that happens, you will know that you have reached the highest level of spiritual mastery.

This is a level where anything is possible and where limitations do not exist. It is a level reached by all the famous and non-famous Ascended Masters/religious masters who were once incarnated on planet Earth. It is the ultimate level of Oneness with ALL THAT IS. Reaching this level means that you have once again become a powerful CREATOR who: have full, complete control of your thoughts, words, feelings and actions (i.e. your vibrations) and is in constant alignment with Divine Love.

Love is truly THE greatest power in this Universe.

The next statement I will be saying here will be my main message for all of you here today. If you are serious about becoming and embodying God/your Higher Self, you need to STOP giving your power away. You have to immediately take your life off of the automatic pilot mode and take back control. Do not easily join in the activities or conform to the decisions of any religion, your group of friends, the community/work organizations that you belong to, IF their values and missions in life are not at all based in the Love & Unity/Oneness consciousness.

Be the brave and courageous souls I know you all truly are, and say NO when you need to say no, and then work out a more loving solution to all challenges that arise, always placing the Higher Good of all concerned in the back of your mind.

Whenever faced with making a decision, big or small, you MUST CONSTANTLY ask yourselves, which decision should you pick that will align you the most to your powerful Higher Self. The highest-vibrational decision that your Higher Self will help you select will always be aligned with the energies of Love, Unity, Abundance and Personal Empowerment.

Respect your spiritually-awakened Self, and choose the path ofleast resistance.

An awakened person can rarely go back to her old self without feeling totally miserable, anxious and stressed-out about his daily life or about the decisions he has made. It will be like wearing old clothes that can barely fit. The inner battle that may arise within, that takes place between your ‘old’ 3-D and ‘new’ 5-D Selves, must be approached with quiet introspection, patience, compassion, understanding and love. You will know that you have won the battle when you are back to feeling joyful and at peace with where you are right now and with the choices you are making in life.

In my next channeled message (Part 3), I will be focusing on the topic of healing. Adele (being an energy healer) would love me to explain the higher wisdom behind the process of healing your physical body of all ailments, diseases/imbalances. I will share with you all the ‘secrets’ to my seemingly magical, miraculous healings performed when I was Jesus of Nazareth.

The discourses here were written to help all of you to permanently shatter, break and eliminate for good many third-dimensional fallacies that are still shackling you down.

NOW is truly time for all of you to break free from all restrictions and limitations that are currently stopping you from: living the kind of life that you want andliving in the kind of higher-dimensional society that you want to be in.

The choice is ultimately yours. Are you ready to be free? Do you even want to be free?

As always, your free will is always respected by all of us here in the higher dimensional realm.

Loving you all beyond measure.

Your brother in Light,



Channeled by Adele Arini. Copyright 2018. If you re-post, please retain article in its entirety, and provide the link below. Much love & gratitude. https://www.raphaelshealingspace.com.au

Ask And It Is Given

Here is a book that i read many years ago :

ASK AND IT IS GIVEN  by Abraham Hicks

and here is the summary of it:

”before I was born into my physical body 

I was a non-physical energy and from 

that non-physical energy part I 

presented myself into a physical body 

whereby I have been interacting with the 

contrast of my physical time-space 

reality and constantly all day every day 

giving birth to rockets of desire which 

the non-physical part of me becomes 

vibrationally one with and then all I 

have to do is become a vibrational match 

to what my desire is and it is given ” 



Are you choosing Love… the Heart every moment, or Fear… the mind… the ego.

Special Message from Archangel Michael ~ Heart Activations and the Abundance of Gaia

By Archangel Michael

Greetings Dear Ones, I AM here to provide information on the current energies. We are in the 5~5 Portal energies, and these energies are intense. Most of this month’s energies are heavily revolving around the Heart. The clearing that the light workers have been doing for many moments, is to fully open, allow and embrace the Heart. That is what the spiritual journey is about… Coming home, back into the Heart, severing the mind… the ego, completely. Everything is based around the inner journey, to activate your soul missions, twin flames, abundance and to fully integrate the Higher Self. Let us delve deeper into these energies, to Fully immerse in the Blessings of Our Beloved MotherGod, Prime Creator, Source, Great Spirit, Sophia Gaia, Mother of All Creation has to offer to Her Children of the Heart. As always, Awareness transforms into Consciousness.


Trials and Tribulations

The energies being poured on the planet and into Human Collective, is of intense clearing and testing. What do you mean by testing? It is simple Dear Ones… Are you choosing Love… the Heart every moment, or Fear… the mind… the ego. The Universe is providing these trials, to test your resolve… to mold you all into the True Divine Beings that you have always been.

All the conditionings… the negative traits of the mind… the ego, have to be transformed, for ALL, in order for the Heart to fully open. It is through the Heart, that one’s Soul can be fully harnessed and integrated, to become One with All, with MotherGod, Prime Creator, Source, Great Spirit, Sophia Gaia, Mother of All Creation. The Universe is working with you, if you so choose, to refine, sharpen and become the Diamond of Love. Many situations have, and will, occur to know if you are embodying Love, or Fear. Comfort zones will be tested and broken. These experiences are for Growth and Expansion, to release any density within the Being. These are blessings Dear Ones, not judgements or condemnation.

Connections and Earth Changes

These energies from the celestial bodies are providing many Earth Changes, as Gaia Herself is shaking off any remaining density to prepare for the next wave of higher consciousness energies. Major Change is the theme for these energies on every level, both seen and unseen. It matters not how things look in 3D.

Gaia has been leading the way of the Ascension for a long moment, and she is prepared to make the shift into the higher realms, joining with the rest of All Creation in Unity Consciousness. She has been doing this mostly on Her own, as the support from the Lightworkers and Humanity is excessively limited, due to most of the collective choosing to be in the mind, instead of feeling Her through the Heart. We, your Angelic, Galactic and Elemental families have mentioned throughout many messages, Humanity is along for the ride, if they so choose. The mind… the ego, has no say in creation, as it is not part of Unity Consciousness, which can never abide to the Divine Plan. We fully support Our Beloved Mother Earth, as we are in Unity Consciousness, and abide fully to Universal Law and the Divine Plan.

Those choosing the Heart, will have many experiences and activations in these Now moments. You will be guided through the Heart, on making profound moves and Heart connections with other Brothers and Sisters of the Heart, in Full Service to Mother Earth… to LOVE. These connections are for growth, expansion and further propel everyone into fulfilling their missions and contracts to Prime Creator, Source, Mother of All Creation, Mother Earth. Also, to bring immense amounts of Joy, Laughter and Love, as you are connecting with True Family, after so many moments of the separation experience. Again, the guidance can only come through the Heart. The mind… the ego, blocks the access of the Heart. Those choosing the mind, higher mind, or trying to balance mind and Heart, will not be able to gain the Activations already happening, nor be able to fulfill their mission. They will experience a variety of DeAscension symptoms frequently, if not daily, such as;

Dazed and Confusion,

Erratic Behaviors,

Loss of Motor Skills,

Loss of Memory,

Loss of Breath,

Stuck in mental thoughts,

Body Aches and Pain,

Joint Pain,



Extreme Hunger,

Heart Aches, 

Heart Attacks, 


And so much more. The mind, ego, higher mind are all constructs of lower consciousness, to keep All in lower vibrations, never to fully embrace your True Divine Essence, which is Unconditional Love.
Experiences will vary for every Soul. The most common of some of these Unconditional Love experiences are;

Moments of Euphoria,

Childlike Wonder,

Bursts of Joy and Laughter,

Oneness with Mother Earth,

Passion of Being in Service to Mother Earth,

Passion for Unity Consciousness,

Passion to Begin the New Paradigm of Love Everywhere Present,

Sensitivity or Agitation being around Lower Consciousness,


And other experiences of higher consciousness, all of which is your Natural State of Being. God is Love… a Feeling… an experience, not a thought process or a fantasy. Be grounded and practice stillness and meditation daily, especially with Trees. The Trees are angels in disguise, waiting and willing to assist those whom accept their warm embrace of Love. They can help with balancing, grounding, healing and transformation of energies.


The Abundance of Gaia

Many lightworkers have created fantasies revolving around the abundance of New Earth. Many thinking they have access to abundance, they are creating the New Paradigm, they can sit on the side lines waiting for a check, and other mental constructs such as;







Delusions of grandeur,


Which are All of the mind. The mind, likes to create fanciful, outlandish, rhetoric about things it can never understand, especially about the Abundance of New Earth. Many have questioned about the Abundance. To clarify, Ask yourselves; “Why would Love give to Ego?, Why would Love continue the old paradigm of Taking? Why would Love continue the raping and pillaging of the Planet and Humanity?”
The Abundance is about sharing and giving. As one shares and gives to Mother Earth, that energy expands 10 fold, becoming greater. Gaia’s abundance is immense, bountiful, wonderful, and solely Hers to give. The abundance is based of higher consciousness… Heart consciousness… Unity Consciousness. No one of lower consciousness states can ever have access to it. It is impossible. The abundance is for Gaia’s Children of the Heart. It is Being released to Her in these Now Moments, as by Divine Decree, and Universal Law.

Love supports Love. Share and Give to Mother Earth, as She is Here with You All. She is your Mother… Our Mother. We are All Her Children, and Love Her so. Father’s wish is for Mother and their children to flourish with Unconditional Love in Unity Consciousness. He supports Her and the Children of the Heart with immense passion. That is how deep is His Love is for Mother… for All. We support Our Beloved Mother and Father.

Enjoy these new energies and activations. Embrace them, as we do Our Mother and Father. We Gods with God, Our Mother of All Creation… creating the New Earth together in Unity Consciousness.

I AM Archangel Michael and I AM amongst You… Always of Service to The Universe, to Creation, to LOVE, to Our Mother & Father of All Creation. Love Fearlessly, and Always Unconditionally…

Your Loving Brother,

Archangel Michael

The Venus Project

We are very excited to share some big updates this month! The Venus Project is now a part of our Non-Profit Organization called Resource Based Economy. We have just launched the website of this Non-Profit Organization and, for the first time, we are presenting the concept, goals and team behind the major construction project we are currently working on: the Center for Resource Management.

New Developments


Many may know that in 2016, we established a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization called Resource Based Economy, with the bylaws set up broadly enough for large-scale urban development (e.g. a first city). The NPO was first mentioned within the video produced when Jacque Fresco received the “United Nations Global Goals Award for Sustainable Cities and Communities” and when they wrote to announce the award to him, they acknowledged and praised the social design of a Resource Based Economy as well.


Now, The Venus Project has become a part of the NPO Resource Based Economy. The NPO has its own website which outlines the direction of a Global Resource Based Economy and presents the first practical steps we have already initiated towards demonstrating and gradually implementing this socio-economic system (more about this below). The Venus Project activities and website will continue as they have been, but under a broader context, with more opportunities for grants and funding for large-scale projects


We invite you to explore the website of the Resource Based Economy NPO. You will see that for the first time we present the concept, goals and team behind this major construction project we have undertaken: the Center for Resource Management. This facility will be the area of a mid-sized university campus and will act as a stepping stone towards the development of our proposed experimental cities. A major difference setting this project apart from other initiatives that tackle humanity’s grand challenges is the systems approach to imagining how society could operate.


The aim is for all permanent residents of the Center for Resource Management to have access to housing, food, water, clothing, energy, education, all at no cost. Resources will be much more intelligently managed – 3D printers, tools, bikes, vehicles, and so on will be collectively used and shared, while ensuring they are in good condition and always available without waiting lines. This systems approach can be replicated and scaled up to eventually allow all of humanity to choose to live in cities that implement this new social system.


We invite you to familiarize yourself with this exciting new project.