Monthly Archives: November 2023
This week…relax as much as you can and accept…
A personal note from Nikos: AA Michael has shared an important principle with me that I find to be extremely effective in all aspects of my life – to avoid confusion at all costs. I have applied this principle in my endeavors, and it has worked miracles!
Dear Ones,
Even though you wish to be with others or others want to be with you, the verbal messages you exchange might appear contrary to that. So you are confused, as are those close to you. You feel at cross-purposes, yet you wish to interact. It is a confusing time.
The holiday season is usually filled with expectations that can never be fulfilled or only partially fulfilled. Now that everyone, including you, is discombobulated by the energies and the seasonal demands, inconvenient and inexplicable fears are coming to the forefront in ways you and others did not expect.
Many expected this holiday season to be comfortable, pleasant, and less hectic. Despite that hope, you find it more rushed and perhaps more fearful than ever. You want to return to the 3D love you once shared with others – a love not necessarily based on your truth or that of others. But now you cannot pretend, hide, or try to reverse what is with a glib response or quick reply. Such hurts emotionally and sometimes physically. You feel isolated despite interactions with others.
This season’s interactions are not an indication that future holidays will be similar because of your new inner-voice thoughts and actions. Instead, you are sensing an inner honesty that does not necessarily relate to what you have experienced. What was once fun or loving seems arduous. And what was once painful feels more painful. There is no place to hide from your inner thoughts and feelings.
You are undergoing the significant transition step of discovering and declaring your needs despite the needs of others. You are not yet comfortable with this, and neither are those who expect you to be who you have been. So perhaps you speak up and feel guilty about doing so, or you do not voice your concerns and are angry at yourself for not doing so.
The next few days are about acknowledging and using your inner voice – which probably feels wrong even though you cannot deny the need to do so. It is a bit like the terrible twos of childhood with the added knowledge of what you should do and be. A challenging emotional place.
The next few days are practice runs – both for you and those with whom you interact. So there will be flare-ups, anger, embarrassment, and gnashing of teeth. Why will be the question for all. “Why did I say that?” “Why did she snap at me?” “What happened to my friendship?” “Why do I feel bad even though I told them what I needed?” and on and on. Questioning your voice and judgment, as are most at this time.
You are discovering yourself. But unlike two-year-olds, you are not allowing yourself blunders, nor are others allowing that of themselves or you.
People are on edge, waiting for something that is not necessarily definable. So it feels like a cloud hanging over every gathering or sparkle of joy. “What am I missing?” “Doesn’t he like me anymore?” And so it goes as you fall into the 3D trap of self-doubt and self-flagellation.
This will not necessarily be a pleasant week because you – like most people – will fear yourself and your interactions with others.
We of the Universes urge you to be yourself, whatever that means for you. You will understand when you access your inner world. Your inner world will inform you when what you said accidentally hurt someone, removed you from an ongoing caretaking role, or negated your need for victimhood. All of which are probable in the next few days.
You will then better understand what you need and where you need to be – as will others. For you are not the only person undergoing these inner trials and tribulations. It is a worldwide event of feeling wrong but needing to explore whatever was said or done in reaction to others.
It is as if everyone is exploring their terrible twos simultaneously.
Allow yourself the same freedom you do for two-year-olds because even though you cannot speak for others, they will also be confused with their words and interactions.
This is a practice session with few repercussions. Just as you ignore or laugh at most two-year-old antics, the next few days will be wiped clean for everyone.
Acknowledge your inner feelings and then say or do what feels suitable for you despite previous interactions because you and those you are relating to were different.
This is a new you inner honesty test week, which you will easily pass for you have all the attributes necessary to do so. So relax as much as you can and accept that this will be a harried and perhaps uncomfortable few days that will not be part of your future life. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the –subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:
Dear Ones,
Even though you wish to be with others or others want to be with you, the verbal messages you exchange might appear contrary to that. So you are confused, as are those close to you. You feel at cross-purposes, yet you wish to interact. It is a confusing time.
The holiday season is usually filled with expectations that can never be fulfilled or only partially fulfilled. Now that everyone, including you, is discombobulated by the energies and the seasonal demands, inconvenient and inexplicable fears are coming to the forefront in ways you and others did not expect.
Many expected this holiday season to be comfortable, pleasant, and less hectic. Despite that hope, you find it more rushed and perhaps more fearful than ever. You want to return to the 3D love you once shared with others – a love not necessarily based on your truth or that of others. But now you cannot pretend, hide, or try to reverse what is with a glib response or quick reply. Such hurts emotionally and sometimes physically. You feel isolated despite interactions with others.
This season’s interactions are not an indication that future holidays will be similar because of your new inner-voice thoughts and actions. Instead, you are sensing an inner honesty that does not necessarily relate to what you have experienced. What was once fun or loving seems arduous. And what was once painful feels more painful. There is no place to hide from your inner thoughts and feelings.
You are undergoing the significant transition step of discovering and declaring your needs despite the needs of others. You are not yet comfortable with this, and neither are those who expect you to be who you have been. So perhaps you speak up and feel guilty about doing so, or you do not voice your concerns and are angry at yourself for not doing so.
The next few days are about acknowledging and using your inner voice – which probably feels wrong even though you cannot deny the need to do so. It is a bit like the terrible twos of childhood with the added knowledge of what you should do and be. A challenging emotional place.
The next few days are practice runs – both for you and those with whom you interact. So there will be flare-ups, anger, embarrassment, and gnashing of teeth. Why will be the question for all. “Why did I say that?” “Why did she snap at me?” “What happened to my friendship?” “Why do I feel bad even though I told them what I needed?” and on and on. Questioning your voice and judgment, as are most at this time.
You are discovering yourself. But unlike two-year-olds, you are not allowing yourself blunders, nor are others allowing that of themselves or you.
People are on edge, waiting for something that is not necessarily definable. So it feels like a cloud hanging over every gathering or sparkle of joy. “What am I missing?” “Doesn’t he like me anymore?” And so it goes as you fall into the 3D trap of self-doubt and self-flagellation.
This will not necessarily be a pleasant week because you – like most people – will fear yourself and your interactions with others.
We of the Universes urge you to be yourself, whatever that means for you. You will understand when you access your inner world. Your inner world will inform you when what you said accidentally hurt someone, removed you from an ongoing caretaking role, or negated your need for victimhood. All of which are probable in the next few days.
You will then better understand what you need and where you need to be – as will others. For you are not the only person undergoing these inner trials and tribulations. It is a worldwide event of feeling wrong but needing to explore whatever was said or done in reaction to others.
It is as if everyone is exploring their terrible twos simultaneously.
Allow yourself the same freedom you do for two-year-olds because even though you cannot speak for others, they will also be confused with their words and interactions.
This is a practice session with few repercussions. Just as you ignore or laugh at most two-year-old antics, the next few days will be wiped clean for everyone.
Acknowledge your inner feelings and then say or do what feels suitable for you despite previous interactions because you and those you are relating to were different.
This is a new you inner honesty test week, which you will easily pass for you have all the attributes necessary to do so. So relax as much as you can and accept that this will be a harried and perhaps uncomfortable few days that will not be part of your future life. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the –subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:
Dear Ones,
Even though you wish to be with others or others want to be with you, the verbal messages you exchange might appear contrary to that. So you are confused, as are those close to you. You feel at cross-purposes, yet you wish to interact. It is a confusing time.
The holiday season is usually filled with expectations that can never be fulfilled or only partially fulfilled. Now that everyone, including you, is discombobulated by the energies and the seasonal demands, inconvenient and inexplicable fears are coming to the forefront in ways you and others did not expect.
Many expected this holiday season to be comfortable, pleasant, and less hectic. Despite that hope, you find it more rushed and perhaps more fearful than ever. You want to return to the 3D love you once shared with others – a love not necessarily based on your truth or that of others. But now you cannot pretend, hide, or try to reverse what is with a glib response or quick reply. Such hurts emotionally and sometimes physically. You feel isolated despite interactions with others.
This season’s interactions are not an indication that future holidays will be similar because of your new inner-voice thoughts and actions. Instead, you are sensing an inner honesty that does not necessarily relate to what you have experienced. What was once fun or loving seems arduous. And what was once painful feels more painful. There is no place to hide from your inner thoughts and feelings.
You are undergoing the significant transition step of discovering and declaring your needs despite the needs of others. You are not yet comfortable with this, and neither are those who expect you to be who you have been. So perhaps you speak up and feel guilty about doing so, or you do not voice your concerns and are angry at yourself for not doing so.
The next few days are about acknowledging and using your inner voice – which probably feels wrong even though you cannot deny the need to do so. It is a bit like the terrible twos of childhood with the added knowledge of what you should do and be. A challenging emotional place.
The next few days are practice runs – both for you and those with whom you interact. So there will be flare-ups, anger, embarrassment, and gnashing of teeth. Why will be the question for all. “Why did I say that?” “Why did she snap at me?” “What happened to my friendship?” “Why do I feel bad even though I told them what I needed?” and on and on. Questioning your voice and judgment, as are most at this time.
You are discovering yourself. But unlike two-year-olds, you are not allowing yourself blunders, nor are others allowing that of themselves or you.
People are on edge, waiting for something that is not necessarily definable. So it feels like a cloud hanging over every gathering or sparkle of joy. “What am I missing?” “Doesn’t he like me anymore?” And so it goes as you fall into the 3D trap of self-doubt and self-flagellation.
This will not necessarily be a pleasant week because you – like most people – will fear yourself and your interactions with others.
We of the Universes urge you to be yourself, whatever that means for you. You will understand when you access your inner world. Your inner world will inform you when what you said accidentally hurt someone, removed you from an ongoing caretaking role, or negated your need for victimhood. All of which are probable in the next few days.
You will then better understand what you need and where you need to be – as will others. For you are not the only person undergoing these inner trials and tribulations. It is a worldwide event of feeling wrong but needing to explore whatever was said or done in reaction to others.
It is as if everyone is exploring their terrible twos simultaneously.
Allow yourself the same freedom you do for two-year-olds because even though you cannot speak for others, they will also be confused with their words and interactions.
This is a practice session with few repercussions. Just as you ignore or laugh at most two-year-old antics, the next few days will be wiped clean for everyone.
Acknowledge your inner feelings and then say or do what feels suitable for you despite previous interactions because you and those you are relating to were different.
This is a new you inner honesty test week, which you will easily pass for you have all the attributes necessary to do so. So relax as much as you can and accept that this will be a harried and perhaps uncomfortable few days that will not be part of your future life. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the –subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:
432hz Full Moon Music to Manifest All You Want and All You Need
Messages from Ann & the Angels – 11/25/2023 • Appreciate your sweet self

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Take a moment. Put your hands on your heart and simply sit in appreciation for yourself. Each of you is a brave soul who chose to incarnate upon this Earth at an incredible time in the evolution of humanity. Before you came to Earth, you knew you would be in perhaps one of the most intense, beautiful, fast-paced, and challenging times your planet has seen. You are connected as never before by your devices and your internet. News that once took months to reach you now flashes in front of you within seconds. You barely have time to integrate one idea when the next is presented.
Before coming to Earth, you knew that the incredible buffet of life experiences would catalyze all sorts of desires to create. You knew you wanted to create more light, love, and joy in many different forms. Some of you were so excited about raising children who would easily know their worth after you worked to find your own. Some of you knew that you’d engage in relationships that would challenge you but would also catalyze you to forge ahead bravely, learn to love yourself, and step out of age-old roles that no longer served you. Some of you incarnated to preserve the most beautiful elements of those age-old roles. Some of you wanted to be humanitarians. Others wanted to nurture an animal. Some of you love to play with plants and coax forth their finest fruits. Others of you love reading, dreaming, or planting seeds in the energetic realms for others to find and grow.
Each of you has contributed love to this planet in your own unique way. No matter how much or how little you think you have accomplished in the 3D world, each of you has contributed to the vibration of love. Material objects come and go. Money comes and goes. Everything you do in this 3D world will come and go, but the energy of love you create here on this Earth lasts forever.
You may not think much of the love you leave behind daily, but we see you emitting it like a lighthouse all the time. Even when you feel down, you take a moment to snuggle under a blanket, appreciate its softness, and love goes out into the world. Even when you sit at home in the house you admire, puttering around, you are admiring your home, feeling cozy, and emitting love. When you are kind to someone, you are emitting love. And when you took the few seconds to appreciate yourself, you were emitting a mighty beacon of love.
So be gentle and kind to yourselves. Acknowledge yourselves often and criticize less. You deserve your own love, dear ones. You deserve your own appreciation. You deserve whatever it is your heart desires. The more often you can be kind to yourself, the more you let in the desires that are trying to reach you on a high vibrational frequency of love.
This holiday season, give thanks for the gift that you are upon this Earth. Unwrap the present that is you by sharing a smile, a kind thought, or a prayer. You are all lights on this Earth. As you look at the lights in your holiday decorations, imagine how we see you. You are all bright bulbs on the tree of life. You are all here with one purpose alone and do it without even thinking, far more often than you realize. You are here to love.
We give thanks for you, for you are Earth Angels bringing this love into your 3D world.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels
What Do You Need To Sparkle?

Dear Ones,
Nothing is affecting your peace and joy other than your fears that we of the Universes have not been telling you the truth. So much has happened in the past few days that all you can imagine is pain. It is as if you have only allowed yourself to paint with gray despite all the indicators you have a rainbow to work with.
Even though you have created a new world and introduced yourself to that world, your fear of failure, of repeating the pain you have lived with for eons, has overcome your belief in a glorious future of joy and peace.
Allow yourself to know that all is well in your world despite recent indicators to the contrary. You are not alone, and you are not failing. Instead, you are discovering pieces you accepted in the past but no longer have to, that you can and need to say “No” for your sanity and well-being, that you no longer need to accept at the expense of your being.
Perhaps that last piece was particularly evident the past few days as pieces of what used to be tried to attach themselves to you. Because you accepted those kinds of distractions, pain, and anger for eons, realigning yourself to your new being is often difficult. Such is so because a part of you feels you must care for those who seem to require your assistance. At the same time, doing so upsets or makes you angry. What are you to do?
The real question is, what do you want to do? There are no longer right actions or words. The social structure you adapted for eons is dissolving, so what was once right may no longer feel right.
This is a new world, and you are a new being. What makes you happy? What makes you sad or angry? Those are your new parameters.
What are you going to do about those new parameters? Are you going to follow the needs of others or of yourself? And if you continue to follow the needs of others, why did you shift the earth and yourself?
This is decision time. Are you brave enough to become who you have wanted to be for eons? Or will you find it easier – and less joyful to remain who you were? You cannot live in both worlds. Nor can you expect others to help you become you. This is your task, your need – not your partner, family, friends, or acquaintances.
You will only discover who you want to be by listening to your inner needs.
This is not the time to be a conformist. This is an earthquake of your inner emotions and needs. What do you need to sparkle? That is this week’s adventure.
You will sometimes be angry and discover there was no need. Sometimes, you will allow others to direct your intentions or needs and find that doing so makes you angry. There is no longer a correct way. No dictates apply to you or those close to you. This is a relationship communication free-for-all.
You are discovering who you are. And the same is true for anyone who has decided to transition beyond 3D.
Who are you? And who are they? That is what this week is about. Will you make errors in words or judgment? Of course. At the same time, you will be finding yourself.
You are a treasure map locating your center. Not the center of your country, relationship, family, or company – but your personal center.
Because you have hidden that center for so long, it may feel ‘hit and miss.’ You might make others angry or sad or surprise them with your words or actions. And they will do the same to and for you. It is all about self-discovery – not an easy process given how long you hid yourself from yourself while of the earth and other frequencies.
You have now discovered the starting point of your personal treasure map – a starting point filled with ‘Chutes and Ladders’ in ways you cannot yet envision. You expected your new world to appear easily, which would be the case if you were isolated. But just as you are undergoing these shifts and changes, so are others.
At times, you will blend easily with others. At other times, you will feel like you are trying to combine oil and water.
Do not become discouraged. This phase is like discarding layers of clothing on a sweltering day. You will be more comfortable with each layer of personal dishonesty you remove.
Will you lose friends and relatives? Maybe. But you will more likely create new honest relationships with yourself and others. An honesty that those around you will find more refreshing than you realize.
Life is new. You are new, as is everyone around you. This is what you have dreamed of for eons.
The difference is you did not quite understand how everyone changing simultaneously would work. Parts of your discoveries will be rewarding and loving, and others will be fearful until you find it safe to be you, as is true for those you continue to cherish. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the –subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:
432hz Inner Child Bliss Meditation Music
528hz Calm Music For Meditation, Relaxation, Sleep
Feel God Within. 432hz
Messages from Ann & the Angels – 11/18/2023 • Why bad things happen to good people
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
One of the questions we hear most often in heaven is, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” “Why do God and the angels not intervene and save people from the cruelty of others?” “Why does God not destroy those who wish to destroy others?”
These are questions worth asking because the answer will carry you beyond the world of your conditioning and into the energetic reality that governs how your universe operates.
You projected yourselves into your 3D reality because you wanted the adventure of creation. You were eager to immerse yourself in the vast diversity of life on earth. You knew that as you witnessed different things, behaviors, people, and situations, you would be inspired to create—through your focus and tuning—as never before. You knew you would call love from the intangible realms into this reality and, therefore, be part of the continuing creation of this reality. You were eager. You knew you’d have free will. Even if you chose parents who would catalyze great growth, you knew you had the free will to think what you wanted to think, focus on what you wanted to focus on, and, therefore, empower different realities.
In your 3D world, babies appear helpless. They are not yet mobile, verbal, or able to care for themselves. However, in the energetic reality, these brilliant souls are already emitting vibration, engendering reactions from life around them, and pointing their powerful love at what they wish to experience.
This begs the question, “Why are some babies born sick?” “Why are some born into unthinkable wars?” From the 3D perspective, this seems unjust, but the universe operates in a vibrational dance. Vibration does not punish and reward as you do in your human reality—vibration matches or not. A radio tuned to FM does not punish the AM signals by ignoring them. It simply cannot receive the differing signal due to its very nature. It can focus only on FM wavelengths.
So, too, there is a focus of energy in these souls coming to earth that will influence their family of origin, their circumstances, and, therefore, the experiences that transpire. The minute a soul incarnates in a physical body, they begin to emit vibration and attract what is a match. If they are born into a fearful family, it will take a great deal of focus from their soul not to fall into fear and experience fearful circumstances. They know this before they are born.
There are those among you who go to the gym to lift heavy weights. This is neither easy nor pleasant at times. However, these souls have a strong desire to become very, very strong, so the temporary pain is worth the gain to them. One could lift very gradually over a long period of time and become strong. One could visualize lifting in great detail and become strong. One could become a mother and become strong carrying their child! One could live their entire comfortably and never care about being physically strong. Each one of you would choose a different path—neither right nor wrong, simply different.
This analogy applies to souls coming to earth. Suppose you wish to create an unshakable focus on the security of God. In that case, you might choose a faithful family who acts as a role model. If you tend to worry and fret no matter what, you might face that tendency head-on by choosing a fearful family that would mirror that back and present a strong incentive for you to be different. If you wish to create more self-love, you might choose a family in which you see others love and care for themselves and follow those role models, or if you have a tendency to be hard on yourself, you might incarnate into a family that mirrors that until you, yourself, choose to remove your attention from the unloving and love yourself.
Sometimes, these souls are little angels who incarnate into families, knowing they will die with them, just to help guide the loved ones into the light. Sometimes, they go through the unthinkable to inspire compassion in the millions who will see their story on the news. Sometimes children come in with an illness as teachers weathering their challenges with amazing grace and inspiring all around them.
While immersed in 3D reality, it is difficult to understand that the eternal dance is more important to the soul than a possible, temporary experience of pain or challenge. Nonetheless, you are eternal souls. Some of you embraced challenges willingly as part of your pre-birth plans, and some of you embrace challenges that result from simply focusing too often on vibrations less than loving, that don’t feel good, to begin with.
This is why we teach, preach, and enjoin you to care about your feelings and choose thoughts that feel good. You experience more love, grace, and ease as you reach for the loving vibrations. Even if you came in determined to put yourself through challenges to incentivize the reach for love, you don’t have to continue on that path. You can reach for love now and shift out of those challenges.
The Divine gave you free will. Your angels must honor that. A parent could lock their child up in paradise to ensure a smooth and easy journey on earth, but the child would rebel. The child wants to experience life, make decisions, and expand. Likewise, the Divine could plant you in paradise, and for a while, you’d love it, but then you’d become bored. You’d want new experiences. You’d want choices and challenges. Would a child want a parent who gives them only a limited range of “safe choices?” Many of your parents tried! Did you appreciate it or seek your freedom to experience all of life?
Dear ones, life, within you and all beings and even universes, seeks expansion and growth. The Divine, your angels and soul who can truly love on earth, allows you the free will to make your own choices and experience your own outcomes. If you reach for help, we, your angels, can respond to all the loving vibrations in that request. To the degree you fear, you cannot hear. To the degree you hate, you make yourself wait for that love. To the degree you choose to look away from the pain and find the beauty in each moment, you open like a flower to eternal sunshine, love, assistance, and grace. It is always there.
So, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” You would have to examine each case individually for a specific answer, but the general answer is simple in all cases. Either they are open to the love flowing in each moment that can help them through even their chosen challenges, or they are not. Perfectly good people are hard on themselves and pinch off the flow of love, creating illness. Amazing earth angels feel they must martyr themselves instead of caring for themselves and often become silently bitter about it, thus pinching off love. Amazingly generous souls often ignore their warning signs and forge ahead with their giving even when it ceases to feel good.
We are not encouraging you to leave behind the love and goodness in your heart but rather to pay attention. When things feel good, in that moment, they are good. When they start to feel differently, make different choices. Good things happen to match good vibrations. Bad things happen when good vibrations have been sufficiently pinched off.
What you experience has nothing to do with your value or worth because you are already precious, already worthy, already encouraged by the Divine and your angels to choose a path that gives you joy.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels
How to Manifest Miracles in Your Reality ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very deliberate when we ask for assistance from the collectives that are in higher dimensions than ours. We no longer ask for what we want and need subconsciously, like you all do. But rather, we are very clear about the asking, and then we let go of the delivery method. In other words, we don’t care how it comes and from whom it comes. We don’t care about the way in which it comes, as long as the desire is fulfilled. When you ask for something that you want form higher-dimensional beings and collectives, notice if you are attached to the when, the how, the delivery system, and even from whom you will receive what you are asking for.
If any of that matters to you, then you are narrowing the pathway through which all that you desire can flow to you, and that’s not what you want to do. You want to be flexible, and you want to enjoy what you have and what is coming to you. You want to be grateful, and to look for all the ways in which you can enjoy your lives right now, rather than stressing out about when your package will arrive from the universe. Be open to all the energies that can flow to you in any given moment, and you will have more with which to co-create the reality that you desire.
Remember that manifestations don’t always come in physical form, but rather, sometimes they come in nonphysical form, or energetic form, and there might be some assembly required. That can be the most fun part of the manifestation, but again, if you are attached to how it comes and what it looks like, and when and where, you could miss out on receiving what you have requested and what you have been requesting for quite some time. We want you to be the creators and manifestors that you were always meant to be in this lifetime and as you move forward into the fifth dimension.
You will need these skills; you will need to know how to be offering that which the universe can respond to appropriately. Be loose about your desires. Be comfortable with the now moment you are living in, and be willing to ask for anything at all. Be willing to dream big, and expect all of the miracles to occur that you have ever wanted to see in your lives, and then you will start to feel closer to Source, the Source that is within you, the Source that is all around you, and the Source that you truly are. Source never doubts in Its ability to manifest and create, and you don’t need to either. You have all the power within you right now, and you’re just starting to understand how to use it. We will continue to show you and to explain to you how to become the manifestors you’ve always wanted to be.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
As You Focus So You Become by Arcturians with Natalie Glasson
This is your new you’s final exam.
Dear Ones,
Rest is mandatory because the next big energy push will arrive within hours or may have already reached you.
Perhaps you cannot understand what these new energies mean for your personal world or why so many energy bursts are happening so quickly.
Such is so because you are no longer moving step-by-step, nor are you taking one step back for two steps forward. The energy bursts of the past few weeks are all forward movements. But the intensity of those movements does not allow time to recuperate, as has been true throughout your transition journey.
Even though your calendar year means little in Universal time, this recent forward movement is increasing rapidly with fewer rest periods, like a train slowly picking up speed. It is easy to climb aboard a stopped train but nearly impossible when it is traveling at full speed. You are now at full speed, so your memories, activities, and days are becoming a blur of actions, thoughts, and shifting needs.
You must rest whenever you can to protect your physicality. Even though you have successfully claimed every transition piece until now, this is a different completion element. It is a culmination of all you have achieved while of the earth and in the Universes. This is your new you’s final exam. You have studied and crammed for eons to prepare for now.
You are exhausted but still craving this or that, which you will create in the next few weeks. You would not demand so much of yourself if it were not a critical action/reward for all you have given to the earth and the Universes.
But for now, you are putting out a fire, and another pops up – and you are exhausted. You worked through your 3D fear, but new pieces are arriving to further make you uncomfortable.
You feel you are fighting off challenges from all sides. Because you are.
This is your final exam- not in terms of 3D, but in your ability to live life as you dreamed of during your most uncomfortable times in this life and all other discomforts of the earth and the Universes. You have prepared for eons for this final exam.
The Universes are providing you with crib sheets, if you will. Instead of pushing yourself beyond your limits as you are wont to do and have done throughout the preparations for now, there is nothing more you can do other than flow with your life actions. A flow that includes rest when you are able.
Not sleeping, fretting, fearing, or whatever counterproductive action you now find yourself in will not generate your dreams or completions more rapidly. Returning to your 3D fear mode will only prolong the time before you can create your reward(s).
Allow yourself to flow, accept, and just be – and your fears and angst will dissipate. You have completed all the needed preparations. You can do nothing more than rest when required and create when you are rested. For creations do not happen in fear; they occur in joy. Allow joy to be your next step, no matter how discombobulated, tired, or fearful you now feel. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the –subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:
11:11 Planetary Axis Alignment with Patricia Cota-Robles
Messages from Ann & the Angels – 11/11/2023 • Delegating to the Divine Assistant
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Imagine you have a personal assistant available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Imagine that this person adores you and wants only the best for you. They coordinate your activities with the rest of the universe and are always aware of what you need to know, do, and say at exactly the perfect time. They are gentle, kind, loving, and persistent in their desire to serve. Imagine that they asked nothing in return from you other than that you ask for their help.
Ask yourself, “Would I be willing to accept this loving service? Would I take advantage of it to free my mind from worry, my time from wasted effort, and give my spirit breathing space? Or would I continue to do everything or most things myself?”
If you were willing to delegate all your worries and challenges to this assistant, knowing their incredible wisdom, competence, and connections, would you be able to release the challenges to their care and trust in their abilities, or would you micro-manage their activities to ensure they perform the tasks exactly as you would do them?
These questions are worth pondering because each of you already has this assistant, dear friends. The Creator of universes and your angels act in this manner. Whatever you are willing to release into our care will be handled with utmost love, sensitivity, and grace. Whatever you are willing to believe, you will receive.
So many of you worry so needlessly about your challenges instead of giving them to your Divine assistant. So many of you feel your conditions are impossible to resolve without handing them over to a love and wisdom who knows so much more than you. We are in no way calling you incompetent or unwise. As a human being in linear time, it is simply not possible for you to know all the billions of people on the planet, all the myriad possible paths to your desires, and how your dreams might synchronize harmoniously with the desires of others. By virtue of being in 3D space and linear time, you can’t even begin to imagine the countless paths to healing, abundance, love, and all that you seek.
Your Divine assistant can.
The only thing between you and all the help you desire is your willingness to ask and your faith in the outcome. Many times, you’ve heard it said, “What you believe you can receive.”
You are loved beyond anything you can comprehend. You are supported in ways you can’t even imagine. You are guided, and in every moment, the next step will be revealed. We’ll say it again. “The only thing between you and all the help you desire is your willingness to ask and your faith in the outcome.”
Your lives would be so much easier if you engaged in a practice of “delegating to the Divine” and trusting that what you need to know or do will always be revealed in perfect timing. While the man or woman of your dreams might not be delivered to your front door (although that can happen!), you might receive an impulse to buy the ice cream you’ve been craving at the perfect time to meet a beautiful soul in the grocery store! While we can’t always drop money into your bank account, we can inspire you to watch a video or talk to a friend who will give you ideas on how you might get that money. While we can’t solve all your interpersonal relationship challenges for you, Divine healing grace can soften your heart and the hearts of others and reveal steps to guide both parties to a kinder reality.
Your Divine assistant is nothing less than the Creator of Universes, the very same Love and Intelligence who gave you the free will to point your love in any direction and call it forth into your 3D world. Your Divine Assistant loves you and wants to inspire, guide, and facilitate your dreams. All you have to do is “delegate” your challenges to heaven, release them, and live your life as happily as possible now. Trust that what you desire will come in the perfect time and in the perfect way.
Many of you would say, “I have prayed, and nothing happened.” Many of you have prayed but have not truly “delegated” and released your problems and challenges. As you truly delegate and release your challenges, you naturally enjoy your life each day because you have faith that your outcomes will come. Without that faith, dear ones, you are like the boss who interrupts their workers’ ability to deliver by constantly demanding status reports and micro-managing all their activities. The Divine can handle your dreams. When you can avoid blocking it with fear, doubt, and worry, and instead, open to it with your faith, you will watch the magic happen.
You are loved beyond measure. Your Divine Assistant waits patiently for you to request help, believe in help, and enjoy your days while it works on what you have released to its care. When it is time for you to take action, you will be inspired to act. When it is time to speak up, the words will flow freely. When it is time to rest, you will feel like doing nothing else.
Delegate the things you don’t want to figure out yourselves, dear friends. There are no medals in heaven for proving your worth, your abilities, or your dedication to what you desire. However, there are rewards on earth for relaxing into a fine, fun, friendly flow in which you expect the help that is always waiting for you to ask, believe, and receive.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels
Patricia Cota-Robles
November 4, 2023
I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every man, woman and child on Earth. I AM One with my Father-Mother God. I AM One with the Solar Logos from Suns beyond Suns. I AM One with the Legions of Light throughout Infinity. I AM One with the Mighty Elohim, the Directors of the Elements and all of the Beings associated with the Elemental Kingdom including my Silent Watcher and my Body Elemental.
During this Cosmic Moment on Earth, I ACCEPT and KNOW that the Light of God is exponentially expanding within the Hearts and Minds of ALL Humanity with every Balanced and Elevated Holy Breath we take. Today, Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her are being prepared at both inner and outer levels to Ascend through the 11:11 Portal on November 11th.
The activity of Light being initiated by our Father-Mother God today is preparing ALL Life on this sweet Earth to be able to withstand the greatly intensified frequencies of God’s Light we will be blessed with during the Opening of the 11:11 Portal. This preparation will allow us to safely align with the 5th-Dimensional NEW EARTH’S SOLAR AXIS and also the Axis of the Suns beyond Suns in Earth’s lineage and the Cosmic Axis of our specific Galaxy. This alignment will occur on November 11th, 11:11, through the unified efforts of Awakening Humanity and the entire Company of Heaven.
Mother Earth’s recently adjusted position in the Universe is allowing Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth to receive higher Solar Light Codes through the Portals of the Suns in Earth’s lineage than we have previously been able to assimilate. This includes the Solar Light Codes flowing through the Portals of our Physical Sun – Helios and Vesta, our Central Sun – Alpha and Omega, our Great Central Sun – Elohae and Eloha and our Great, Great Central Sun – El and Ela.
Through every person’s I AM Presence these higher Solar Light Codes are recalibrating our spiritual brain centers which include our pineal, pituitary and hypothalamus glands and the ganglionic center at the base of our brains. This recalibration is Creating the sacred space for our I AM Presence to Heal any fragmented circuitry within our brains that is still preventing us from communicating intuitively with our I AM Presence, the Company of Heaven or our Father Mother God.
As this occurs, our mental body, our superconscious mind, our conscious mind, our subconscious mind and our physical brain structures are being empowered to receive a brand new level of Divine Consciousness which is the very essence of our Father-Mother God.
Now as we inhale and exhale our Balanced and Elevated Holy Breath deeply, we begin receiving higher and higher frequencies of our Life Force and Prana. Our Holy Breath is cleansing and purifying our Physical, Etheric, Mental and Emotional Bodies. As this purification occurs within our Earthly Bodies, it is simultaneously occurring within the Earthly Bodies of the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth.
The Holy Breath of God is now lifting each of us up in energy, vibration and Consciousness. Instantly, we become aware that we are Ascending into the Realms of Eternal Light and Illumined Truth. We pass through a multidimensional doorway into higher frequencies of God’s Infinite Light than we have ever experienced.
Here we are enveloped in cascading brilliant Light which is reflecting the pristine beauty and the exquisite colors, musical tones, fragrances and Divine Qualities associated with the Twelve 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Aspects of Deity. This resplendent Light is reverberating with the Music of the Spheres.
Every person’s I AM Presence now confirms that there is a Great Shaft of Light radiating through each of us. This is our 5th-Dimensional Solar Spine and our Twelve 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Chakras. In this higher frequency of God’s Infinite Light, our I AM Presence helps us to perceive that our 5th-Dimensional Solar Spine is the Finger of God Almighty pointing to Planet Earth from out of the Realms of Eternal Light saying, “Here I AM.”
This revelation confirms that our 5th-Dimensional Solar Spine is actually our personal AXIS which aligns with the Axis of Mother Earth, the Axis of the Suns beyond Suns in Earth’s lineage and the Axis of our Galaxy.
Along this Shaft of Solar Light, we see and feel our Twelve Solar Chakras now reflecting a higher frequency of Unity Consciousness than we have ever experienced. As we assimilate this Divine Light we begin to clearly comprehend that we are both a Planetary and a Solar Light Being. We are both Spirit and Matter unified on Earth in perfect Harmony. We serve on Earth through our Earthly Bodies, however through our I AM Presence we also live, move, Breathe and have our Being within the Unity Consciousness of our Father-Mother God, the Cosmic I AM, All That Is.
Now with every Balanced and Elevated Holy Breath we take, our I AM Presence is preparing us to receive the most powerful activation within our 5th-Dimensional Solar Spine Axis that Cosmic Law will allow. This activation involves the sacred geometric codes of 11 and 11:11 and 11:11:11. The Master Number Eleven reflects the TRANSFIGURATION FROM THE PHYSICAL INTO THE DIVINE. These codes have been pulsating at a dormant level within every person’s Twelve 5th-Dimensional Solar Strands of DNA.
With the opening of the 11:11 Portal of Light on November 11th, every person’s I AM Presence in unison with our Father-Mother God, will activate these geometric codes to their full Divine Potential. This activation will empower Humanity to collectively take a quantum leap up the Spiral of Evolution into higher frequencies of the 5th-Dimensional Solar New Earth. This activation will create the sacred space that will allow every person to amplify our alignment with the Axis of our Sisters and Brothers in the Family of Humanity, the Axis of Mother Earth, the Axis of the Suns beyond Suns in Earth’s lineage and the corresponding Cosmic Axis of our Galaxy.
Now, our I AM Presence is taking full dominion of our Creative Faculties of Thought and Feeling. With every Breath we take we now experience an upward shift in our Hearts and Conscious Minds. We are becoming radiant Suns of God’s multidimensional and multifaceted Solar Light.
This Light is accelerating the Divine Alchemy within Humanity’s Crystalline Solar Light Bodies. This Divine Alchemy involves the Transfiguration from our carbon-based Planetary Bodies into our 5th-Dimensional Crystalline-based Solar Light Bodies. This activation is igniting the Immaculate Concept of our Earthly Bodies which is the Divine Blueprint pulsating within every cell of our Physical, Etheric, Mental and Emotional Bodies. This is lifting Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth into higher frequencies of God’s Infinite Perfection than we have ever known.
Now, like the Sea reflecting the Sun, we will keep our Conscious Minds open to the opportunity being provided to Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her during the 11:11 Activation. Now, seeing and knowing that plan we Consecrate our Life Force to manifesting it.
As we assimilate this Sacred Knowledge and begin to fully comprehend with wonder and awe what this 11:11 Activation will accomplish, we feel great Ecstasy in our Hearts and deep Serenity our Minds.
We now permanently seal this Activity of Light in the full embrace of our Father-Mother God’s Comprehensive Divine Love. As we do, we Consecrate our Balanced and Elevated Holy Breath and our Life Force to be the Open Door for this unfathomable Divine Intervention on behalf of every particle and wave of Life evolving on this sweet Earth. And so it is. Beloved I AM That I AM.
God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles
Era of Peace
PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446, Phone: 520-885-7909
This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included.
How to allow more of all you desire to show up in your physical reality.
This is a healing, taking care-of-yourself week.
Dear Ones,
Pieces of your 3D life likely surfaced last week with unpleasant reminders of who you used to be and why. It is time to heal from that emotional battering.
Perhaps you felt as if you could not go on. Even if those around you did not feel the same, they could not provide the caretaking you needed. So you felt lonely and alone.
You wanted to end your 3D reminders, but others kept pulling you deeper into your emotional pain. Emotions that may have contributed to physical pain. It was as if someone attacked you from the inside out.
You could not describe to anyone how deeply pained you were or why.
Part or all of your pain was likely about caretaking beyond what you felt comfortable doing – even when you were of 3D. It was too much for too long.
This is a healing, taking care-of-yourself week.
If the past few days were not that difficult, you may be somewhat confused about this week’s discussion. Maybe you cleared this piece earlier, or your inner being decided to do so at some future time.
For those who experienced last week’s pain, please know that you eradicated a deeply hidden fear.
It is now time to heal. To take care of yourself.
Those who were part of your difficult clearing will likely not participate in your healing. They will not understand your needs because they have needs of their own. And they are probably not in the same place as you emotionally, or they would have noted your emotional exhaustion before now.
In a sense, those closest to you, including those now transitioning, are oblivious to your needs. This is why you are learning to care for yourself.
While it is true that you will have the love and strength to be one with others because of your newly discovered self-love, this emotional discussion is about you finally realizing that you cannot care take others unless you place yourself first.
Similar ideas were relayed previously, but until this past week, you did not realize how deeply ingrained caretaking of others – most often loved ones – was. Last week was your wake-up call.
Do you dare say “no” despite the ongoing needs of your loved ones? This is a question you have pondered for some time. Not because you wanted those loved ones to leave your circle but because you needed them to care for themselves. And every time you indicated self-care to them, another piece arrived that forced you (in your mind) to take care of them. They expected you to. In truth, they helped create scenarios to awaken that fear deep within you.
In the next few days, you will heal from the inside out. And then you will proclaim your independence from caring for them to the degree you felt you had to despite your personal needs. Once you have separated from their caretaking needs, they will either find ways of taking care of themselves, or they will discover they are no longer comfortable with you because you are not who they thought you were – the consummate caretaker.
This caretaking clearing has been extremely difficult for those of you who moved through it in the past few days. So allow yourself to rest, knowing that those you have been caretaking in thought, word, or deed will likely not understand your pain or anger. This is your piece, not theirs. They would be completely comfortable with you continuing to care for them for as long as possible.
Such is not to blame you or the being you were caretaking, but instead to allow you to know that you no longer need to perform in that capacity. Of course, you are worried that you will do physical, emotional, or spiritual damage to that being if you discontinue your caretaking. At the same time, thinking of ongoing duties and responsibilities related to that caretaking without taking care of yourself seems impossible. You no longer have the need nor the capabilities to do so.
Of course, your caretaking responsibilities will continue to hound you for a while until you allow yourself to completely break free. And so you will because the past few days have been so emotionally and physically trying that you might break if you continue. You have nothing left for yourself, much less anyone else.
It is time for you to regenerate, so allow yourself the freedom to do so. The being or beings you have been caretaking will either become more independent or will find someone to care for them as you once did. It is their choice. You cannot continue. You are emotionally, physically, and even spiritually drained. It is time to replenish yourself. The object of your caretaking has choices, just as is true for you. What will they do?
Perhaps the two of you will come to a new understanding of what you both need. Or, they will move on, as will you. Or, nothing will change, and you will find yourself more and more exhausted as you notice that their needs never change.
It is time to close that hidden chapter in your being. It is up to the individual or individuals you are caretaking to find their way through their needs; you cannot do it any longer.
It is time for you to fly into joy – something you cannot do while maintaining the pain you now feel. Rest and regenerate before proclaiming what you will do. Use this rest time to determine what you need and why. Which is the complete opposite of what you have done for earth lifetime after lifetime.
You have given all you have to give in 3D, both for humanity and the earth. It is no longer your role to continue to give to others. This is your time to heal and regenerate from an extremely difficult 3D closure, most likely of a caretaking nature. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the –subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:
Message from Ann & the Angels – November 4, 2023 • Nothing is impossible…You want to surrender to love more than anything else on earth. The health, the money, the self-expression, the relationships, and the possessions you want are all wanted because you feel you will experience love when you have them

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
You have all heard the phrase, “Nothing is impossible with God.” This is absolutely true but often misunderstood. “Nothing is impossible with God” translates into, “Nothing is impossible when you are surrendered to the vibration of love.” God is pure love, dear friends, and surrendering to the vibration of love is the key to receiving miracles and solutions you seek.
You want to surrender to love more than anything else on earth. The health, the money, the self-expression, the relationships, and the possessions you want are all wanted because you feel you will experience love when you have them. You will feel better in your new, safe car. You will feel more loved in the house that pleases you. You will feel more worthy of love and, therefore, more open to it when your spouse, child, or new partner shines their light upon you. You will feel more able to love when you feel good in your body.
You come to earth to play with creating love and experiencing love in many forms, which is beautiful. However, you can experience love here, now, and at any given moment. At any point in your life, in any breath, you can open to the eternal, unceasing presence of love that lies within all creation. As you do so, you open to the miraculous. You open to all that is beautiful. You open to the grace, guidance, and goodness that abound.
Even when you’re in pain, you can take a moment to turn your face to the sun, to feel its warmth, and to marvel at the miracle of feeling the love of a star so far from your planet. In the midst of financial ruin, you can stop and listen to the birds singing with appreciation for life and remember the eternal cycles that will bring you back up again. After experiencing the loss of a loved one, you can shut your eyes, feel your love and appreciation for them for a minute without the longing and loss, and in that moment, open to experience their great love for you.
These “magic moments” of opening to love’s presence cannot be underestimated. Each one is a doorway to the Divine. Each one is you turning on the faucet to receive the healing waters of love. Each one is you tuning out of the chaos and becoming quiet enough to perceive peace. Dear ones, your connection to the Divine — to Love itself — is not something that can ever disappear, nor is it something you are likely to feel all the time. It is, however, something you can practice opening to again and again until it is easy to open to love. The more often you surrender to love in this fashion, the more momentum you will gain as you allow it to flow into your heart, body, mind, and life. In time, if you practice this often, you will see your miracles and manifestations begin to take shape.
The quickest path to healing any situation is to distract yourself from the pain, fear, doub, and frustration as best you can and find things to feel genuinely good about. You can sleep as often as possible. You can watch movies or read books that take your mind off the pain. You can sit and breathe with spirit and trust that we will guide you to the proper help and healers without you agonizing over figuring this out yourselves. Dear ones, you can even surrender to love by going into your imagination and feeling all that is beautiful in the realms of fantasy — thereby creating blueprints for your future 3D reality.
You are capable of so much more than you believe. As you open to love, you open to the Creator of universes, who will always aim this loving energy towards all your heart desires.
We cannot emphasize this often enough:
You are worthy because you exist.
You are worthy because you exist.
You are worthy because you exist.
You do not earn this love. It is given freely. You do not have to prove your value. The Creator already knows. You do not have to be a “good person” to merit love. No healthy parent on earth stops loving their child even if their actions are not likable. The Creator loves dear ones because the Creator is Love. The sun cannot stop shining. It is its nature to shine. The Creator cannot stop loving. It is Divine nature to love. You do not have to earn the sunshine. You do not have to earn Divine love.
We repeat this because you have learned in so many ways that you must earn love. For many humans, this is true. Often, you are “rewarded” with love when you please others and punished with its withdrawal when you do not. Dear ones, this type of love is conditional.
Divine love is not conditional. Divine love is constant.
Breathe this in. “I am worthy because I exist. I do not have to earn love. I am always loved. It is only my job to let it in.”
You do not earn your water in the faucet. You do not prove to the sink you are worthy of its flow. So much more so, dear ones, the love of the Divine is ever present, waiting for you to open to its flow. In love and appreciation, the faucet is on. In doubt, fear, and anger, the faucet is closed. You decide. In just a moment of appreciating the cool flow of the water over your hands, you open the “faucet” to Divine love as well.
Rather than stressing and striving for solutions, reach for an open “faucet” by opening your heart to the good in the moment. Open to the smallest satisfying detail in the space around you. Open to the tiniest bit of inspiration. Take a tiny bite of a food you like and experience the exquisite miracle of taste and texture. Put on a soothing song and let its frequencies wrap you in a loving embrace.
Dear ones, nothing is impossible with God. Nothing is impossible when you exist in a vibration of love. Give your problems to the Creator and be open to love in every way possible. In so doing, you are open to the healing, nurturing, life-giving, solution-producing flow of existence. It is there for you always, no matter how impossible the answer to your prayers might seem.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels
4 Simple Steps to Living a Life of Joy ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are quite interested in picking up on the different energies that you all emit as you move through your days there on Earth. We like to see what we can detect coming from each of you and notice how you are vibrating when you are doing certain things or thinking about certain events. We notice that the energies you give off are the most pristine and high frequency when you are in meditation, and second to that are the times when you are doing something that you enjoy. The third highest output of energies, in terms of their frequency, is when you are relaxing, doing nothing at all, but also not focusing on the problems that you face, the past or the future.
When you are present you are offering a higher frequency, and when you’re meditating, doing something you love, or relaxing and not thinking about anything at all, you are in the present moment. That’s why these activities are so important to you in terms of your spiritual evolution. Your work that you do and the chores that you do around your home can also be moments when you are offering a high frequency and emitting higher-vibrational energies, but you have to be present with what you are doing in order for that to be the case. And so, you can make that a goal of yours.
Make it a goal to spend more time in meditation, pursuing the things that bring you joy, and you can also intend to spend more time doing nothing, relaxing. Those should be easy promises to keep to yourselves, but being present in the moment and mindful in what you are doing takes more practice. First of all, you have built up resistance to a lot of the things that you have to do, and if you can change that simply by stating to yourself that you choose to do it in the moment, that would be a giant first step in being able to be mindful of what you are doing and present in the moment that you are doing it.
Also, anything that has become monotonous or tedious can become more interesting and exciting if you pretend that you are doing it for the first time. You can get curious about it even though it is not inherently fascinating. For example, when you are washing your dishes, you can enjoy getting the temperature of the water just right and feeling the soothing qualities of it as it runs over your hands and fingers. You can enjoy the way that your toothbrush tickles your gums as you brush your teeth.
You can practice being more present and being more mindful in anything that you do, and you can make anything that you do something that you find ultimately enjoyable if you bring that energy to it. If you ask yourself, ‘What energy do I want to emit while I am doing this?’ before you do anything, then you have a much better chance of staying in that vibration and of feeling less resistance and less resentment, and you also have the opportunity to actually enjoy what you are doing.
And when you are offering a higher vibration, everything does tend to take care of itself. So all of the things that you think you have worry about and think about and go over and over in your head in order to sort out can be taken care of for you when you are emitting those higher-frequency energies. That will make your life easier and more enjoyable and give you less to think and worry about, and wouldn’t that be nice? Wouldn’t it be nice to just decide you’re going to enjoy your life right now in every moment that you possibly can moving forward? We think so, and that’s why we have given you this transmission.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Attack on Israel: Illuminati, Netanyahu, retaliation, response; universal councils; awakened populace; power of intention; hope; intelligence, belief
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. The Illuminati cause death and devastation wherever it fits their agenda. This time it is Israel and the objective is to destroy Palestine and secure Jerusalem as the Illuminati headquarters in the Middle East. This isn’t an isolated event in their minds, it is another step toward world domination.
Benjamin Netanyahu, who was in the Illuminati ranks before becoming Israel’s prime minister in 1996, was one of the masterminds of the unconscionable attack. He never intended to serve the best interests of Israelis or Jews living anywhere in your world. Always his aims and actions have been aligned with Illuminati agendas, chronological events which they plan decades prior to initiation, and they formed Hamas and all other terrorist groups to assist them.
Aided by a strong campaign against antisemitism and the premise that Israel needs a powerful military force to ensure its survival, the country has had dependable emotional, military and financial backing ever since its inception, in 1947. However, withdrawing the formidable defense at the border with Gaza just prior to the assault was so suspicious that Netanyahu is not getting the widespread support he expected.
The Biden administration and a few other Illuminati-operated governments are raising the battle cry with him, but other influential voices are condemning the killing of Palestinian civilians, cutting off access to their life necessities, and reducing their homes to rubble as justification for atrocities, destruction and hostage-taking by Hamas.
Every person who is affected by this tragedy—or any of the many other heart-wrenching Illuminati-caused traumas our Earth family are enduring—is a child of God, and He feels every sensation that every soul does. We sorrow at what some of our Earth family are doing to others. The profoundness of God’s agony and unending tears is unimaginable.
Dear ones, please do not take sides in this sad situation, but rather send love-light to all in your world—a tsunami of that energy’s high vibrations is the means whereby violence will be ended. Retaliation won’t bring peace to the region or heal shattered lives. These neighboring citizenries want to live peacefully and cooperatively with safety for their families. They aren’t enemies, they did not take up arms against each other.
The fighting forces that shed blood in both countries are puppets of the darkness, beings devoid of light. They are this generation’s perpetrators of the diabolical ideology and activities that have been part and parcel of life in your world for millennia.
We are not judging them. We are saying the peoples need to know the Illuminati, Deep State, One World Order, Shadow Government, the cabal is real—it is not mainstream media’s “conspiracy theory.” They are desperate and tenacious, and because they need the low vibrations of fear and suffering to survive, during this last stage of the battle between the light forces and the dark, they will cause chaos and devastation. Maybe technologically cause destructive “natural” disasters, produce a holographic invasion of monstrous aliens, or send mind-controlled individuals on mass killing sprees.
Some of you think space family members will bring the Illuminati to justice. Extraterrestrials have assisted Earth in a multitude of ways throughout her history, so that thought is understandable. But it is not part of the divine master plan, which does permit members to step in and manage situations beyond the capabilities of Earth’s civilization.
For instance, they established a powerful light grid that prevents low vibratory civilizations from entering your solar system. Powerful distant civilizations beamed the massive light that saved the life of the planet and ET special forces have prevented the detonation of nuclear warheads on missiles. Crews in mammoth spacecraft near the edge of your solar system banished malevolent fabricated forms with intelligence and they dismantled technology intended to capture minds on Earth by interacting with 5G installations.
Universal councils that set standards for civilizations’ interactions would not sanction killing 90 percent of Earth’s population, an Illuminati goal of longstanding. They cannot have a third world war—they started WWI and II and made vast fortunes by selling war machinery to both sides in both wars—and they cannot fabricate and release more lethal viruses. The councils hold that the reign of darkness on the planet is over for once and for all, and the wealth of assistance does not include action that is within Earth residents’ capabilities. Taking legal action to prosecute proven evildoers is the peoples’ responsibility.
Awakened and awakening souls want to know what is true and what isn’t, and it is important that they know where to access factual information. If the opportunity arises—or better, fashion an opportunity—refer soul-searchers to Internet sites and books you know offer what they need and are seeking. This is part of the mentoring aspect of your mission, dear ones!
We have explained the directing of energy streamers via thoughts and intentions, and we need to give more emphasis to the power of intention, which emits vibrations separately from those produced by the action itself. A benevolent intention with a positive outcome produces vibrations at the top of the frequency spectrum and a disastrous outcome, which is the intention of the action taken, produces vibrations at the low end.
When an intention is benevolent but action goes awry, the high vibrations of the intention overcome the low ones of the action’s result. A simple example is, you take a beautiful bouquet to a sick neighbor to lift her spirits. You didn’t know she has allergies to the flowers’ pollen—now those are adding to her misery. The high vibes of your good intention overcome the low ones from the unfortunate effects of your thoughtful gesture.
The intention of the Illuminati’s counterattack in Gaza is to cause massive death, injury, fear and extreme hardships for survivors, and Israeli defense forces have been ordered to cripple Palestine to irremediable status. The rock-bottom vibrations of that combination added to the vibrations of everyone who is suffering hang like ominous storm clouds on Earth’s horizon.
Dear family, the intensity of your light will help dispel those vibrations and end this dark night of the soul for Gaia. The same help is coming from the empathy, courage, compassion, sharing, kindness, hope, honesty, forgiveness—love’s glorious ingredients that are soaring throughout the world.
We want to stress the importance of hope. A strong sense of hope—not a feeble feeling that borders on doubt, but gut-level-strength hopefulness—is the motivator to try, try and try again until efforts are rewarded. Hope keeps the potential of success alive while perseverance is manifesting it.
“If the Oneness of All is soul-level knowledge, how can it be that lightworkers know that but other people don’t?” Universally, most people do know that. At this stage of Earth civilization’s evolution there still is little conscious awareness of information that is commonly known elsewhere. They are seeing third density situations more clearly by the day, but the connection to soul-level knowledge is just starting.
The stultifying of many souls’ intelligence capacity came when puppets of the dark forces put into dormancy 10 of the 12 DNA strands of weak, inexperienced civilizations. The intention was to make those people easy to control by inculcating in their minds the belief that they are inferior and need the care and guidance of “authorities.” Those beliefs followed the affected souls in cellular memory from one incarnation to the next.
Much later the self-serving, devious rulers of church and state devised “God’s laws” and other dogma. They told the peoples they are sinners and depending on how obedient they were, when they die they will go to either heaven or hell for eternity.
What one believes is his reality regardless of how far from the universal truth that belief is. Believing dire-sounding religious teachings created fear, resentment, anger, deception, guilt, stress, suspicions, vengefulness, obsequiousness, envy, jealousy, obsessiveness, self-righteousness and a sense of pure doom. Often those feelings led to dreadful behavior and perpetuated the darkness.
During those long, long ages before Terra was called Earth, the planet became known as an exceptional schoolhouse where souls could learn to properly deal with emotions and evolve from third density to fourth spiritually and consciously.
The planet became a karmic merry-go-round because most who flocked there came from civilizations with dormant DNA. That formed a veil between the people’s consciousness and their soul-level knowledge, and many needed multiple lifetimes to master their chosen lessons. Most of Earth’s residents after Atlantis and Lemuria were lost have come from those weakened civilizations.
That is why you volunteered to go there, dear ones! You knew then that you have successfully helped other third density civilizations waken. You knew you are powerful multidimensional, immortal souls who have lived in various civilizations on Earth and many other planets. You knew you have had lifetimes in every role, relationship and life style on the planet today and you are inseparably connected energetically with all life forms in every world throughout this universe.
You still know all of that and much, much more that you don’t remember because you’re in a 3D body in a world just now emerging from the miasma of 3D mentality. But occasionally you revisit evolved lifetimes in flashes of cellular memory or you tap into your soul’s infinite storehouse of cosmic knowledge, and always you resonate with the high vibrations of a new kindred spirit.
And, beloved brothers and sisters, do you not now and then experience sweet sensations of gratitude and humility for being chosen to experience a noteworthy, fulfilling lifetime during the most dramatic, dynamic era on Earth?
All light beings in this universe honor you and support you with unconditional love.
Suzanne Ward